Engagement, Wedding, and Anniversary Announcements


Friday, June 17, 1892 
Decatur Daily Review
Decatur, Illinois

INVITATIONS OUT.— Invitations are out announcing the marriage of Miss M. Angeline CANTRELL of Clinton to J. P. LICHTENBARGER [sic] on Wednesday, June 29, at 12 o'clock noon. A reception will be tendered the bride and groom at the groom's parents on Thursday evening, June 30, in Long Creek township.

Note: From the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index:

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

August 4, 1892 
Decatur Daily Review
Decatur, Illinois

MARRIED.— F. G. HUMPHREY of Clinton and Miss Pearl DAVENPORT of Niantic were married at Judge Foy's office Saturday morning. Christian county's chief dispenser of justice tied the knot with dignity, neatness, and dispatch.

Note: From the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index:

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd


January 13, 1893 
Clinton Public
Clinton, Illinois

Seymour TROWBRIDGE and Miss Carrie PARKER were recently married at the home of Albert Barr, which is over in Logan County, about forty rods from the Barnett township line. The marriage license was obtained in this county, and the mistake of location was not discovered till after the happy young pair were united. This was a serious matter, but there was no legal marriage and it would not do to risk it. It was finally decided that the wedding party come over into this county, and at Joe Maddox's house the ceremony was again performed.

January 20, 1893 
Clinton Public
Clinton, Illinois


This week has been fruitful of many marriages in this county, and from among the number we gather a few specimens:

Mr. John FULLER, State Attorney for DeWitt County, and Miss Hattie FIELD were united in marriage last Monday evening, by Rev. W. A. Hunter.

On Wednesday evening Rev. S. H. Whitlock performed a like service for J. A. PHARES, Jr., and Miss Myrtle BALL. The wedding was at the bride's home, and was attended by fifty or more guests. Young Phares is a fireman on the Diamnond Special, and they will make their home in Vandalia.

C. F. WAKEFIELD went to Bloomington and married Miss Ada OLIVER, of Heyworth.

At Fort Wayne, Indiana, Mr. Bert BROOKS and Miss Elva LESTER were united in marriage. Bert is a fireman on the Fort Wayne road.

Cards of invitation were issued this week for the marriage of Miss Minnie Warren ROGERS, daughter of Circuit Clerk Rogers, to Mr. Arthur W. PRIMM.


January 19, 1894 
Clinton Public
Clinton, Illinois


At the residence of Mr. Frank J. Fackrell in this city, on Wednesday evening, Rev. F. M. Hayes united in marriage Miss Fanny FACKRELL and Mr. Howard C. POLHEMUS, a young farmer who lives near Normal. A number of the relatives of the groom were present from McLean County, and only the intimate and personal friends of Mr. and Mrs. Fackrell, and a few of the bride's young friends were invited. The parlors were decorated with evergreen and flowers, and a beautiful wreath adorned the wall over the heads of the bride and groom when the ceremony was being performed. Comrade Hayes gave quite an effect to his rendering of the beautiful ceremony and introduced the old English custom of the wedding ring being placed on the finger of the bride. Our good comrade is evidently an expert in making two souls happy, for he performs the ceremony with neatness and dispatch. After the congratulations the guests were bidden to the marriage feast, which was an elegant spread. The gifts to the bride were many and useful as well as valuable. The bridal party and the friends from McLean County returned to their homes by the ten o'clock train. The many Clinton friends of the young bride wish for her and the man of her choice long life and prosperity. Mr. Polhemus is a bright looking young man, and is quite a success in his profession of farming.

March 16, 1894 
Clinton Public
Clinton, Illinois


It was arranged by an all-wise Providence that man alone did not amount to a great deal in this busy, every day world of ours, and woman, too, for that matter, so that the earlier in life the young people fasten this fact on their minds and each one hunt their mate, the happier will their lives be and the greater enjoyment will they get out of the threescore and ten years which are allotted to us. Marriage has been said to be at once the happiest and the saddest time in a girl's life. All the world has a kindly feeling for the young folks when they clasp hands and start off on their long journey together, and if good wishes could make it so, their paths would lie through flowering ways, made merry with the joyous songs of birds and bright with sunshine. Here we are in the opening month of spring congratulating the young men and maidens of Clinton, and bidding them long life and happiness in their new relation to each other.

At the home of Mr. A. D. McHenry, on last evening, in the presence of the immediate relatives of the contracting parties, Miss Winifred, third daughter of Mr. Mc HENRY, and Samuel L. THORPE, M.D., were united in the hold bonds of matrimony, Rev. W. J. Tull officiating. both are natives of Clinton and to the manor born. The wedding was a quiet affair, but it was none the less enjoyable to those who are immediately interested in the happiness and prosperity of the young lovers. Dr. Thorpe is a son of Mr. S. M. Thorpe. He began the study of medicine with his brother-in-law, Dr. J. C. Myers, and then took a full course in the Chicago Medical College, from which he graduated with honor to himself and to his alma mater. Dr. Thorpe opened an office in Kenney and has made a fair start for a young practitioner. THE PUBLIC unites with the friends of the young people in wishing them a long and happy life.

June 1, 1894 
Clinton Public
Clinton, Illinois


It was the night before Decoration Day that Mr. Cary F. CRUM, the handsome young clerk in Miller's dry goods store, and Miss Maud, youngest daughter of Sergeant W. O. ROGERS, circuit clerk, faced the Rev. L. B. Pickerill and took the oath of allegiance that bound each to the other in the holy bonds of matrimony. It was a quiet wedding, without, without fuss and feathers. The young couple took a practical idea of life, and instead of hurrying off on a midnight train to some strange city they quietly remained at home to enjoy the society of loving friends. The grizzly old cavalry sergeant gave his daughter the choice of an expensive wedding or the cost in cash. Maud wisely took the cash. Cary's father presented the young couple with a new residence on West Main street, that is worth $2,500, as a marriage portion, and the old sergeant will do his part toward furnishing the home. May sunshine and flowers keep bright the path through life of Mr. and Mrs. Cary Crum.

