February 14, 1896 
Clinton Public

A Bullet Removed.

Dr. J. C. MYERS performed a neat surgical operation Tuesday evening on Mrs. Anna KAPLINGER [CAPLINGER], of Lawndale, the lady who was shot by her husband in September last.  One of the bullets had become imbedded under the shoulder blade in such a way as to render the removal somewhat intricate.  A deep incision had to be made and arteries avoided.  She bravely endured the severe operation, refusing anesthetics.


April 29, 1896
The Daily Review
Decatur, Illinois


A large number of friends and acquaintances attended the funeral of James Thornton SNELL in Bloomington, Friday. A special coach was engaged for the Clintonians.


Richard BUTLER, vice president of the DeWitt county National bank, will look after the affairs of the bank until the next meeting of the stockholders when a new president will be elected to fill the office recently made vacant by the death of Thornton SNELL.


Miss Minnie WARNER is home from the Monticello seminary for the summer.


Hon. C. H. MOORE presented the Clinton Fire department with a fine team of horses for the hose cart.


Harry LEWIS, who escaped from the jail last summer, was recaptured in Wisconsin Monday and lodged in the cells by Sheriff NEAL.


Judge G. K. INGHAM, F. PINKERTON and wife and R. B. DAY and family attended the wedding of Lucie BOISE and Wilbur DAY at Rantoul Wednesday. Mr. Day is building a handsome residence in Lawndale.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd


April 29, 1896
The Daily Review
Decatur, Illinois


Miss Amanda SEABORG visited relatives in DeLand Thursday and Friday.


Cora DANISON left for Decatur Saturday. She will remain for some time.


Mollie DAY is very low with typhoid fever.


Mrs. BENSON, who has been visiting in Weldon for several weeks, has returned to Decatur.


Mrs. NIXON and son, Lloyd, went to Clinton Friday to visit friends and relatives.


Charles and Joseph MONTGOMERY visited friends and relatives in Farmer City this week.


Mrs. Charles PLANKINHORN of Lodge is visiting friends in Weldon.


Mr. LOCKETT of Clinton came to Weldon Saturday to visit with his wife and daughter.


Jesse SHAFFER of Argenta is visiting Samuel PARR and wife this week.


David LOCKETT, wife and daughter, Lelah, visited friends in Clinton Monday.


George GALES is building an addition to his residence in the southeast part of town.


Mrs. Thomas BYLAND, who has been sick for some time, is now better.


There was a party at the home of James OLSON last Saturday night. All present had an enjoyable time.


Clay PHARES gave a party to a number of friends Tuesday night.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd


April 29, 1896
The Daily Review
Decatur, Illinois


W. T. BAYLESS is in Chicago.


J. KELMAN, the photographer, is moving his outfit to Mackinaw.


Curtis CRAWFORD is suffering from a light attack of paralysis.


Henry BAYLESS had a good horse to die with the colic this week.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd


April 29, 1896
The Daily Review
Decatur, Illinois


The game of ball between Argenta and Kenney was one sided, the score being 25 to 4 in favor of Kenney.


Miss Lottie CROWELL of Maroa visited with Miss Alice BURNS over Sunday.


Miss Grace WYSONG spent Sunday in Maroa.


William MYERS and wife of Atlanta spent Sunday here with relatives.


Mr. KELMAN and wife of Atlanta spent Sunday with J. S. OWSLEY and wife.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd


Stevens Point Gazette
Stevens Point, Wisconsin
August 26, 1896


The News of Seven Days Up To Date.

The seventeenth annual reunion of the PHARES family was celebrated at Pastime park, Clinton, Ill., by 130 of the descendants of Samuel PHARES, who is 88 years old.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd
