Civil War News and Correspondence - 1863

From the Clinton Public
Submitted by Judy Simpson

January 8, 1863

Tribute of Respect.

Muldrough's Hill, Ky., Dec. 11, '62

Mr. Editor:—Our regiment—the 107th Illinois Volunteers—and company I in particular, is called upon to mourn the loss of Corporal Wm. LEMON, who died this day. Deceased was a son of Capt. John I. LEMON, of Piatt county; 23 years of age, and volunteered on the 2d day of August last. He was taken with typhoid fever, and lingered about 6 weeks.

His remains were deposited in a coffin and sent to his parents, before which the company was formed in line and marched, with reversed arms, in front of the body, when a few appropriate remarks were made by Captain Waller, a prayer offered and a volley fired.

The following resolutions were then offered:

Resolved, That we sincerely regret the loss of our esteemed companion in arms.

Resolved, That while he was with us, his course was such as to win the kindest feelings which will continue fresh in our memories, should we live to be old men.

Resolved, That we sincerely sympathize with his aged and afflicted parents.

Resolved, That we hope that they will be sustained by pine Grace in their severe trial.

While these resolutions were being adopted, and the farewell volley fired, it would have done any friend of humanity good to see the noble impulses that swelled almost every bosom, and the tears that glistened in every eye.

Adieu, Lemon, till the war is over.—

Ever will you hold a place in our hearts while the crimson tide continues to flow.


Monticello paper please copy.

Note: I found this bit of information at the El Paso, Illinois, web site:
El Paso area casualties were higher in the Civil War in proportion to the number serving than in any other war. John I. Lemon and his wife, who came to El Paso from Piatt County after the war, lost three sons: James D., killed at Deep Run, and William and Enos who died of disease.

January 15, 1863

CONFIRMATION OF THE DEATH OF CLAIB. F. JACKSON.—The Little Rock True Democrat of the 17th December, 1862, contains a notice of the death of this notorious rebel. He died on the 6th day of December. His disease was cancer of the stomach. All that can be said of him is, "that he is now the right man in the right place."

January 22, 1863

Sanitary Commission to the Clinton Relief Circle.

Chicago, Jan. 14, 1863.

Soldiers Aid Society, Clinton:— We have received one box of supplies from the Clinton Aid Society, which came very opportune, as the continued drain upon our store house and treasury would completely deplete both but for the very valuable aid rendered by the auxiliary societies during the last half dozen days. We have packed and forwarded to Murfreesboro and Vicksburg about 500 boxes of supplies and have collected and expended over $300 for sanitary stores, which have always been promptly forwarded. We are still exerting ourselves to the utmost to send forward such articles as are most needed after a battle and for which there is great call. Accept our thanks for your valuable assistance, and allow us to hope to be frequently remembered by you in like manner.

Yours very truly,
E. W. Blatchford.
Cor. Sec. Chi. San. Com.
Per J. Simons.

January 22, 1863

Washington, Jan. 18, 1863

Three weeks ago BURNSIDE issued an order for the troops to march with ten days' rations within forty-eight hours. The President countermanded the order upon the representation of two officers of Franklin's pision who came up and declared to the President that the army was so demoralized that if it fought it would be sure to be cut to pieces. General Burnside came up to know the reason why his order was countermanded. Learning these facts he demanded the names of the officers, but was refused, and then tendered his resignation. The President wouldn't accept it. General Burnside has since learned the names of the officers and will court martial them.

January 22, 1863

The Way To Do It.

Gen. ROSENCRANS has an effective way of dealing with the sneaks, cowards and traitors unfortunately found in his army.

The axe is at work, and a special order of late date reads as follows:

2d Lieut. Jesse BALL, Co. I, 88th Illinois Volunteers, is dishonorably dismissed [from] the service of the United States for accompanying his tender of resignation with so despicable a reason as that he is tired of the service and is opposed to the proclamation of the President of the United States. The General commanding is glad to rid officers of this army of fellowship with such a character.

Capt. Duncan C. READ, 24th Wisconsin Volunteers, has been dismissed [from] the service for deserting his regiment while it engaged with the enemy, under pretense of sickness, which subsequent action proved to be false.

2d Lieut. A. D. FABER, 88th Indiana Volunteers, dishonorably dismissed for drunkenness and subsequent convalescence.

1st Lieut. Jas. A. SCOTT, Co. G, 42d Illinois, dismissed for absenting himself without leave during the battle and forwarded as an excuse a certificate of suffering from disease, dishonorable alike to soldiers and gentlemen.

Col. W. B. CASSELLY, of the 69th Ohio, is dismissed for drunkenness on the field of battle.

