Federal Pensioners on the Roll as of January 1, 1883


Cert. # Name of Pensioner PO Address Cause Rate Orig. Allow. Date
98,095 Ellington, Daniel Waynesville wd. of l. thigh 6.00  
78,595 Ellis, Nancy Clinton Widow 8.00  
92,574 Ely, Matilda Clinton Widow 8.00  
178,587 Ferguson, John Weldon inj. to l. side & back 2.00 Nov. 1880
80,636 Flood, James W. Weldon inflammation of eyes 18.00 May 1867
172,090 Gale, Wm. H. Lane dis. of eyes 4.00  
58,775 Garver, Sam'l B. Farmer City wd. arm, &c. 8.00  
35,602 Gates, Elizabeth Wapella Widow 8.00  
199,114 Gibson, James Lane ch. diarr. & dis. of ab. vis. 4.00 Dec. 1881
30,315 Gideon, Luann Clinton Widow 8.00 Sep. 1880
51,657 Ginnings, Edwin K. Waynesville loss of r. leg 18.00  
122,610 Goodbrake, Christopher Clinton cr. dis. of liver 8.75  
188,307 Gorman, Elizabth Clinton Widow 17.00 May 1880
21,295 Gossard, Matilda Wapella Widow 8.00  
182,693 Gray, Jonathan P. Waynesville ch. diarr. 8.00 Feb. 1861
28,475 Greenwood, Thos. Parnell wd. of hip & head 6.00  
51,330 Greer, Mary J. Lane Widow 8.00 Jul. 1865
30,436 Gregory, Ruth Clinton Widow 8.00  
21,844 Hall, Jas. M. Clinton wd. of r. arm 18.00  
125,550 Haman, Jacob Weldon wd. rt. hand 3.00  
138,051 Hammond, Lavinia Clinton Mother 8.00 Jun. 1871
187,161 Harrison, Addison Waynesville ch. diarr. & res. dis. of liver 4.00 Apr. 1881
160,471 Henry, Rebecca Waynesville Widow 8.00 Dec. 1872
44,897 Hirst, Alzera Farmer City Widow 8.00  
182,348 Hirst, James Farmer City dis. of kidneys & liver 8.00  
204,513 Hoffman, Sam'l Clinton sh. wd. of l. side 2.00 Mar. 1882
197,468 Hopkins, Chas. Farmer City dis. of lungs 4.00 Nov. 1881
178,070 Hoose, Henry Clinton wd. l. chest 2.00 Oct. 1880
146,632 Hoover, Mary Farmer City Mother 8.00 Dec. 1870
219,319 Horney, James A. Waynesville g. s. w. of l. thigh 2.00 Oct. 1882
217,983 Hoyt, Orren A. Clinton inj. co l. shr. & rheum. 4.00 Sep. 1882
29,352 Huddlestone, Rebecca Farmer City Widow 8.00  
10,837 Hull, Joshua C. Wapella wd. of r. arm & chest 6.00  
40,971 Hurley, Elizabeth Farmer City Widow 8.00  
30,637 Israel, R. Clinton Widow 8.00 Oct. 1880
95,714 Jeffrey, Alvah Clinton wd. of r. hip 6.00  
178,067 Jeffrey, Francis M. Waynesville wd. of l. cheek & neck & inj. to left foot 6.00 Oct. 1880
73,261 Jemerson, Wm. H. Weldon dis. of lungs 10.00  
170,880 Johnson, Thomas J. Farmer City dis. of liver 2.00 Jun. 1880
65,528 King, Geo. W. Waynesville loss of r. arm 24.00  
Source: List of Pensioners on the Roll January 1, 1883.
National Archives, Washington, DC; Government Printing Office, 1883. 5v.
Volume 1, pages 436-438
Submitted by Judy Simpson.