June 15, 1894 
Clinton Public
Clinton, Illinois


Last Tuesday evening, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. BRADFIELD, occurred the marriage of their daughter, Allie M., to Mr. George H. GRAY. It was an ideal night for a June wedding, the air being filled with the perfume of roses and the notes of the birds, as they poured forth their joyous songs around the happy home. The interior of the house was beautifully decorated with flowers and vines, and a company of forty friends invited to witness the uniting of these two happy hearts. The bride and groom are well known in the city, Miss Allie having been a teacher in the public schools for the past few years and is a charming Christian lady, loved by a large circle of friends. Mr. Gray is a clerk in Crang Bros. meat market and is highly esteemed by all who know him. They are both active workers in the Methodist Church, and it seemed but a natural result that their friendship should have blossomed into love and they should join hands to tread the pathway of life together. At eight o'clock the ceremony was performed by Rev. W. J. Tull. Mr. Tom Brown assisted the groom and Miss Fitch made a charming bride's maid. After an elegant supper, the guests remained late in the evening, making merry with vocal and instrumental music, and the hours passed too quickly away. The bride was attired in a white corded silk dress with Marchel Niel roses and the groom the conventional black. The bride's maid wore cream albatros. Mr. and Mrs. Gray received many useful and valuable presents as tokens of friendship, and will begin housekeeping in a handsome little cottage on West Adams street. THE PUBLIC joins with the friends in wishing the young couple many years of prosperity and happiness.

June 15, 1894 
Clinton Public
Clinton, Illinois

Dr. LUDDINGTON of Weldon, is getting in the sere and yellow leaf of life, but for all that, the old man concluded to give matrimony another whirl. The life of a widower was not as pleasant to him as a home and the bright smile of a wife to greet him at morning, noon and night. The doctor wooed and won a fair lady, and after two weeks of what should have been wedded bliss the gay old lover found that he had made a mistake and selected the wrong woman. The wife has returned to her home and friends and the doctor goes out back of the grain elevator in Weldon every day and kicks himself for being caught by a serpent.

From the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index:

(This article is also posted on the 'Divorce' page)


January 18, 1895 
Clinton Public
Clinton, Illinois


At the home of Mr. A. D. McHENRY, last evening, occurred the marriage of his second daughter, Grace, to Mr. Daniel D. COLE, of St. Paul, Minn. Miss Grace is a lovable girl and has a large circle of friends who are sorry to see her leave the home of her childhood. Mr. Cole is an estimable young man, who lived here a few years ago but moved to St. Paul where he is engaged in the boot and shoe business. The bridesmaid was Miss Ellen, sister of the bride, and Mr. Cole, brother of the groom, was best man. The pretty ring ceremony was performed by Rev. W. J. Tull and Rev. W. A. Hunter, while Miss Nellie Taylor played the wedding march. The little ribbon girls were Mame Tull and Genevieve McHugh. The house was beautifully decorated in smilax, roses and orange blossoms, and about fifty guests witnessed the ceremony, after which an excellent supper was served. The bride was becomingly attired in cream silk crepon trimmed with lace, and her going away gown was brown covert cloth trimmed with fur. The young couple received a number of handsome presents with the best wishes for prosperity and happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Cole left on the Diamond Special for Chicago, where they will spend a couple of days before going to St. Paul, their future home.

March 29, 1895 
Clinton Public
Clinton, Illinois


In the city of Sacramento, California, on Thursday, March 21, Fred W. HARPSTER and Miss Lou ANDERSON were united in marriage. The bride is the daughter of the Rev. T. H. B. Anderson, D. D., a Methodist minister who is pastor of one of the leading churches in Sacramento. When the Doctor was pastor in Fresno, the young people became acquainted. She is said to be a very accomplished young lady. Fred is a clerk in the Fresno abstract office, at a good salary, and is doing well. The young people began housekeeping in Fresno at once. Fred was born in Wapella and was reared in Clinton, and his old boy and girl friends will be glad to know that he has married a charming woman.

December 6, 1895 
Decatur Daily Review
Decatur, Illinois


Marriage Licenses.

John W. CALLISON DeWitt 22
Alma B. WILSON DeWitt 17
George G. ARGO Clinton 31 (See marriage)
Lenora A. ROSE Clinton 21
Emmet GLENN DeWitt 26
Laura JORDAN Clinton 22
Lloyd T. McCONKEY DeWitt 21
Belle SMITH Clinton 21
James M. SWALLOW Lane 23
Traphene THRASHER Lane 15
Eli HARROLD Wapella 74 (s/o Jonathan)
Amanda REEDER Wapella 47 (nee Troxell)

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

December 6, 1895 
Decatur Daily Review
Decatur, Illinois


Mr. and Mrs. T. H. SLICK entertained a number of friends Monday evening, the occasion being their twelfth wedding anniversary.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

December 6, 1895 
Decatur Daily Review
Decatur, Illinois


Married, at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. M. S. HENDRICK, Nov. 24, William H. ADCOCK to Miss Annie H. HENDRICK, both of Clinton. Rev. M. W. Everhart performed the ceremony.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

December 6, 1895 
Decatur Daily Review
Decatur, Illinois


Married, at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. L. K. ROSE, Nov. 28, George G. ARGO to Miss Leonora ROSE, both of this city. Miss Rose is one of Clinton's fairest daughters, having many accomplishments. Mr. Argo has served two years as assistant postmaster in this city, and is a young man of sterling character and exceptional business ability. The young couple have the well wishes of a large circle of friends.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd


April 29, 1896 
The Daily Review
Decatur, Illinois


Clinton BOWLEN Mechanicsburg 21
Maude TEAL Midland City 18
W. D. BRENNAN Clinton 23
Mamie WILSON Clinton 21
N. L. CLIFT Clinton 25
Mrs. Myrtle NEWHAUSEN Clinton 19

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

December 17, 1896 
The Decatur Review
Decatur, Illinois


George D. SLANKER and Miss Effie JEPSON were married at 9:30 last night at the First M. E. church parsonage by Rev. D. F. Howe. Mr. Slanker is a clerk in Herbert Howes' grocery on West Main street. The bride's home is in Clinton and she has been visiting her brother near this city. Both young people have many friends to wish them well. The were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Jepson, Mr. Jepson being a brother of the bride, and Mrs. Jepson, who was formerly Miss Frances Slanker, being a sister of the groom. Mr. and Mrs. Slanker went to housekeeping at once in a house already furnished at 1090 West Wood street.

From the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index:

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

December 17, 1896 
The Decatur Review
Decatur, Illinois

GOT A LICENSE AT CLINTON.—Miss Lou LENNOX of this city and E. W. MORSE of Clinton were granted a marriage license in Clinton Tuesday.