February 5, 1863

The Failure of the Rebel Merrimac No. 2

A Washington dispatch gives the following piece of news, brought by a passenger from Richmond:

Of the long-talked of Merrimac No. 2, they say she is a perfect failure, being too top heavy, and is lying at Rockett's with a scow on each side to keep her afloat. She has several times been taken out into the stream, with the scows alongside, but whenever it attempted to remove the scows she careened at such a rate that they were obliged to replace them and bring her back to her moorings. For upwards of three weeks she was tried in this manner, but at last, tired out with the attempt to make her sit right in the water, they have given up and acknowledged her a failure.

February 5, 1863

Clinton, Jan. 31st, 1863

Mr. Editor.—I have but returned from a visit to the 107th Regiment, and I consider it my duty to inform the public at home that it is the wish of the members of the Regiment, as far as I could learn, that there should be no outside interference in regimental matters, by persons not directly interested. I talked with a large number of the men, and they unanimously express the opinion that any interference by their friends at home in relation to the officers of the Regiment, would be productive of nothing but evil. I was requested by many of the officers and men to make this statement, and to assure the public that the harmony of Regiment will be best preserved by leaving the settlement of all such questions to the regiment itself.


February 5, 1863

Hd. Qrs. 3d pision, Right Wing.

13th Army Camp, La Grange, Tenn.

Jan. 9th, 1863.

ED. PUBLIC:— Once more in La Grange [unreadable] !  After unprecedented marching, exposure to very bad weather and part of the time on half rations, our pision returned from the trip to the Yachnapatafah [sic] river, on the evening of the 7th, and our boys all thought we were to remain here long enough to get a good rest; but in this we were all disappointed as the 2d Brigade is already on the march, in the direction, or rather along the railroad leading from here to Memphis. The object, for a while at least, is to guard the road. The troops will all go out today, and our headquarters will be moved tomorrow. None regret this move more than I do, as I had got very snugly ensconced in a fine room, which I fondly hoped might be my winter quarters during the bad weather. But vain are all human project— for the morrow I must leave. I suppose the three Brigades will take position at three different points along the road. Gen. Logan's headquarters will be at LaFayette, Tenn.

While we were at the river above named, on our way to Grenada [Mississippi], the rebels played us a Yankee trick; tore up the track and destroyed the trestle work at several points on the Mobile & Ohio railroad, and the notorious Van Dorn, himself, ran into Holly Springs, took our troops (with a few noble exceptions) stationed there prisoners, and set fire to all the fine depot buildings in which we had some Quartermaster's and Commissary goods stored, also to all the buildings on one side of the public square where we had any amount of ammunition, which, blowing up, destroyed all the houses in the neighborhood; even the fine church, built after the model of Trinity Church [in] New York City, which stood one square from where the explosion took place, had all the windows on one side destroyed. Not only was the glass broken, but the sash and all was blown in. The rebels destroyed more private property— in money value— then they harmed us. Holly Springs, from being one of the finest appearing little cities in the south, now looks the picture of desolation.

There is no doubt in my mind but that the cowardly Col. Murphy, who had command of the place when it was attacked, acted the part of a consummate traitor. Five hundred infantry could have held the place against any cavalry force they could have brought to bear against it. Myself, who don't profess to be a Colonel, nor a General, will take a large bet that I can whip Van Dorn with his cavalry out of Holly Springs with the 20th Regiment alone. Infantry when they can be protected by houses can kill cavalry in detail, without exposing themselves scarcely any; and Col. Murphy had any amount of cotton, out of which he could have built a fort sufficient to keep him from harm, had he commenced fortifying when he first received warning of the enemy's approach. But from all appearances he became a willing prisoner.

The South is now reaping some of the bitter fruits of secession. The routes taken by either army, secesh or Yankee, and for miles on either side, is a perfect waste. The proud and ignorant Southerner can now realize that. "The devastation of war, and the ruthless hand" of the Yankee mudsill, has laid waste many valuable monuments upon which the utmost genius of southern chivalry hath been expended. In all the country we marched through there remains nothing to eat for man or beast, and there won't be for a year or two, as there are no fences left and no negroes to make more rails. The men who now live will never see this country in the condition it was in anterior to the war.

Our DeWitt boys, both in the 20th and 41st, are all right, so far as I know. We left the 41st at Holly Springs guarding the munitions of the 109th Reg. Illinois Infantry. The 20th is here in good condition. Col. Richards, whose health has been poorly lately is now convalescent.

Before closing I must say that, next to receiving a letter from home, nothing seems such a treat as to receive our own county paper. We first read all the news, then all other reading matter it contains, then we read all the advertisements. The boys will get a great city daily and hurriedly read the telegraphic column, then it is thrown way; but when they receive a paper from their own county, every name seems like some familiar face, and you can see them sitting in their tents perusing its contents, by the hour, with intense interest. This is no idle tale, and if the friends at home wish to send their soldiers a rich treat, I would advise them to send their own Home Paper.


February 12, 1863

Moscow, Tenn., Jany. 23, 1863.

Mr. William Morse,

Dear Sir:— It becomes my painful duty to apprise you of the death of your son, David S. MORSE. He just breathed his last at our regimental hospital, of chronic diarrhea. In him a parent loses a noble child, his comrades a noble companion and his country a brave soldier. Had I lost him at Donelson or Shiloh while bravely battling for his country's rights, I could have been reconciled to his loss, but to have him torn from us by disease is really dreadful. We shall consign his remains to mother earth, in as good condition as our limited means will admit of, so that they may be removed at any time; which, of course, you will desire to do. Anything that I can do to aid or assist you will freely be done.

Very respectfully yours,
M. F. Kanan, Capt.Co. A, 41st Reg. Ill. Vol.

February 26, 1863

Letter from Lt. Col. McComas.

Camp of the 107th Reg. Ill. Vol., Feb. 12, 1863.

Mr. Editor.—This is my last day of six months in camp, during this time I have seen and experienced much that those unacquainted with the inside workings of the army know little about. A feeling of sad disappointment rests upon the countenances of a large majority of our regiment, natural sympathizing with our troubles has wrapped the drapery of her clouds around her face and is weeping a shower of tears. Our beloved country erst the happy home of the free, and the peaceful asylum of the oppressed children of earth, is convulsed with the throe of revolution, and patriots tremble for fear that our imperial republic is destined at last to bow its starry head in the dust. I cannot on this occasion, when about to sever my connection with those with whom I have been associated for six months, as a soldier, express the emotions that are struggling in my heart for utterance. There are men in this regiment whom I love as brothers and in all the changes of my future life, I can never forget them or cease to feel a deep interest in their welfare. I part with them with emotions of deepest regret.—

But there are no considerations now which could induce me to remain in this regiment. I entered it to serve my country, from motives as pure as those with which I led my wife to the bridal altar. For her it is my duty to bear and suffer everything but dishonor. Those who arrogated themselves the right to control the regiment, and dictate to the executive of the State, attempted to disgrace me, and I left the regiment: not being "dismissed from the service in disgrace for incompetency" but my own act and deed, for which I have at least, the approbation of my own conscience. Yet a very distinguished man in your city says I am a rebel and that I am an exceeding bad man generally. Without saying what I have done. I propose to say what I have not done. I did not leave my regiment at camp Butler, in consequence of which it was detained at that place six days, which prevented it from going into Gen. McCook's pision of the army, thereby escaping all the evils which it is alleged resulted from its coming under "Kentucky Generals"; I did not absent myself, without leave, from my regiment at Jefferson, Indiana, for about a week, in consequence of which it was prevented from going into Gen. Dumont's pision, and kept there until the command of volunteer regiments arriving at Louisville devolved on Gen. Boyle. No, I did not do this; but on the contrary, Capt. H. S. Wismer, Capt. Brooks, myself and one or two others, were anxious to go with Dumont, but we were overruled by those who have complained so much about the regiment being in Kentucky. I did not run a sutlers shop in my own regiment and cater for popularity to those who were selling whisky to the men at the rate of sixteen dollars per gallon. In a contest between the sutlers and the men, who had wives and children out on the cold, bleak prairies of DeWitt, I did not conspire with sutlers to rob the men out of half their wages. I was not running for office in Piatt or DeWitt counties and managing the affairs of the regiment with a view to the question of popularity at home, instead of being governed by the "army regulations" and my duty as an officer and a soldier. I did not have any favorites in the regiment on whom I conferred especial privileges, but I tried to do my duty and to make every other man do his. These are some of my sins of omission, which my popular friend in your section has not charged against me, but which will be fully known to your people some day.

I had high hopes that the 107th would one day become perfect in discipline and drill and, composed of such fine material, would make a record in this war of which its friends might well be proud. But what are its prospects of ever doing so now? Let those acquainted with the spirit of discord in it, and who can appreciate how much easier it is to get up a "fuss" than it is to settle it, answer.

If it will be of any interest to your readers to know what I propose doing in the present juncture of affairs, I will simply say that I am going into the service again to fight for the government that has always protected me and my property, and not blow off gas around some little village, about my bravery, patriotism or about the "policy" of the war.


March 5, 1863

From the 107th.

Camp near Woodsonville, Ky., February 20, 1863.

