November 27, 1879
The Public Reaper
Farmer City, Illinois

Miss Isabella DANNER, also came home from Covington, to visit her parents and be at the dance.

William FULLER, of Law firm of Fuller & Gram, Clinton, was in the city today.

And now George—Don’t you forget to remember the friends of your old home—the scene of your early joys and pleasures.

Mrs. Sarah BERRY of Harmer Ohio is here and is going to remain through the winter with her daughters Mrs. CAPEN, Mrs. CAMPBELL and Mrs. LEWIS.

Jimmie RICHARDS has taken a job in LeRoy, this is LeRoy’s gain and our loss—we do not like to give up either him, his worthy wife, or little Girtie—and hope their stay in LeRoy will be temporary.

G. S. ADOLPH, of Covington, Ind. Came over to-day to enjoy the social pleasures of the dance at BEAN’s Opera hall to-night. George Loves fun and who blames him? How is the hog, George?

Prof. G. F. ALEXANDER, teacher of the band, made a pleasant call at the Reaper office this (Thursday) evening. He is a polished, affable gentleman, and highly accomplished in that finest of arts, music. He is also agent for Rudolph Wurlitzer & Bro., dealers in musical instruments, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Mr. S. S. ADOLPH formerly of Farmer City, now of Covington, Indiana, with his accustomed grace and suavity was bowing and scraping among his old friends last week, and feeling convinced, he would get the value of his dollar ordered The Reaper sent to him, for which he will accept our thanks.

We had the exquisite pleasure of meeting the smiling countenance of our honored and polished friend, Dr. J. D. GARDINER, who has lately commenced the practice of his profession in partnership with Dr. MCFARLAND, of Heyworth. The Dr. was here attending the Medical Association. His family are still here, and if Heyworth does not treat him first-rate, we hope he will come back home like the balance of our friends.

Isaac ALBRIGHT can still be found at his old stand, where many be seen a full stock of saddles, harness, whips, brushes, combs, and in short, everything used to decorate the horse or keep him in good condition for usefulness.

If you want a few hours of real social pleasure, go to the young ladies Festival at BEAN’s Opera Hall to-morrow night.—Supper, Oysters, Music, Tableaux, and the fascinating smiles of youthful beauty. We will try to be there and rejoice that we are still in our youth.

With all the disadvantages under which D. H. ARBOGAST had to labor of having to burn brick to keep his fire going, and which he could not increase for want of brick—he finished his work one day ahead of the contract—and still has brick to supply the demand of the market. Dan is thorough going and energetic.

Ahead on Corn Husking—John M. MANN, nephew of Joel MANN and David BRICKEY made a contract with Wm. O. GRAY, to gather 40 acres of corn, for their pay they were to have all they could crib over two hundred bushels a day. A pen was measured with would hold 280 bushels, and the boys filled it the first day, although it had frequently been tramped down, through the day. At night they claimed 80 bushels of corn or its equivalent in money at 25 cts. per bushel. It is said that GRAY squealed a little, and the boys let him off at $17.50, for which he gave a check to one of the banks in Farmer City. They lost the balance of the job. Who can beat it.

H. LEVY & Co., at the New York store, BEAN’s old block, offer the public extra inducements in Clothing and Dry Goods. This old firm has always carried the heaviest and best selected stock of clothing ever in this market. Prices to suit the times.

Tom MARLATT of Covington, Ind., says Chris. GARVER’s Webb-footed Ducks are the finest he ever saw. Tom ought to know.

Lewis LUDDINGTON is using the old WHITMORE Elevator. He has fixed the (?) and put the buildings in good repair.

L. W. COOK & Bro., have their notice up to commence business Dec. 1st in the new brick of J. G. WATSON, SANGSTER’s old stand.

George HERRICK thinks we will be hanging on the dead hook inside of six months, might be. Just as well be handing there dead as going around dead on our feet.

Johnny GARVOR is soon to leave for Covington, Ind., to take charge of the Toll Bridge at that place. He says it shan’t cost the Farmer City boys a cent to cross.