From the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index:

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd


January 1, 1897 
Clinton Public
Clinton, Illinois

At the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hull, three miles west of Wapella, Wednesday at 6 p.m., there were assembled a few friends to witness the marriage of Miss Edna V. HULL and Charles C. DUSAN, Rev. Mr. Wass officiating. Miss Hull is well known here as a lady of prepossessing manners and those qualities of heart that has won for her many intimate friends. The happy couple received many tokens of regard from their friends. The bride's parents are old residents of Wapella township, and occupy a prominent place in its social and business affairs. She is a sister of S. G. Hull, of this city. After congratulations were exchanged, the guests departed.

January 1, 1897 
Clinton Public
Clinton, Illinois

MARRIED.—G. H. McKINLEY, of Parnell, and Miss Lottie HOLLENBECK, of Farmer City, were married Wednesday.

January 1, 1897 
Clinton Public
Clinton, Illinois


The beautiful farm residence of Mr. and Mrs. George Barnes, four miles northeast of Weldon, was the scene of a beautiful home wedding on Wednesday evening, December 23d, which was witnessed by about sixty guests. At 7 o'clock, to the sweet strains of the wedding march, Miss Nellie, the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. BARNES, and Otto McCONKEY, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. McConkey, took their place in a gateway entwined with smilax, where they were met by the officiating minister, Rev. A. H. Widney, and in an impressive manner the pastor joined them in wedlock after the divine law and appointment of the Creator. After the ceremony a sumptuous repast was served, and a social evening was passed, enlivened with selections on the piano by the bride, with violin accompaniments by her father and sister, Mrs. Charles Pace. The place of honor was accorded to William Barnes, grandfather of the bride, whose seventy-six years rests lightly on his pleasing face and generous nature. The presents were numerous and valuable. The happy couple has the best wishes of many friends.

January 1, 1897 
Clinton Public
Clinton, Illinois


At high noon yesterday at the home of and by Rev. L. B. Pickerill occurred the marriage of James F. McDONALD, of Kenney, and Miss Minnie TERRY, of Clinton. Mr. McDonald is a prosperous farmer living in the extreme southwestern part of DeWitt county, and Miss Terry has for some time been one of DeWitt county's most successful school teachers, loved and respected by all who know her. The PUBLIC's benedictions go with this newly wedded pair.

February 12, 1897 
The Decatur Review
Decatur, Illinois

CLINTON.—Rev. D. MacArthur officiated at the marriage of Miss Anna CRUSE and Frank SHIELDS of Atlanta on the 7th. The groom is a nephew of Mrs. D. MacArthur.

From the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index:

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

March 26, 1897 
Clinton Public
Clinton, Illinois

James REED and Miss Agnes WHAN were married at the bride's home at Salem, Ill. They will live on the Bondurant farm north of DeLand.

March 26, 1897 
Clinton Public
Clinton, Illinois


The following marriage licenses were issued by the county clerk:

C. H. HENSON Lane 46
Nancy R. ARTHUR Lane 28
Alpha HELMICK Farmer City 25
Mrs. Maggie DAVIS Farmer City 24
M. K. METZ Farmer City 26
Nellie WATSON Farmer City 19
J. C. JONES Clinton 31
Jessie M. GREENE Wapella 19
Edward MAY Clinton 27
Blanche SHAW Clinton 18

March 26, 1897 
Clinton Public
Clinton, Illinois


Three Prominent Weddings on Wednesday.
Hard Times Do Not Interfere With Cupid's Persuasive Pleadings.
Six Hearts Beat as Three.


One of the most delightful events of the season was the marriage of Harry C. CLINE and Miss Belle COLWELL at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton R. Colwell, Wednesday evening, March 24th. A large number of relatives, friends and neighbors assembled and entered with joyful spirit into the occasion. At 7 o'clock, Mrs. J. Edmiston began the wedding march and the young, happy and hopeful couple presented themselves before the altar, where Dr. W. A. Hunter in brief, comprehensive words performed the ceremony. After prayer by Rev. J. A. Clark, the large company extended hearty congratulations. An elegant supper was served. The house was brilliantly illuminated and every room adorned with roses, pinks, smilax and other flowers. There was an unusually large and elegant number of presents, all beautiful and useful. Mr. Cline is a son of J. M. Cline and is one of DeWitt county's most industrious and prosperous young farmers. Miss Colwell is universally popular, and it is the unanimous opinion that success will crown the efforts of this worthy and estimable couple.


Miss Josephine PORTER and Arthur GATCHELL, both of Clinton, were married at the home of the bride's brother, Chauncey Porter, on West Main street, by Rev. James Alvin Clark, on Wednesday evening. About 30 relatives of the contracting parties witnessed the hymeneal ceremonies. The groom is a regular fireman on the Springfield division of the I. C. railroad. He was born in this county, and by his studious and affable character attracted to himself a host of intimate friends. The bride was also born here. She was a daughter of the late Dr. Edward Porter, and sister of County Superintendent Wilson. She has taught school in this county for over four years. Having a lovely disposition, she makes close acquaintances rapidly, and retains their good opinion without effort. A rich and refreshing supper was given, and many useful gifts were presented to Mr. and Mrs. Gatchell. These young people have taken up their home with the groom's mother on North George street.


Geo. TUGGLE and Miss Carrie REYNOLDS were married at the home of her father, southwest of Clinton by 'Squire A. J. Richey, on Wednesday evening. The bride is an estimable young lady and the groom a successful farmer. They will move onto Mr. Tuggle's farm two miles east of Clinton.


June 9, 1899 
Clinton Public
Clinton, Illinois


Miss Wealthy Mabel EGAN and Ira L. CARTER were married by Rev. J. W. Miller at the home of the bride in Urbana. Many costly and beautiful presents were given the bride and groom. The bride is well known in Urbana and greatly loved by her friends. The groom is a highly respected citizen of Clinton.— Champaign News.

Probably one of the most graceful evidences of appreciation was shown by the employers— T. L. Kelley and T. W. Cackley— of the groom and his fellow clerks and their wives, when they gave a reception at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Carter on North Center street. The Big Store does not belie its name and when it undertakes a social function no detail is overlooked and the young folks whom it honored will never forget their friends nor the humorous incidents connected with the presents left with them on this enjoyable evening. The congratulations were hearty and sincere.