Mr. DeLevis: [Editor]

Dear Sir—I believe I promised upon leaving home to write you occasionally; why I have not done it, I am hardly able to say, I shall therefore attribute it to a constitutional indisposition to letter writing. I would offer some apology, but apologies are so common that all have become tired listening to them and so cheap that few regard them. I have little, if anything, to relate that will be new or of importance to you. Our career, as a regiment, has been an uneventful one so far. No fighting, but little marching, and so far as I can see, have been about as much benefit to the Government as we would have been had we remained at home. This however, is no fault of ours, we have played the part assigned us and are ready at any time to execute to the best of our ability any order which we may receive. With the exception of internal strife, plotting, intrigue and jealousy among officials, there has scarce been sufficient excitement to create material for camp gossip.

Lieut. Col. H. C. McComas has ceased to be a member of the regiment. His resignation took effect on the sixth of this month. In him we lost an intelligent man, a good officer and soldier; the malice of enemies, and carping of fools to the contrary notwithstanding.

Of company officers, five have resigned, three from Piatt and two from DeWitt counties. Our Adjutant, S. H. Hubbell tendered his resignation, but is not accepted, so he will stay; of this, I am truly gad for I am conscious there is no man in the regiment so well qualified for the place as he. Capt. Lewis rejoined us today, bringing with him Kelly's commission as Colonel. So the vexed question is settled, the suspense over, and all begin to breathe freer. It is universally conceded that we have the right man in the right place. All like him, and feel confidence in his ability. Since he has had charge of the regiment (for he has been in command two or three weeks), he has made some radical changes, all for the better. Discipline has been more strict and regularly administered. I think order will soon be brought out of confusion and the machine begin to run smoothly. Our regiment has lost, I presume, about 35 by disease, probably as many by desertion, and about the same by discharge. So we are going down gradually. Stringent measures are being taken to prevent further desertions by dealing with those who have been brought back. Three members of the 27th Ky. were today taken out on the parade ground in the presence of their own and our regiments, besides many spectators, and the right side of their heads shaved, smooth and clean, then drummed out of camp, at the point of the bayonet, to serve the rest of their time of service in prison at hard work. I think several of our regiment will undoubtedly share the same humiliating fate; for stringent measures will be resorted to, to return them. I want to see the law enforced in all its rigor.

It is getting late and I must close.


March 5, 1863

Head Quarters 107th Ill. Vol.

In camp near Munfordville, Ky., Feb. 24th, 1863

Editor: Will you please publish the following extract from "General Orders" received at these Head Quarters, for the benefit of all who may be interested.

War Department, Adjutant Generals Office, Washington, D. C., Feb. 16, 1863

Sir:—I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the ____. The following extracts from the General Orders of the War Department will answer your application, or explain the proper course for you to pursue:


GENERAL ORDER NO. 65, of 1862.

Furloughs will not be given by Captains of companies, of Colonels of regiments, on any pretext whatever. A furlough from such authority will not relieve a soldier from the charge of desertion. Enlisted men absent from their regiments without proper authority are in fact deserters, and not only forfeit all pay and allowances, but are subject to the penalties awarded by law to such offenders. No plea of sickness, or other cause not officially established, and no certificate of a physician in civil life, unless it be approved by some officer acting as a military commander, will hereafter avail to remove the charge of desertion or procure arrears of pay, when a soldier has been mustered as absent from his regiment without leave. By application to the Governors of their States, or to any Military Commander or United States Mustering Officer in a city, transportation can be procured to their regiments by soldiers who are otherwise able to join them. When no Military Commander has been appointed, the senior officer of the army on duty, as Mustering of Recruiting officer in the place, is hereby authorized and requested to act in that capacity until another may be appointed.

GENERAL ORDER NO. 72, of 1862.

No more furloughs will be granted to paroled prisoners. All furloughs hereafter given to them are hereby revoked; and all prisoners now at large, on their parole, or who may hereafter be paroled by the rebel authorities, will immediately repair—if belonging to regiments raised in New England and Middle States—to the camp of Instruction established near Annapolis, Md.; if belonging to regiments raised in the State of Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana and Michigan, to camp Chase, near Columbus, Ohio; if belonging to regiments raised in the States of Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa and Missouri, to the camp near Jefferson Barracks, Mo., and report for such duty, compatible with their parole, as may be assigned to them by the officers in command of said camps. And all, whether officers or soldiers, who fail to comply with this order, with the space of time necessary for them to do so, will be accounted deserters and dealt with accordingly.

GENERAL ORDER NO. 78, of 1862.

The many evils which arise from giving furloughs to enlisted men, require that the practice shall be discontinued. Hospitals, provided with ample medical attendance, nurses, food and clothing, are established by the Government, at great expense; not only near the scenes of active military operations, but in many of the Northern States. When it is expedient and advisable, sick and wounded patients may, under the direction of the Surgeon General, be transferred in parties, but not in inpidual cases, to hospitals at the North, and as far as practicable, the men will be sent to States in which their regiments were raised, provided United States hospitals have been established there. Such regulations will be adopted at all the hospitals as will permit relatives and friends to visit the patients, and furnish them with comforts, at such hours and in such manner as will not interfere with the discipline of the hospitals and the welfare of the mass of patients. The men will thus be under the fostering care of the Government while unfit for duty; will be in position to be promptly discharged if proper, and, being always under military control, will be returned to their regiments as soon as they are able to resume their duties. The unauthorized removal of soldiers from under the control of the United States authorities, by any agents whatever, subjects them to loss of pay and other penalties of desertion.

