Obituaries - DeWitt County, Illinois
Browse Obituaries
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U-V | W | X-Z
Browse Obituaries by Individual Name
- Surnames A - C
- Surnames D - F
- Surnames G - I
- Surnames J - L
- Surnames M - N
- Surnames O - R
- Surnames S - T
- Surnames U - Z
Submitting Obituaries
If you have an obituary to submit for publication, please keep in mind that due to copyright laws, published materials appearing after 1923 cannot be used unless:
- You were the original author of the obituary, or
- The newspaper in question grants permission to reprint the obituary, or
- The obituary is that of a family member (you must give the relation), or
- You submit an abstract of the obituary. Pertinent information to include would be:
- Date of obituary, name of newspaper, location, decedent's name, date of birth/death, parents, spouse, survivors, funeral and burial date/place, and your name and e-mail address.
If you have an obituary to submit for posting, please e-mail the County Coordinator.