June 9, 1899
Clinton Public
Clinton, Illinois


Tuesday evening, at the home of the groom, a delightful reception was tendered Mr. and Mrs. Ira CARTER. A delicious repast was served, only the immediate relatives being present. Later in the evening, the entire force of the Big Store, accompanied by their wives, marched down to the house in a body, each bearing some useful present for the happy couple— soap, bluing, broom, mop, scrub brush, kerosene lamp, etc. Attached to the lamp was a card inscribed, "one hundred-piece dinner set, proprietors and employees Big Store, with compliments." It is needless to say Budge was surprised. After the merry company had partaken of ices and cake, all departed, wishing Mr. and Mrs. Carter a long life of happiness and prosperity.

August 4, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


Oliver ROSS and Florence MAYALL, both of Clinton, were married Wednesday.

George PADLEY and Miss Tessie MILLER, both of Creek, were married by 'Squire PALMER.

Thos. SPAINHOUR and Miss Annie THOMAS, both of Creek township, were married by W. F. PALMER, Esq.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

August 11, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


Wednesday C. W. CUNNINGHAM, son of S. H. Cunningham, near Waynesville, and Miss Zola HOUGHAM, daughter of Wm. Hougham, near Wapella, were married in Clinton. Both are worthy young people and have hundreds of friends who wish them a bright future.

R. H. MONTGOMERY, of Kenney, and Miss Mame REESER, of Forsythe, were married in Peoria Aug. 1.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

August 25, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


Frank MILES Weldon
Sarah M. AYERS Weldon
John A. SHELL Farmer City
Eva L. HARROLD Farmer City
Chas. W. HARROLD Farmer City
Flora L. FINCH Farmer City
Chas. W. STEELE Waynesville
Eva L. FOSTER Waynesville
Alonzo ARNOLD Clinton
Edna C. BROWN Clinton
Charles H. TUCKER Bloomington
Maggie J. ZWENG Bloomington

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

August 25, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


Alonzo ARNOLD and Miss Edna C. BROWN, both of Clinton, were married by Rev. D. MacArthur, Wednesday night at his residence. The groom is an Illinois Central brakeman. They will reside in Clinton.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

August 25, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


F. LAFFERTY and Miss Etta M. McINTOSH, both of DeWitt, were married in Decatur Tuesday by Rev. W. D. McINTOSH of DeWitt.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

September 1, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Jas. M. North in this city, Chas. McPHERSON and Miss Nannie NORTH, both of DeWitt, were married by Rev. Horney, only a few relatives being present. The groom is an enterprising young farmer and the bride the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John H. North. Both are highly respected and have hundreds of friends who wish for them a future of contentment. They will make their home in DeWitt township.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

September 1, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


Harry ARNOLD and Mrs. E. J. HARTRY, both of this city, were married Monday afternoon by Rev. D. MacArthur. It is the third marriage for the bride and the second for the groom. They will reside in Clinton.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

September 1, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


C. E. DELAMERE and Miss Sylvia DILLOW, both of Clinton, were married by Rev. D. MacArthur last night at 8 o'clock at his residence. The groom is a son of John Delamere and the bride a daughter of Wm. Dillow.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

September 1, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


Isaac TOMLINSON and Mrs. Millie TURNER were married Wednesday evening by Rev. Flagg, at the residence of Scott Nearing.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

September 8, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


William MARTIN and Miss Cora BELL were united in marriage Sunday evening at 5 o'clock at the Christian church in the presence of about 300 friends.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

September 8, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


At the Christian parsonage Wednesday at 3 o'clock, Elmer KEEFER and Miss Mary WHITE, both of Farmer City were married by Rev. Gilliland.

Wednesday evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Scott, east of Kenney, Fred HENDERSON and Miss Ida SCOTT were joined in marriage by Rev. Gilliland, only the immediate relatives being present.

Rev. George W. McCONKEY, the M. E. evangelist, was united in marriage to a lady at Lake City on the 6th inst. Mr. McConkey is well known around Wapella, having held meetings there the last two winters. Rev. McConkey expects to evangelize this winter.

Note: From the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index:

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

September 15, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


Sept. 13, 1893, John SPRAGUE, son of C. P. Sprague, and Miss POLLOCK, daughter of John Pollock, were married. Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. POLLOCK celebrated their anniversary at their home on West Main street by serving an excellent dinner. Those present besides the "bride and groom" were Mr. and Mrs. Pollock, Rev. and Mrs. Horney, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Sprague and daughter.

From the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index:

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

September 15, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


Geo. W. GEER DeWitt
Myrtle BABB DeWitt
Matthew CONNELL Waynesville
Katie PRICE Waynesville
Alfred WEBB DeWitt
Mary J. WILLIS DeWitt

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

September 15, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


Alfred WEBB and Miss Mary WILLIS, both of DeWitt were married in the county clerk's office yesterday by M. Donahue.

Fred W. KAMMYER and Miss Rhoda KIBLER were married in Maroa a few days ago. They will reside on one of the Alsup farms in Texas township.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

September 15, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


Wednesday at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James PRICE, near Waynesville, their daughter, miss Katie, and Matthew CONNELL were married by Rev. Fisher. The groom is an enterprising young man and the bride is a charming young lady. She is a sister of Supervisor Price, of Waynesville.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

September 15, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois

Two of Tunbridge Township’s Best Young People Take Passage on the Matrimonial Ship.

Wednesday evening, Sept. 6, there assembled at Mr. and Mrs. M. P. SCOTT's near Kenney, a jolly crowd in anticipation of a happy event, the marriage of their daughter, Miss Ida L., to Mr. Fred HENDERSON.

At 8 o'clock as Miss Eva Burns, of Clinton, rendered the beautiful wedding march, the happy pair, preceded by their attendants, Chas. Kirkpatrick, of Kenney, and Miss Blanche Giffin, of Maroa, entered the parlor and took their places before Rev. A. E. Gilliland, of Clinton, who, in a few well chosen words pronounced them husband and wife. Hearty congratulations followed; then all proceeded to the dining room and partook of an elegant three-course supper, prepared under the direction of the bride's sister, Miss Alta.

The appointments although quiet were elegant and complete in all respects. The bride was lovely in a gown of cream silk moussiline de soie, and wore as her only ornaments La France roses. The bridesmaid wore pale blue swiss with white china asters. The groom and his attendant wore the conventional black. The rooms were beautifully and tastefully decorated with asparagus, vines and cut flowers.