From the foregoing extracts, it will be perceived that the granting of furloughs has been suspended by the military authorities. Obedience to orders is the first duty of a soldier.

Joseph J. Kelly, Col.
Commanding 107th Ill. Vol.

March 12, 1863

DESERTERS ARRESTED.—Three soldiers have been arrested and placed in jail by Sergeant C. ZORGER. They are from the 107th Regiment, and failing to report themselves to their regiment, this means has been resorted to, to return them to duty. This is in accordance with the orders we published last week. All furloughs are countermanded except those mentioned in our last issue, and unless absentees report themselves without delay, they will be arrested and treated as deserters.

March 19, 1863

The funeral sermon of Wm. G. KENNISON, late of the 107th regiment, will be preached in the Baptist Church on Sabbath morning 22nd inst.

March 26, 1863

Company B, 107th Reg. Ill. Vol.

Camp Near Munfordville, Ky., March 7th, 1863

Messrs. Editors:

With respect to you and the citizens of DeWitt, knowing that there is scarcely a man in the county who has not either a son or some near relative or friend in the 107th, therefore you no doubt feel a great interest for our welfare and well doing and perhaps would like to be kept posted in regard to us as a regiment. With this view of the case and being in full possession of facts concerning the regiment, so far as I shall speak (having been constantly present and engaged since its organization at Camp Butler), I feel it not only my privilege but a duty I owe to our friends at home to speak of some matters which might be of interest to all; which I fear has been somewhat misrepresented heretofore. In order to accomplish this I submit a few lines to you hoping they may meet with due acceptance and if found worthy they may find room in your columns, whereby the community in general may have an opportunity of reading a true and impartial statement of our present condition and future prospects.

With respect to our regiment, I would first say that we still live, move, and have our being, and in every way prospering; in fact, we are just arriving at that point which will entitle us to credit as a first class regiment. I am happy to state that we once more have a head to our regiment, the result by which peace and harmony is restored. Both officers and men seem to have become particularly interested in their duties, and every thing seems to work smoothly and move off with renewed vigor. I am somewhat opposed to personalities in public communications, but you must allow me to say that our present commander elicits the utmost confidence of both officers and men; ever since our first organization he has constantly remained with us, fared all the hardships subsequent to camp life, has ever proved himself to be a true patriot and a soldier, and in every way competent and worthy of the honorable position he now holds, with a firm, yet prudent and kind manner. He is introducing a perfect system of discipline and drill throughout the entire regiment, which gives general satisfaction and great encouragement to all. I am most happy to state without fear of contradiction that our regiment in the past few weeks has met with a very decided improvement in every particular; our hospital has also been greatly improved, and the health of the regiment is gradually improving, desertion has ceased, and every one seems to be contented.

Now parents one word to you, then I will close. You who have sons in this regiment, aside from the natural casualties, which all soldiers are subject to, have nothing to fear. Your sons will be cared for and protected. So long as they are in the hands of Col. KELLY, there will be nothing which soldiers require and can possibly be obtained, but what they will have, and that too, promptly and regular.


April 2, 1863

Red Tape at Harper's Ferry.

The following extract from a letter by Corporal A, stationed at Maryland Heights, where the Sixth New York Artillery is now encamped, shows what a beautiful arrangement, "the channel" in which Red Tape runs, is supposed to be:—"A young man was quite sick with typhoid fever, and it was regarded as quite important that he should be sent North, for a change of air and also to get home nursing. An application on the prescribed blank was filled up according to the present arrangements, and the surgeon's certificate, with the customary Latin appended. This was forwarded by the Captain to the Colonel, and by the Colonel to General Kenly, who forwarded it to General Kelly, who forwarded it to General Schenck, who had a staff officer for attending to such routine business. This staff officer referred the application to the medical director, who considered the matter profoundly, and concluded that the Latin was not quite satisfactory; so he returned it to said staff officer, remarking that the surgeon should be more explicit, etc. The staff officer returned the paper to General Kelly, calling attention to the endorsement of the medical director. General Kelly's Assistant Adjutant General returned it to General Kenly, calling attention to the above endorsement; General Kenly's Assistant General returned it to the Colonel, calling attention to the preceding endorsement; the Colonel's Adjutant sent it to the Captain; the Captain sent it to the surgeon. The surgeon, in reply, stated that 'the man was dead'."

