Federal Pensioners on the Roll as of January 1, 1883
Cert. # | Name of Pensioner | PO Address | Cause | Rate | Orig. Allow. Date |
9,500 | Sappington, Martha | Clinton | Widow | 8.00 | Oct. 1879 |
193,737 | Schlafke, John | Clinton | g. s. w. back of head | 8.00 | Aug. 1881 |
187,168 | Schlemmer, Amelia | Clinton | Widow | 12.00 | |
194,224 | Schlemmer, John V. | Clinton | Minor | 12.00 | Jan. 1882 |
115,816 | Scott, Crafton P. | Kenney | dis. of lungs | 8.00 | |
199,096 | Sellers, Peter | Weldon | ch. diarr. & rheum., resulting dis. of heart | 8.00 | Dec. 1881 |
212,230 | Sessions, Erasmus D. | Waynesville | ch. diarr. & res. dyspepsia | 7.50 | Jun. 1882 |
89,266 | Sharp, Isaac N. | Weldon | injury to abdomen | 8.00 | |
149,301 | Shelby, Richard | Wapella | ch. diarr. | 8.00 | |
180,210 | Silvy, Robert H. | DeWitt | asthma | 6.00 | Dec. 1880 |
101,344 | Smith, Enoch B. | Weldon | dis. of eyes | 4.00 | |
116,205 | Smith, Mary A | Lane | Widow | 8.00 | |
100,569 | Smith, Thomas E. | Clinton | c. diar., inj. l. ank. & dis. eyes | 6.00 | Dec. 1881 |
135,542 | Spencer, Little Berry | Clinton | diarrhea | 4.00 | |
176,308 | Spradling, John W. | Clinton | Minor | 10.00 | |
130,388 | Sprague, James H. | Farmer City | wd. of l. shr. | 4.00 | |
152,392 | Steel, Chas. W. | Clinton | dyspepsia | 6.00 | Apr. 1878 |
21,154 | Stewart, Samuel | Midland City | paral. of r. hip | 2.00 | |
52,125 | Stimson, Isabella | Wapella | Widow | 8.00 | |
9,246 | Strain, Isaac H. | Clinton | ch. diarr. & dis. of kidneys | 8.00 | |
220,546 | Sullivan, Alfred A. | Clinton | g. s. w. of l. knee | 4.00 | Nov. 1882 |
109,323 | Sylvester, Eliakim | Clinton | wd. of r. leg | 4.00 | |
76,842 | Tackwell, Wm. W. | Clinton | wd. of r. leg | 18.00 | |
54,040 | Taylor, Wm. H. | Clinton | injury to abdomen | 8.50 | |
193,554 | Thomas, James M. | Farmer City | dis. of lungs and liver, result of measles | 8.00 | Jul. 1881 |
114,290 | Thompson, Hugh | Lane | wd. of r. hip | 2.00 | |
208,457 | Trent, John B. | Wapella | ch. diarr. & chills & fever | 2.00 | May 1882 |
15,988 | Walker, Minty | Farmer City | Widow | 8.00 | Jan. 1879 |
104,389 | Walker, Danl. M. | Clinton | frac.of l. humerus | 4.00 | |
6,956 | Wallace, Ester | Kenney | Widow | 8.00 | Feb. 1878 |
162,985 | Weakly, Thom. L. | Kenney | inj. to ab., res. of ch. diarr. | 4.00 | Oct. 1879 |
216,389 | Webb, Richard H. | Farmer City | ch. diarr. & dis. of liver | 6.00 | Aug. 1882 |
186,111 | Weedman, Zadok C. | Farmer City | ch. rheum. | 20.00 | May 1881 |
141,850 | Welch, Nathan | Farmer City | wd. of r. leg | 8.00 | |
208,728 | Wence, Adam | Farmer City | g. s. w. of l. thigh | 4.00 | May 1882 |
94,524 | West, Silphinus | Weldon | g. s. w. of l. forearm | 8.00 | |
186,051 | Williams, Eliza E. | Farmer City | Widow | 8.00 | Nov. 1879 |
122,825 | Williams, James | Wapella | dis. of eyes | 6.00 | |
150,605 | Williams, Prentice N. | Clinton | wd. of back & fev., sore l. leg | 4.00 | |
138,256 | Wilson, Jas. H. | Clinton | wd. of l. hand | 2.00 | |
108,752 | Works, Preston | Kenney | wd. r. arm | 4.00 | Mar. 1871 |
112,989 | Wright, John | Clinton | varicose veins | 20.00 | |
107,772 | Zorger, Chas. K. | Clinton | ch. rheum. | 12.75 | |
161,101 | Zumwalt, William H. | Farmer City | g. s. w. of back & l. hip | 6.00 | Jun. 1879 |
Source: List of Pensioners on the Roll January 1, 1883.
National Archives, Washington, DC; Government Printing Office, 1883. 5v. Volume 1, pages 436-438 Submitted by Judy Simpson. |