Mr. and Mrs. Henderson for the present will make their home at Mr. Scott's; later they will go to housekeeping on a farm of the groom's father west of Kenney. The bride is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Scott and is a general favorite. The groom is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson and is a young man of good principle. Their many friends join in wishing them a long life of wedded bliss and prosperity. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Scott and family, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson, Misses Nora Garton, Blanche Giffin, Eva Burns, Messrs. Chas. Kirkpatrick, and Elmer Burns.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

September 22, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


Chas. F. KEMP, foreman of the Kenney Gazette, and Miss Etta HAWKYARD, of Kenney, were married Wednesday noon at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hawkyard, by Rev. Gilliland. Only immediate relatives were present. They went to Chicago for a few days.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

September 29, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


Colbern M. HAMMITT Farmer City
Maude ELLIS Fullerton
Jas. P. DOOLEY Freeport (see marriage)
Anna WELCH City [sic]
J. J. WAGNER Wapella (see marriage)
Minerva GREENE Wapella
John EHMAN Argenta
Laura HENDRIX Maroa
James CRAMER Kenney (see marriage)
Lodernie DAVIS Kenney
Ira F. EMERY Solomon
Olive WALDREN Solomon

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

September 29, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


Mr. and Mrs. A. H. SCOTT very pleasantly celebrated their wedding anniversary Tuesday. Among those present were Mrs. Kirby and Mrs. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scott, of Ohio. About a dozen were present from Waynesville and Clinton.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

September 29, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


Joseph DIETRICH, of Kenney, and Anna WELT, of Warrensburg, were married this week.

James CRAMER and Miss Lodernie DAVIS, both of Kenney, were married yesterday by A. J. Richey, J. P., in his office. They will reside on a farm near Kenney.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

September 29, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


Yesterday morning at 7:30 James P. DOOLEY, of Freeport, and Miss Annie WELSH, of Clinton, were married in St. John's church by Father Dooling. The attendants were Thomas Coyle of Freeport, and Miss Mamie Leo, of Clinton. The groom is an engineer on the Central and a worthy young man. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Welsh, living on South Monroe street, and is a charming young lady. The parents of the bride prepared an excellent dinner to which the choir of the church and Father Dooling were invited. Mr. and Mrs. Dooley left for Chicago on the Daylight Special. They will reside at Freeport.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

September 29, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


John WAGNER and Miss Minerva GREENE were married at St. Patrick's church Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock by Father M. A. Dooling. Mrs. T. F. Greene played the wedding march. Mr. Wagner is an upright man and is on the firm of Lighthall & Wagner, being the son of Henry Wagner, of Wilson township. His bride, Miss Greene, is one of Wapella's society belles. Both Mr. and Mrs. Wagner are highly respected citizens. The friends of the bride and groom join in wishing them a successful and prosperous journey through life.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

October 6, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


The following persons were granted marriage license this week:

Chas. T. ABBOTT Waynesville
Miss Minnie C. TUDOR Waynesville
Levi ROBB Soloman
Miss Elnora GEER Soloman
Jacob F. BAKER Heyworth
Miss J. A. HOFFMAN Wapella
John H. PIFER Decatur (see marriage)
Thena TROESCH Decatur

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

October 6, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


John PIFER and Miss Thena TROESH, both of Decatur, were married yesterday by 'Squire Richey in his office.

J. H. COBURN and Miss Winnie E. CRABTREE, both living near Maroa, were married in Decatur Saturday. The groom was only 20 years old, both his parents being dead and he had no guardian, so one of the clerks in the county clerk's office was made his guardian and gave his consent to the marriage.

Dr. Chas. ZORGER, of Champaign, and Miss Blanche WILLIAMS, of Monticello, were married in Springfield last Wednesday. Dr. Zorger is well known in this county, as he spent a number of years in Nixon township where his father, Jacob Zorger, resides.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

October 13, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


The following persons were granted marriage license this week:

Chas. E. BECKER Farmer City
Miss Dollie SWEARINGEN Farmer City
John REYNOLDS DeWitt (see marriage)
Miss Viola SPENCER Birkbeck
Alfred H. ROSS Waynesville
Miss D. B. FRANKLIN Waynesville

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

October 13, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


Dr. EDMONSON, and Miss Agnes COMPTON, both of Maroa, were married in Chicago Wednesday evening.

Monticello is the Gretna Green for Farmer City couples. The latest was a double wedding recently wherein Rev. Calhoun, at the parsonage, united B. F. JACKSON to Miss Lulu EDWARDS and Hayes BUNYARD to Miss Cora EDWARDS. The brides are sisters, and daughters of Joseph Edwards, residing four miles south of Farmer City.—Monticello Republican.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard BUCHANAN, near Kenney, expect to celebrate their golden wedding anniversary next week. (See Oct. 20)

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

October 13, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


Sunday about 2 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack SPENCER, their daughter, Miss Viola, and John RUNDLES, of DeWitt, were married by Chas. Cundiff Esq., in the presence of many relatives and friends. The bride is a charming young lady and the groom a very industrious young man; they will make their home in DeWitt for the present. Their many friends wish them a successful and happy life.

Note: Rundles should be Reynolds.
From the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index:
REYNOLDS, JOHN E.     SPENCER, VIOLA      10-08-1899     DE WITT


October 13, 1899
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


Miss Viola, daughter of Jackson SPENCER, was married to John REYNOLDS of DeWitt, Sunday at the home of the bride's parents by Esq. Cardiff. The young lady is very highly respected. The groom is a most enterprising young man. They received many presents. They will reside in DeWitt this winter.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

October 20, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


Wm. BOGARDUS, of Springfield, brother of Dr. Bogardus, and Miss Jessie HARRIS will be married in this city at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Harris, Thursday of next week.
(See Oct. 27)

Henry McGRAW and Miss Zell SCHENCK, of Maroa, will be married in Peoria next Sunday at the home of the brides grandmother. The prospective bride is the daughter of John Schenck, of Maroa.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

October 20, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


Mr. and Mrs. Richard Buchanan Celebrated Their 50th Wedding Anniversary Wednesday.