April 2, 1863


All members of the 107th Ill. Vol. Infantry, who were taken prisoners and paroled by John MORGAN, at Elizabethtown, Kentucky, Dec. 27th, 1862, will report themselves immediately to Benton Barracks, Missouri, for exchange, otherwise by a late order from the War Department, they will be considered deserters and treated accordingly.

J. J. Kelly, Col.
Commanding 107th Ill. Vol.

April 2, 1863

From the 107th Regiment.

Camp Joe Kelly, Glasgow, Ky., March 17th, 1863

Eds. Public.—Deeming a few words relative to the proceedings of the 107th might not be altogether uninteresting to its friends and the readers of your paper, I shall devote a short time to speaking of them. On Friday, 13th of March, Colonel KELLY received orders to report with his regiment at Glasgow, at as early a day as possible. Owing to lack of transportation, and the necessity of various other preliminary preparations, we were unable to start at once; and, in order to give time to make proper arrangements, the Col. issued orders to strike tents at six o'clock, and be ready to march by eight o'clock, Sunday morning. Sabbath morning came, one of those bright, balmy mornings, which occasionally come, even before the pleasant weather of spring time is fully upon us. Though clear, the sun did not shine with his full radiance; there was a slight Indian summer-like haze just sufficient to give a tinge of mellow soberness to the grim old river bluffs and the distant range of thickly wooded hills. At four o'clock the clear tones of the bugle announced the hour for rising; in a [few] minutes all were stirring, breakfast was soon dispatched, and then commenced the bustle, and hurry, preparatory to marching. It were as if the Juggler had uttered the magic words, presto vedo, for when the bugle announced the hour for striking tents, all was done in a trice. The white village on the knob disappeared at once, and left the most grotesque pile of dilapidated ruins I ever saw. The boys had built what are called in soldier phraseology, Shebangs. I shall not trouble myself to trace the origin of the term, nor to discover whether it be of classical origin or not, but simply state that it is an appliance for warming the tents. These Shebangs were built of various materials of various shapes and sizes. Each seemed to follow his own peculiar notions so that each peculiar style of architecture known to art was represented, besides one which was not known, and which, for want of a better term, I shall call the Chaotic. This predominated "muchly," for they were built generally of rough irregular stone, piled up any way, just so a cavity was left on the inside for a fire place; and topped out with sticks plastered up with mud, or a barrel minus the head. This sublime group of majestic columns we left, standing in all their solemn grandeur, gloom, and glory. I don't know whether we folded our tents like the Arabs or not; but I know the march was ordered at eight o'clock, [and] they had all been rolled up and loaded on the wagons. The regiment formed by the right in front, marched out on the road a short distance and halted. The wagon, and ambulance train, consisting of about twenty vehicles, fell in immediately behind. All was now ready. The Colonel ordered the forward march, the column commenced moving. The advance guard, consisting of about eighty men, was under the command of Lieut. Dick WEEDMAN. The rear guard, of about the same number, [was] under the command of Lieut. Frank McMILLAN. The first eight miles of our march, after leaving Woodsonville, was over a hilly and some places very muddy road, rendering it difficult for the teams to proceed; but the mules tugged patiently on, and about one o'clock reached the "pike" where the regiment had made a short halt for rest and refreshments. After about one hour's rest the order to march was again given, and we set out on the turn pike. This was somewhat better traveling, especially for teams but rough enough in places to, "shake the rotten carcass of old death out of his rags."

The place selected for our night camp was a point some four or five miles from where we came upon the pike, bearing the very poetical name of Bear Wallow; the natives, I presume for the sake of euphony, pronounce Bar Waler, what the name originated from, I am unable to say, but it is certainly one of the most beautiful localities I have met with in the State. This point we reached about four o'clock. Up to this time nothing of note had occurred. We had passed many houses, many persons, but no signs even of a dormant spark of patriotism, or loyalty, had been exhibited; no union sentiment manifested. Men and women, negroes and urchins, equal all in intellect and accomplishments, gazed alike, with an air of vacant stupidity, but said nothing. I was some distance to the rear, attending the wagon train, and looking after the regimental stores, when the regiment arrived at the stopping place, though near enough to see what was passing, and noticing some unusual movements, enquired the cause, but before answer was given, saw, waving to the breeze a most beautiful flag—the emblem of that principle for which we are battling—it was unexpected, a thrill of delight passed over me. I thought the old flag never looked so beautiful before. In the meantime, the Col. had halted the regiment in front of where it was planted, about faced, and proposed cheers; three times three rousing cheers were given with a hearty good will, not unmeaning yells, but heart exclamations full of enthusiasm of soul. The regiment now turned into the meadow near by and commenced erecting their tents. At this point too, for the first time in our journey, we saw symptoms of civilization in the form of a Church. It was a weather-beaten, dilapidated old building, much resembling in style and appearance a Dutch barn of forty years ago, but with all, a commodious old synagogue. In this place pine services were held at night, Chaplain MARTIN officiating. I was unable to gain admission, the house being full to overflowing, but am told that the Chaplain made one of his happiest efforts, all were much pleased, the pastor of the Church, a gentleman of the Christian persuasion, expressed himself much surprised at the orderly behavior of the troops, and said he had seldom seen so quiet and attentive a congregation any where. When the services were concluded the troops returned to their quarters for the night, and were, by this time, sufficiently tired to sleep soundly. Monday morning we were early astir, preparing to resume the march, the sun came up out of a clear sky, the air was pure and invigorating, and I believe it was even more pleasant than the proceeding morning had been, all matters seemed animated, the birds, which we in our northern homes seldom meet until April and May, were singing in every direction, and the air was full of music, but above all to animate and inspire us, there still floated that flag, that flag still cherished by one true heart, though surrounded by traitors. As I looked upon it I thought of the lines by Baily:

