Federal Pensioners on the Roll as of January 1, 1883


Cert. # Name of Pensioner PO Address Cause Rate Orig. Allow. Date
222,937 Lafferty, Isaac C. DeWitt inj. of r. shoulder 4.00 Dec. 1882
190,735 Lafferty, Julia DeWitt Widow 12.00 Jan. 1881
3,144 Lane, Sarah A. Lane Widow 15.00 Nov. 1863
14,151 Lanterman, Ella S. Waynesville Widow 8.00 Jan. 1879
79,189 Lapham, John W. DeWitt contusion of r. lung 20.00  
92,340 Laughlin, James Clinton dis. eye 8.00  
188,411 Long, John F. DeWitt inj. to both legs & l. shr 12.00 May 1881
4,787 Lowry, Wm. Clinton diarr. & partial blindness 8.00  
104,843 Luck, Wm. Clinton dis. of lungs 4.00  
166,002 Ludington, Lewis Farmer City wd. of r. thigh 5.00 Mar. 1880
63,672 Lutz, George V. Clinton loss left arm 18.00 Aug. 1866
100,773 Martin, Martha A. Clinton Widow 8.00  
173,844 Mathews, James Kenney ch. diarr. 4.00 Sep. 1880
93,523 Mathews, Wm. Clinton wd. of l. arm, &c. 6.00  
218,098 McBride, Andrew J. Farmer City g. s. w. of r. wrist, dyspepsia, and dis. of liver 4.00 Sep. 1882
188,421 McCord, Wm. Farmer City partl. deafness in both ears 6.00 May 1881
33,727 McHenry, Alonzo D. Clinton wd. l. leg 18.00  
20,142 McHenry, Ellen Clinton Mother 8.00 Apr. 1864
69,452 McKay, Louisa H. Waynesville Widow 8.00 Apr. 1866
86,640 Merrifield, John DeWitt ch. diarr. 6.00  
28,256 Messer, Charlotte Clinton Widow 8.00  
102,271 Miller, James Clinton wd. r. thigh 8.00  
200,200 Monk, James W. Clinton ch. diar., res. dis. ht. & lungs 8.00 Jan. 1882
24,577 Moore, Isaac Farmer City surv. 1812 8.00 Nov. 1878
194,555 Morris, James B. Clinton g. s. w. r. thigh 2.00 Apr. 1881
69,481 Munsch, Mathias Weldon wd. of r. hand 6.00  
144,416 Murphy, Wm. W. Farmer City wd. of r. hip 2.00  
74,285 Neal, Amos Farmer City contusion of r. side 4.00  
62,517 Neal, Joseph W. Farmer City loss of l. arm 24.00
207,771 North, James M. Clinton g. s. w. r. side of face & neck 10.00 Apr. 1882
182,501 Page, Geo. Farmer City ch. diarr. and resulting dyspepsia & dis. of heart 8.00 Feb. 1881
4,481 Parker, William C. Midland City wd. of r. hand 8.00  
99,725 Phares, Francis M. Clinton wd. of l. eye 2.00  
168,591 Polen, Joseph E. Clinton dis. l. leg 8.00 May 1880
19,207 Popham, Sarah Clinton Widow 8.00 Feb. 1879
156,294 Popham, Wm. Clinton ch. rheum. 4.00 Nov. 1878
23,310 Potter, James H. L. Wapella wd. of r. thigh 8.00  
89,696 Pryer, Charles S. Farmer City wd. l. lung 18.00  
92,199 Reed, Miles Lane heart dis. & dis. of ab. vis. 6.00  
149,877 Richards, Lewis G. Waynesville wd. of l. thigh 4.00  
211,454 Riggs, Randolph S. Farmer City ch. diarr., var. veins of both legs, & injury to abdomen 12.00 Jun. 1882
158,050 Rittenhouse, Wm. H. Farmer City wd. of r. foot 4.00 Mar. 1870
182,323 Robertson, John H. Weldon injury to abdomen 4.00 Feb. 1881
190,490 Robison, Theodore C. Kenney chr. rheum. 4.00 Jun. 1881
180,735 Rose, Louisa Clinton Widow 10.00  
Source: List of Pensioners on the Roll January 1, 1883.
National Archives, Washington, DC; Government Printing Office, 1883. 5v.
Volume 1, pages 436-438
Submitted by Judy Simpson.