One of the most enjoyable social events that has taken place in Kenney for sometime occurred Wednesday at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Richard BUCHANAN, it being their 50th wedding anniversary. When one reaches the age of fifty we think they are getting old, but when they live to enjoy fifty years of wedded life we think that is something extraordinary, and it is, for it is said that only one married couple out of 10,000 enjoys that privilege. The day was all that could be wished for, Mrs. Buchanan saying it reminded her very much of their wedding day. A feast such as would make Belshazzar envious was spread and served in three courses. Just before dinner a letter from H. W. Spilman was read, which was very touching and appropriate. A number of valuable and useful presents were received, but space prevents mentioning them.

Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan were married in Muskingum county, Ohio, October 18, 1849 and moved to this county 35 years ago. They have seen the ups and downs of life, yet have lived to stem the waves of adversity and possess several hundred acres of fine land near Kenney to keep them in their old age. Seven children were born to them, six of them living and all present, Elmer dying in infancy. Besides his five children he has 28 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren.

Those present to enjoy the occasion were his children Mrs. Clara BAILEY, of Bolivar, Mo.; L. BUCHANAN and family; John BUCHANAN and family; Mrs. H. W. SPILMAN, of Milton, Iowa; Mrs. Henry ISAAC, Mrs. Wm. FORT, Mrs. W. RILEY, son Gilbert and daughter Anna, of Wapella; Mrs. M. J. SOVERENCE, of Sumner, Mo.; Wm. RILEY and family of Wapella; Ed RILEY and family, of Heyworth; Ham RILEY and wife, of Petersburg; G. F. HUFFMAN and wife, of Galesville; Mr. and Mrs. B. NESBITT, J. T. Lane and wife, Mrs. TRIBBET, J. H. LANE and family, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. EDWARDS, Wm. FORT and Henry ISAAC and children.

The afternoon was spent in social conversation and all departed in the evening wishing Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan many more years of happiness.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

October 20, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


Evans E. JOHNSON DeWitt
Miss Mary M. DAVIS DeWitt
Jno. L. HORNIE Arrowsmith
Miss Maude E. MILLER Arrowsmith
Percy E. BEAN Farmer City
Miss Maude EWBANK Farmer City
W. H. WATSON Hopkins Park
Miss Mary BURNETT Farmer City

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

October 27, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


Samuel HINKLE Weldon
Dora MILLINGS Weldon
Geo. W. POHL Clinton (see marriage)
Clara WEBB Clinton
Christopher CULLY Clinton (see marriage)
Johanna O'CONNOR Clinton
William I. BOGARDUS Springfield (see marriage)
Jessie B. HARRIS Clinton

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

October 27, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


Wednesday evening at 8:30 at his residence, Rev. D. McArthur united in marriage Geo. W. POHL and Miss Clara WEBB.

The groom is of the firm of Pohl & Bordenkecker, proprietors of the steam laundry, and is one of Clinton's enterprising young business men. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Webb and is a worthy young lady. They have many friends who wish them well.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

October 27, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


At 8:30 o'clock last night at the home of the bride's parents, their daughter Miss Jessie, and W. I. BOGARDUS, of Springfield, were married by Rev. Horney. About fifty were present, among them being several from Springfield, Normal, Jacksonville and Chicago.

The groom is book-keeper for the Sattley Plow Co., of Springfield, and a brother of Dr. Bogardus of this city. The bride is one of Clinton's charming young ladies.

After an extended tour in the South they will return to Springfield, their future home.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

October 27, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


Cards are out announcing the marriage of Cina MORRISON, daughter of Mrs. J. M. Morrison, to Charles A. JOHNSON at the home of the bride's mother, of Harp township, Tuesday evening Oct. 31 at 6 o'clock.

(See Nov. 3)

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

October 27, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


Mr. and Mrs. I. N. BAILOR entertained friends Oct. 24, the twenty-second anniversary of their marriage.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

October 27, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


One of Clinton's Rising Young Attorneys Taken in Charge in Missouri.—
Will Return to Clinton.

The hundreds of friends of Fred C. HILL, one of Clinton's able young attorneys was arrested and put under bond at Slater, Mo., Tuesday of this week. He left Clinton the day before without informing his friends, and the news that he had been taken in charge was a surprise that few were prepared for. He had always been honest and honorable and perhaps no young man has more friends among his acquaintances. Since graduating in law, he had been practicing in Clinton and has enjoyed a good practice which it is hoped will not be decreased by what happened to him in Missouri.

The day after his arrival at Slater he went to the clerk's office, and while waiting papers were made out for him and another party. When he left the clerk's office some observed him closely, among them an officer; but he was allowed to go about the city. In a few hours he appeared at the home of Mrs. HULIT, formerly of this city, where the papers that had been issued for him and the other party were placed in the hands of a gentleman who had gone there by agreement with a certain young man well known to the citizens of Clinton. Mr. Hill was being closely watched and when the man who held the papers commanded him to stand up before the bar of court and have judgment pronounced upon him, he obeyed the command as did Miss Mabel HULIT, and the minister spoke the words that arrested Fred in his single career and placed him under the bonds of wedlock.

The bride is well known in this city where she lived several years and was a teacher in the Clinton schools. She is beautiful and accomplished and is a worthy partner for a worthy young man. In about two weeks they will return to Clinton and will be at home to their many friends in the Howard property on North Center street, after Dec. 1.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

October 27, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


Sunday morning in the home on North Center street which the groom had furnished, Lewis R. YOUNG and Miss Mattie B. WARRICK, both of Clinton, were joined in marriage by Rev. E. A. GILLILAND. About a dozen relatives and friends were present.

The groom is an industrious young man and the bride is an amiable young lady, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Warrick. They have many friends who unite in wishing them a life of contentment.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

October 27, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


Married, at the residence of Capt. Davis Sunday afternoon, Oct. 22, by D. E. Randolph, j.p., Andrew DAVIS, of Kenney, to Miss Ida WINEBRINNER, of Waynesville. They will go to housekeeping in the Sarver house.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

November, 3, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


Christopher CULLY and Miss Johanna O'CONNOR, both of Clinton, were married in St. John's church by Father Dooling. The groom is a trusted employe of the Illinois Central and they will make Clinton their home.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

November 3, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


U. G. MILLER Clinton (see marriage)
Sarah NILAN Clinton
C. A. JOHNSON Champaign (see marriage)
Cina MORRISON Clinton
Ellis P. KNOWLES Peoria
Nellie M. SULLIVAN Clinton

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

November 3, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois

Clinton and Waynesville Young People United in Marriage.— Will Live in Clinton.