My country! if a wretch should ever arise
Out of thy countless sons, who would curtail
Thy freedom, dim thy glory—while he lives,
May all earth's people curse him—
And if one

Exist who would not arm for liberty,
Be too cursed living, and when dead,
Let him be buried downwards, with his face
Looking to hell, and o'er his coward grave
The hare skulk in her form.

The house before which this flag was displayed is the residence of Mrs. TAYLOR, whose husband has been in the union army since the beginning of the rebellion. First as Quarter Master of the Twenty-first Ky., afterward, as Surgeon in the Fifty-first Ohio, where he now is. Mrs. Taylor is a lady of good name and accomplishments, as was evidenced from the general order and arrangements about the premises. Things presented an air of taste and refinement, which we had not before met with. Though subjected to many hopes and much trouble, by the malice of traitors, she still proposes to live under or die by the old flag. She extended to our regiment, so far as she could, the most substantial aid and comfort, for which she has our warmest thanks. When about leaving, she asked Col. Kelly if he would accept a small present from her. The Colonel replied, "certainly, with pleasure." She presented him a neat little package, at the same time assuring him that she had never seen so orderly and quiet a body of troops, and expressed many cheering wishes for our future success. Nine more cheers were given, and the regiment again moved on, marching by the left in front, Lieut. McMillan's command taking the advance. The Colonel's present, when examined, proved to be a very nice fine pair of woolen socks, and came (it so happened) just in the right time.

After leaving "Bear Wallow," the country is more level, better farms, and better buildings, than we had seen the previous day, until we arrived at "Beaver Creek," within four miles of Glasgow; here it becomes again broken or hilly. The houses, for the most part, on the entire route, are built of logs; here and there a farm is to be met with. But whatever kind or size, there must be two fireplaces, occupying the entire ends of the house, and chimneys outside almost equal to the pyramids of Egypt.

I saw but one school-house on the road, and the second one I have met with in the State, and here every ragged urchin in the precincts of urchindom made a rush for the windows, and gazed with as much astonishment as if they expected to be "gobbled up."

To me every thing here looks old and strange; the buildings have an antiquated air; the hills, forests, rocks, the earth itself—everything—they look as if "eternity had rained its years upon them, and the grey winter of their age had come." I don't think I would give DeWitt and McLean Counties for all I have get seen of the State, and al the negroes in the State thrown in. Kentucky is almost beyond redemption, and even if slavery were today abolished (and I pray it may soon be), a century would hardly suffice to obliterate its deep engraven curse. It is written legible and unmistakably upon everything.

When near Glasgow the regiment was halted, the order in which they had been marching was reversed, and we again moved on. We entered the town with music and colors flying. The pavement, doors and windows, were all crowded with spectators, but there were few demonstrations of welcome; a white handkerchief could be seen now and then, waving in recognition, but it was faint and feeble. With two or three exceptions (and that is excepting half) I have no faith in the motives which prompted them—for I fear self interest was the prompter. Our camp is about half a mile west of the town. It is the most pleasant camp we have yet been in. We are all well supplied with water, there being two fine springs close by the camp, and another within two hundred yards, which would afford water for the whole regiment. The country is well supplied with springs of the best and purest water. This is the only thing which I envy the poor slavery benight-mared, self-important dupes of Kentucky.

The intention is to fortify this place strongly, but it will be done by pressing the slaves of traitors into the service. The order is issued. I think "Uncle Sam's" train is becoming healthier. The 107th are willing to do their duty, at all times, and under all circumstances. Though not absolutely "spoiling for a fight," I think a favorable report of them may be reasonably expected, in case of an engagement. I was prouder of being a member of the regiment on marching down here than ever before. Such order, such harmony, so firm a body of men I have seldom seen. Col. Kelly seemed in his element; I never saw him looking better. He was firm, cool, deliberate, unceasing in his exertions to maintain order, and provide for the comfort of his command; and never were exertions more fully successful. All agree that he richly deserves the position which he occupies.