Orrie HARRISON was as much tickled to get home as a boy with a new white handled knife. Ed figures out that he gained seven pounds while he was gone. What kind of pounds, Orrie?

J. H. HARRISON has bought the residence property of F. G. MULLIKEN we understand for Oscar, who will move in about the first of Jan., the time for Mr. MULLINKEN to give possession.

The Sociable at John WEEDMAN’s last Friday evening, passed off pleasantly, but would have been a more complete success if it had been fixed for Saturday instead of Friday evening—farmers were too busy in their corn fields to stop for anything.

GARVER & Bro., are in their new rooms well stocked, and the fire has been the means of furnishing them rooms to compare with which their old rooms were a mere makeshift. We trust this house will receive the patronage deserved.

Gibson City, Ills., Nov. 19th 1879
Dear Sir: I am well pleased with the “Reaper". Please put my name on the list. I shall expect to hear from home once a week regularly now through the “Reaper.”

Dr. M. L., REED gives notice to his patrons and the public generally that he has moved into his new residence, on the North side of Green Street, second house west of the Livery stable.

Billy ALDER and Harry KING, at the PECKHAM Elevator, and Tom CLARK and Doc WEEDMAN, at the GALLOP, CLARK & Co., Elevator, have all they want to do about this time. Go to it boys, next year will be presidential election, and there will probably be wars and rumor of wars. England wants to whip Russia as soon as she gets a good ready.

EPPSTEIN & BACH moved into their new rooms today, and though they have waited long, and Jake has at times grown impatient, and profaned the name of his Lord and Master, yet they take possession of their splendid now quarters in time to catch the winter trade, and they are getting it too, judging from the crowd we saw in their place a few days since.

A square meal for 35ct. at COOL's Restaurant.

Cut meats of all description for sale at DIEBERT & Sons.

The miners at the BARCLAY and Capital coal Shaft, who were on a strike a few days since, have we are informed by Mr. ALDER, gone to work again, at a slight advance on their wages.

Oyster stews 25ct. at COOL's.

A New Hotel—B. F. GRAY has rented the Frame building joining the SLICK block on the west. The old BOYNTON stand, and we are informed will at once open another Hotel in Farmer City. All right, “competition is the life of business.”

Cheap coal in Farmer City brings trade; and although it is advancing at the mines we still sell at 2.25 per ton on the cars.

John T. Walton and John Deer’s, Sulky Plows for sale at H. C. PORTER’s

We were sorry to learn that John GOLDSMITH had become such a reckless scallawag and freebooter as he is, but we will be mum to him on the subject while we are not without hope of reformation.

Perforated cardboard, Gold and Silver Paper, Tissue Paper and a large line of Druggists Notions at GARVER Bro.

The Ladie’s Aid Society, of the M. E. Church, will hold a Social and Oyster Supper at the residence of V.S. LINDSAY, Dec. 3rd. All are invited.

Call on J. H. KNOX, if you wish to get anything in the corn sheller line.

At the WEEDMAN party a stately lady (not married) brushed by us—lubin extracts and otto of roses filled the air with delicate perfume, and we felt inclined to propose an (arm-miss-tice) armistice, but dreaded to meet her gaze lest we should be transfixed, and left on Mart WEEDMAN’s hands.

Dr. A. HOOPER, gives notice that he has moved into the house lately occupied by Dr. REED, West Green street.

There was a musical entertainment and soiree given by Miss Lou CLUTE, the accomplished Pianist and music teacher, at the residence of our worthy P. M., Wm. MCMURRY, on Saturday eve Nov. 22nd. Her pupils with their parents and friends were all present, and the occasion is said to have been one in the highest degree, entertaining to all lovers of the fine art of music. We had a gastronomic engagement for that evening and could not have been present if we had been invited—its all the same, we like music and will give it a passing tribute where ever we hear of its skillful performance.