Weldon WARD, of Clinton, and Miss Sidona ADAIR, of Waynesville, were married in Grace M. E. church in Bloomington Tuesday noon by Rev B. F. Shipp, former pastor of the Waynesville M. E. church. Only four, C. W. Woy and Miss Jennie Wilson, of Clinton, Misses Sadie McCrary and Frances Adair, of Waynesville, were present. They returned to Clinton on [the] 3 o'clock train and were met at the depot by a number of young friends and taken through the square and to their home on East Adams street in carriages. J. G. Royce heading the "procession" on foot bearing a large flag. Others had long ribbons attached to the horses to lead them. Weldon bore the honor like a hero, being as pleasant as a June morning.

In the evening a wedding supper was spread, and several relatives and friends were present, among them the parents of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. James Adair of Waynesville, and Rev. and Mrs. Shipp, of Bloomington.

The groom has been an employe in Freudenstein's store several years and is a worthy young man. The bride is an amiable and accomplished young lady. She is a sister of C. R. Adair, and has often visited in Clinton. Both have hundreds of friends who do not forget them in their best wishes.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

November 3, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


Grant Miller and Miss Sallie Nilan Joined in Wedlock in St. John's Church Monday Evening.

Monday evening in St. John's church Grant MILLER and Miss Sallie NILAN, both of Clinton, were joined in marriage by Father Dooling, a number of relatives being present. The bridal party went at once to the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Peter Williams, northeast of Clinton, where a wedding feast was served.

The groom, until about a year ago, was one of Harp township's young and prosperous farmers. Since then he has been in the employ of his uncle, J. A. Curl, of this city. He is industrious and honorable and is esteemed by all his friends. The bride is a worthy young lady and admired by all who know her. Both are members of St. John's church and Clinton will be their future home.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

November 3, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


Sunday Oct. 29 being the 50th anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry LANE, of Lane, their children, C., of Sullivan, Ill.; Wm., of Lovington, Ill.; Mrs. Ed. Danison, Mrs. F. C. Shepherd, Mrs. M. C. Davenport, and their seven grandchildren arranged to spend that day under the parental roof. Going with well-filled baskets and some presents, among which was a gold watch and chain, a gold ring and a fine parlor lamp, all spent a day long to be remembered, as but few people are permitted to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. At a late hour, when compelled to separate, all left wishing father and mother many more happy years.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

November 3, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


Saturday night at 8:30 Rev. D. MacArthur united in marriage the following persons:

Oliver E. LANE and Miss Emily DELAMERE, both of Clinton. Frank TOOMBS and Miss Clare M. DICKERSON, also of Clinton.

The REGISTER joins in wishing them a future of contentment.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

November 3, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois

Chas. A. JOHNSON, of Champaign, and Miss Cina MORRISON were married at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. J. M. Morrison, in Harp township. Both are worthy young people and their many friends extend congratulations. They will live in Champaign.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

November 10, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


The marriage of Mr. Alexander ROTH and Miss Ida STURM, both of this city, is announced for the near future.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

November 10, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


Fred DRESSLER, a young farmer near Weldon, and Miss Belle BAKER, daughter of Samuel Baker, near Weldon, will be married Thanksgiving at noon.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

November 10, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


James FITZGERALD, of Barnett township, and Miss Florence HIGHSMITH, living three miles southeast of this city, were married in Lincoln Monday. They will reside on a farm near Hallsville.

(See related article)

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

November 10, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


The marriage of Dr. C. S. BOGARDUS and Miss Nellie TAYLOR is announced to take place at the home of Miss Taylor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Taylor, on East Main street on next Thursday evening. The ceremony will be performed in the presence of relatives and a few intimate friends.

(See marriage)

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

November 10, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


The following marriage licenses were issued this week: Lewis E. RICE, Miss Lillie M. SHUE, of Kenney; Ira M. TUGGLE, Miss Mattie ENOS, of Clinton; Mark CASLER, Excelsior, Minn., Miss Jessie PARKER, Clinton.

(See Tuggle— Enos marriage)

(See Casler— Parker marriage)

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

November 10, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


Miss Jessie PARKER, of this city, and Mark CASLER, of Excelsior, Minn., were married Wednesday evening in the private room adjoining the county clerk's office by `Squire Richey. A. H. Parker, brother of the bride, and wife were the only ones present. The bride is a young lady of much talent. The groom is a pleasant and prosperous young merchant of Excelsior, where they will make their future home.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

November 10, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


Yesterday evening at 6 o'clock Rev. D. MacArthur joined in marriage at his residence Ira M. TUGGLE, son of Wm. Tuggle, and Miss Mattie ENOS, daughter of Case Enos. Both live in Harp township and are highly respected. They will reside on a farm near Birkbeck.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

November 17, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wade Celebrated Their Twentieth Anniversary.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward WADE celebrated their twentieth wedding anniversary at their home three miles southwest of this city last Monday. A large number of their relatives and intimate friends were invited. The day was one of great pleasure to all. At noon a dinner was served that proved to all beyond a doubt that Mrs. Wade was a thorough master of the culinary department. During the twenty years of Mr. and Mrs. Wade's married life, they have accumulated quite a little fortune, consisting of over 200 acres of land and a comfortable home with suitable surroundings. The REGISTER hopes Mr. and Mrs. Wade may live to celebrate many more anniversaries. They were the recipients of the following presents:

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel WADE, berry set. Mr. and Mrs. Robert WADE, china bread plate; Miss Grace CRANG, cyrstalized flowers; Mrs. J. E. JOHNSON, cheese doily; Mr. and Mrs. Frank QUERFIELD, china tea set; Miss Maggie WADE, celery dish; Miss Mamie WADE, china cup and saucer and oat meal bowl.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

November 17, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


Miss Nellie TAYLOR, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Taylor, was united in marriage last evening at 8 o'clock to Dr. C. S. BOGARDUS, at the home of the bride's parents on East Main street by Rev. J. B. Horney, pastor of the M. E. church. The ring ceremony was used in performing the marriage. After the ceremony a sumptuous supper was served. The presents were numerous and costly.

The following persons were present from abroad:

Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Bogardus, of Springfield; Miss Nellie Webber, of Rutland; W. A. Hoblit, of Jacksonville; Mr. and Mrs. Frederickson, of Champaign; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Blackford, of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bogardus, of Normal; George Bogardus; Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Fitts, of Arcola.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

November 17, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


On Nov. 12th at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Kirby, of Chicago, occurred the marriage of J. L. MURPHY and Miss Marie R. SWAN. The ceremony was performed at 3 o'clock p.m. by Rev. J. W. Phillips of that city. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Murphy, of Lincoln, and the bride is the daughter of Mrs. N. Munch, of Weldon. The bride was attired in a cadet blue tailor-made gown and the groom in the conventional black. After the ceremony all were seated to an elegant repast prepared for the occasion. The family and a few relatives were present. The groom is a young businessman of Chicago. The bride is an estimable young lady and their friends join in wishing them a happy life.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

November 17, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


Dr. J. J. LAKE, of Kenney, and Mrs. Gertrude STEVENSON, of Springfield, were married in this city Wednesday evening at 9 o'clock at the M. E. parsonage by Rev. Horney. This is the Doctor's third time to appear at the marriage altar. The ceremony was performed in the presence of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Stevens. The bride conducted an employment agency in this city prior to her removal to Springfield some months ago.

From The Illinois Statewide Marriage Index:

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

November 24, 1899  Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


At the home of the bride's parents, one half mile west of DeWitt, on the 22nd of Nov., occurred the marriage of Miss Ella Myrtle TURNIPSEED and Guy LAFFERTY. At seven o'clock the beautiful strain of the wedding march was played by Miss Edna Trego and the happy couple marched into the lovely decorated parlor and was united in marriage by Rev. King, Presbyterian minister of DeWitt, in the presence of about fifty invited guests. After the ceremony a sumptuous supper was served in the large dining room. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Turnipseed. The groom is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lafferty. Both of them are highly respected and all join in wishing for them a happy life together.

The bride was dressed in a suit of light tan Henrietta cloth, white satin and lace and silver gilt trimmings; her flowers were white chrysanthemums. The groom wore the conventional black. They received many costly and useful presents, among them was a set of solid silver dessert spoons and a set of solid silver teaspoons in a lovely box from Mr. and Mrs. Henry Myers, of Lincoln, Neb.; silver pickle castor, Mr. and Mrs. Turnipseed; glass water set, Will Turnipseed; China cups and saucers, Fred and Agnes Wilson; berry set, Edna Trego; $1.00, Frank Wilson and wife; China bread plate, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Day.

(See license)

November 24, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


Yesterday was the twenty-fifth marriage anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCORD of this city. All their children spent the day with them.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

November 24, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois

Miss Maude FUNK of Rantoul, and John RYAN, of this city, were married in Rantoul Wednesday evening. They will reside in this city where Mr. Ryan has a position on the Central.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

November 24, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


Miss May HINES, of Piatt county, and Daniel SUMPTER, of Waynesville, were quietly married by `Squire Richey in this city on the evening of the 20th. The bride is a daughter of one of the leading farmers, and a beautiful and accomplished young lady. The groom is an enterprising young farmer, of Waynesville township, where they will make their future home. The REGISTER joins with their hosts of friends in wishing them all success due such a worthy young couple.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

November 24, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois

Miss Gertrude LEDDEN and James E. McKINNEY, of Texas township, were married in this city last Sunday morning at the home of Chas. McKinney, the groom's brother, on East Main street by Rev. D. MacArthur. The bride is a daughter of J. M. Ledden, a grain buyer in Ospur, and the groom is a son of A. T. McKinney, a prominent farmer near Ospur. Both are worthy, young, industrious persons and the REGISTER joins with their numerous friends in wishing them a long and prosperous life. They left Monday for Decatur where they will make their home.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

November 24, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois

The marriage of Harry BALL, of this city, and Miss Nannon COVEY, of Chicago, is announced to take place soon.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

November 24, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


At the home of the bride's uncle, A. J. Williams, in Monticello, W. F. HUGHES, of Texas township, and Miss Emma THOMPSON, of Circleville, O., were married Wednesday evening at 6 o'clock by Rev. W. S. Calhoun, only a few relatives being present. They went to Springfield for a few days' visit. They will reside on the groom's farm in Texas township.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

November 24, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois

Miss Martha Belle GRADEN and Thos. H. STEELE, an I. C. conductor of this city, were married Wednesday evening by Father Dooling at his residence. They left Thursday morning for a several days' trip to New Orleans and other southern points.

(See license)

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

December 1, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


John W. GARTON Kenney (See marriage)
Flora B. WEEMS Kenney
Guy LAFFERTY DeWitt (See marriage)
Thomas H. STEELE Clinton (See marriage)
Martha B. GRADEN Clinton
A. L. DAY Clinton
Luella BARNETT Clinton
Samuel TURNER Leroy
E. COLLINGS Rowell (See marriage)
Lula WALL Rowell
Fred DRESSLER Weldon (See announcement)
Belle BAKER Weldon
Dick GRIFFIN Clinton (See marriage)

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

December 1, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


Rev. Gilliland was at home Wednesday to those desiring to take a sail on the sea of matrimony. In the forenoon he put on board. E. COLLINGS and Miss Lulu WALL, of Rowell. Before the boat had sailed out of sight of the shore, Rev. Gilliland signaled it to return to take on board Dick GRIFFIN and Miss Nannie CHAMBERLAIN, who live west of Clinton. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Griffin, and is an upright young man. The bride is a daughter of James Chamberlain and is an estimable young lady. They will move on one of the groom's father's farms in a short time.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

December 1, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


John GARTON and Miss Flora WEEMS, of Kenney, were married yesterday by Rev. Flagg.

The Pantagraph says Miss Alice NORTH, of El Paso, and Frank ALLEN, of Clinton, were married yesterday.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

December 1, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois


Mr. and Mrs. J. H. HUME celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary Monday. Their children and friends took dinner with them and all had a jolly good time.


E. COLLINGS and Miss Lulu WALL were married in Clinton Tuesday.


John GARTON and Flora WEEMS were married at noon Thursday at the residence of Geo. Hawkyard.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

December 1, 1899 
Clinton Register
Clinton, Illinois

Jas. KEATING and Miss Lizzie McMANNIS were married in St. John’s church at Clinton Wednesday morning by Rev. Dooling.