Murder Of Marion Huffacre

December 18, 1885
Clinton Public
Clinton, Illinois


As the result of a brawl in Pettyjohn's saloon in Kenney some two months ago in Kenney some two months ago, Marion HUFFACRE now lies in his grave and George HITER is a refugee from justice. The two men had been drinking in the saloon when they got into a quarrel and Hiter knocked Huffacre down. The parties met again in the same saloon on Tuesday of last week. While Huffacre was talking to some friends, Hiter sneaked up and struck him on the head with a large stone, and then cleared out before any one could interfere and arrest him. Huffacre's skull was crushed so badly that the physicians felt positive that he could not recover. He was removed to his home, where he suffered till last Friday, when he died. The coroner held an inquest on last Saturday, and the jury brought in a verdict against George Hiter. While the grand jury was in session last week, and before Huffacre's death, an indictment was found against Hiter on the charge of assault with intent to kill. Hiter has gone, no one knows where; but in these days it is hard for a criminal to escape, therefore his capture will come in time. Huffacre was a widower and leaves two children. Both Huffacre and Hiter used to work together as ditchers.

December 25, 1885 
Clinton Public
Clinton, Illinois


The board of supervisors did the right thing this week when they offered a reward of $100 for the capture of HITER, the man who murdered Marion HUFFACRE in Kenney two weeks ago. And the board also passed a resolution asking the Governor to offer an additional reward for the capture of the murderer. With this money incentive, the detective will go to work, and it will not be long before Hiter is captured. Mr. David BARCLAY, chairman of the board, well said when the question was before the board, that the county has always been prompt to pay rewards for the capture of horse thieves, and he thought the lives of our citizens should also be protected by the county showing a determination to hunt down murderers.

Submitted by Judy Simpson

January 27, 1886
The Daily Republican
Decatur, Illinois

$300 REWARD.

This morning Addison HUFFACRE, who resides two miles east of Decatur, got special notice from Governor Oglesby that on December 15th he had offered a reward of $200 for the arrest and conviction of George HITER, who killed Marion HUFFACRE at Kenney on December 2d. The young men had had a quarrel and Hiter struck Huffacre on the head with a rock, fracturing his skull. Addison Huffacre is the father of the murdered man, whose body was brought here for burial. DeWitt county has offered a reward of $100 for Hiter, who has been indicted for murder in Clinton. Mr. Huffacre is a comparatively poor man, and is very anxious to have Hiter found and punished.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

March 1, 1886
The Daily Republican
Decatur, Illinois


George HITER, who killed Marion HUFFACRE at Kenney, a year ago, was arrested at Osceola, Mo., on Saturday. He hit Huffacre with a stone, and the young man, whose father resides near Decatur, died from the effects of the blow. Hiter fled, and the rewards offered by the state and DeWitt county effected his capture. Hiter will be returned to Clinton for trial.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

March 28, 1886
Decatur Review
Decatur, Illinois

PERSONAL.—Wm. HUFFACRE, who formerly lived near Decatur but recently removed to Nebraska, has returned to this section and will remain for a few weeks. He was called back by the trial of George HITER, who is charged with the murder of his son, Marion HUFFACRE. Mr. Huffacre removed to Nebraska a few weeks ago with the colony people who went from Warrensburg. He reports that all the people are nicely settled and doing well.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

Wednesday, August 25, 1886
The Decatur Daily Review
Decatur, Illinois

—The August term of the DeWitt county circuit court is in session at Clinton with Judge Epler on the bench. The most notable trial on the criminal docket is that against Geo. HITER for the murder of Marion HUFFACRE.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

August 28, 1886
The Herald
Decatur, Illinois


When George HITER was arrested and incarcerated in our county jail for the murder of Marion HUFFACRE, in a saloon brawl in Kenney, he could neither read nor write. He was arrested last March, and since that time he has learned to read fluently and he can write a better letter to-day than many a boy who has spent years at school. This is perseverance, and shows that if he had cultivated his talents instead of his taste for whiskey he might have made a useful man in the world.—Clinton Public.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd

September 4, 1886
The Daily Republican
Decatur, Illinois


The Clinton Public of Friday has this to say of the trial of Hiter for murder at Clinton this week:

The case of George HITER for the murder of Marion HUFFACRE in a saloon in Kenney was begun on Tuesday and lasted till Wednesday night. Yesterday morning the case was given to the jury and late this afternoon they came into court and reported that they could not agree on a verdict. The jury stood eleven for conviction to one for acquittal. Judge Epler discharged the jury, but held Hiter without bail to the December term.

Submitted by Sheryl Byrd