At a pleasant surprise party, and oyster supper, given in honor of Mrs. M. I. WEEDMAN’s birth day, which seems to be the 22d of November, there were about thirty-six of the WEEDMAN family and their connection. Some few outsiders filled in the gaps, among them ourself, and we filled a large gap—that is, filled a large gap with oysters. Dick WEEDMAN had only eaten three cans when he passed up his dish and remarked, he would begin his supper with a dish of stewed oysters. Mrs. WEEDMAN was the recipient of several nice presents, chief of which was one from her dear little hubbie, a large and handsome painting of various fruits in a heavy gilt moulding frame—such little social interviews are among the flowers that bloom along the pathway of life. Lito WILSON, Master of Ceremonies. Mrs. M., wishes us to acknowledge her gratitude to friends, for these pleasing tokens of love and friendship.

At the Elevators-LUDDINGTON Breezes, & c.
There is activity in the grain trade, and the spirit of competition runs high. We advise farmers to turn up their “buckets” if there is to be a shower of “milk and honey. "No difference what breezes they are—call them “LUDDINGTON breezes”—anything so they bring good luck, and lots of the big shining dollars of the “Dads” or the Greenbacks. Let the “LUDDINGTON breezes” still blow, and if Lud can Bull those solid old firms, J. O. PECKHAM & Co., and GALLUP, CLARK & Co., Amen say we. They have lots of scadds, and make them shell out. Any thing to make trade active and bring in the corn. Let the Bears growl, but keep them too busy to think of any thing but to weigh corn, and write checks as they had to do while we were there. Tom only wants a “new dollar” for an old one.

Cornelius COVEY, of LeRoy, and his brother-in-law, John BUCKLES, from Kansas are visiting this week at Stephen COVEY’s, a brother of Cornelius. The story they brought with them of the Buckskin trowsers carries a strong savor of frontier life with it. Hezakiah or some other STRINGFIELD, told at the old settlers picnic over at Heyworth a few days since, about sparking. He had been working one day in the rain, having on a pair of Buckskin trowsers which had stretched so they were about a foot and half too long. In this plight he stepped across to see his Kittie Ann, and do a little pioneer sparking. There was a large fire-place, before which he took his seat with the family, his trowser legs hanging down over his feet like saddle flaps. After setting some time his pants began to dry and draw up—they kept on drying and drawing up till they got considerably above his knees, till becoming alarmed lest they should draw up so far as to expose him. He sprang for his hat, lit out of the house in double quick time, and broke for home at full speed, his pants snapping and cracking as he ran, loud enough to be hear a half mile. All the dogs in the neighborhood took after him, thinking it was a wolf chase.

Jeff WETZELL is making improvement on his home lots, he has moved his barn back from the street and his shop to the spot where the barn stood.

Out accomplished young friend Johny CONDON formerly of the Reporter office in this city, but now engaged in the Pantagraph, Job Rooms of Bloomington, made the Reaper office a pleasant call. He left his name as a subscriber and paid for The Reaper. Johny is one of your nice young men as free from the taint of bad habits as any one could be, much less a typo, and if his visits to Farmer City do not cause some quick throbs of the heart among our young beauties, we miss our guess.

Mrs. Lou BURFORD, of DeLand was visiting friends in Farmer City, this week.

Mrs. P. WHITE has just returned from Petersburg where she has been visiting friends.

Mr. Tom LABOYTEAUX sprained his wrist while husking corn for Esq. GILLESPIE.

Mr. Fred RINEHEARTS mother is visiting him.

Mr. C. J. GILLESPIE of Belleflower was visiting at his Fathers Saturday and Sunday.

The new church in the vicinity of Ellwood is in good progress, there is talk of dedicating it the first Sunday in January.

Administrator’s Notice
Estate of John MORGAN, Deceased
The undersigned having been appointed Administrator of the Estate of John MORGAN, late of the County of DeWitt, and State of Illinois, deceased, hereby give notice be will appear before the County Court of DeWitt County, at the Court-House in Clinton, at the January Term, on the Third Monday in January next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned.

Dated this 19th day of November, A. D. 1879
Walter J. MORGAN, Administrator

Submitted by Debbie Champion