The Blue Family
Submitted by Darrell Blue
This picture was taken in rural Texas Township about 1908 or 1909. From Left to right, those in the picture are: John Thomas Blue, Alice Blue, Harold R. Blue, Mary Blue, Jennie Phoebe Blue, Louise Blue, Carl D. Blue, Mabel Blue, William O. Blue, Verna Blue, Edmund Blue, and Job Welton Blue. Jennie Blue was the Mother of Edmund, Carl, William O. and Alice Blue. John Thomas and Job were brothers of her husband, Uriah Blue.
The smallest child (standing) is Louise Blue, and her brother Harold is standing to the left of his grandmother. They are the children of Carl and Mabel Blue. The child seated on her grandmother's lap is Mary Blue, the daughter of Edmund and Verna who are standing at the right behind the two men in the rocking chairs. The date of the picture is based on the age of Mary Blue, who was born in March of 1908. She appears to be about a year old in the picture.