The Blue Family Reunion
This Blue family reunion was held at Miller Park in Bloomington, Illinois. The date is unknown, but it was probably between 1905 and 1910. The two women in the center of the first row of seated folks are L-R Della Viola Blue and her sister Arabella Blue. Directly behind and between them is their father, David Blue. To his left is Jennie (Eckert) Blue, his sister-in-law. To David's right is John Thomas Blue, his brother, and to John's right is Laura Blue, another daughter of David's.
A woman dressed in white is directly behind David, and to her left is David's wife, Tryphenia (Cornwell) Blue. In the second row from the back, second from the right, is Clara Alice Blue. She is David's niece and my grandfather's sister.
Submitted by Darrell Blue

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If you can identify any of these people, be sure and let us know.