Glasgow is a small place, numbering, I suppose, eight hundred or a thousand inhabitants—is built principally of brick—and looks as though it might be a place of considerable business, but like the rest of Kentucky it looks old. I am informed that it is a very hot bed of treason. The force here now consists of twelve companies of cavalry, and our regiment. I presume it will be strengthened in a few days. How long we will remain here is not known. "There is nothing fixed in war," and if I were going to define the term, I should call it a big uncertainty, depending for its results on a thousand and one minor uncertainties and contingencies; I hope, however, we may remain here for some time.


April 30, 1863

From the 107th Regiment.

Messrs. Editors:—

Some days since, we had the pleasure of which I would say a few words, and more especially, as I have heretofore been somewhat severe in the opinion I have expressed respecting the loyalty of the people of this section. I wish to do them justice; to give them full credit for every sentiment, every act of loyalty, which they utter or perform and "set down nought in malice."

Shortly after the arrival of our regiment at Glasgow, a flag, by order of the commander, was attached to the spire of the Court House. It was, however, a small pattern, such as a regiment usually carries with them in the field, and at its lofty eminence, looked indeed diminutive. But the Union loving ladies of the town, who with an unsullied patriotism still cling to the old flag, to the principles of which it is the emblem, and which have elevated their sex, the nation, and the race, to so high a destiny, deeming a larger one more appropriate, and wishing that it might be seen from afar by its enemies, and waving in defiance of their impotent attempts to dishonor it, made a large and beautiful one which they presented, in token of their sympathy with the cause of right, of their detestation of treason, tyranny and wrong.

On the evening appointed for the presentation, the entire command at this post, consisting of the 107th Ill. infantry, the 5th Ind. cavalry and the 5th Ill. battery, formed and marched down to the public square. The attendance of citizens was rather limited, not exceeding a hundred and fifty or two hundred at most; but comprised, I presume, almost the entire loyal sentiment of the neighborhood. The ceremonies were conducted at the door of the Court House, the high stone steps forming a nice platform where all could have a fair view, and were about as follows:

After an appropriate prayer by Chaplain Martin, Miss Julia Ritter, a young lady of fine personal appearance and accomplishments, and, by the way, whose father, Judge Ritter, has been the subject of much persecution, and personal ill treatment by the rebels, being for five months a prisoner in their hands at Nashville, delivered on behalf of the ladies the following address, a copy of which she had the kindness to furnish Col. Kelly.

"Friends of Liberty, as the honored representative of those patriotic ladies by the munificence of whom it was purchased, we would, in their name, present you this flag, as a slight token of the appreciation in which your efforts in behalf of the institutions of your country are held. Institutions which were transmitted to us by a common ancestry; it is a memento of our attachment to the laws of our country, and the glorious Union, which—Heavenly Father grant—may never be severed, while throbs an honest heart, or strength remains in the arms of brave men to strike down its destroyers. Patriots—both civilians and soldiers—will you accept this flag and attach it to the temple of Justice that directs the injured to the source of redress; that we may occasionally lift our eyes and see the ever glorious Stars and Stripes and feel with them, floating o'er our heads and your brave hearts, ever ready for our defense, we are safe."

Comment is unnecessary. I have only to say the beautiful sentiment pervading the address is but a fair reflection of the personal grace and beauty of its author.

Mr. Goren, a prominent lawyer of this place, and now candidate for Congress on the Union ticket, followed in a brief address with a tolerable good Union ring. The style was quick, nervous, and impulsive. I should judge from his speech that there is in his mental constitution much of that quality known as "snap." At the close of his remarks, he presented the flag, which was received by Col. Kelly of the 107th Ill., and Lieut. Col. Butler of the 5th Ind., in behalf of their respective regiments. Col. Kelly then made a few remarks, thanking the fair donors for the gift and assuring them that so far as he and his command could contribute to its protection, it should be protected. Chaplain Martin of the 107th then made a short speech characteristic of "Old Sam" and was followed by Chaplain Cunningham, of the 5th Ind., in an eloquent and stirring speech, fine and polished expression, with a cutting edge, full of force and practical common sense.

The flag was now taken away, and while being conveyed to the top of the cupola, the time was occupied in one of the most pleasing ceremonies of the evening, in singing national and patriotic songs. In this a number of the soldiers participated, who, if they did not produce music of the best quality, may at least claim to have performed their part with an enthusiastic earnestness. Half an hour or more had probably elapsed in getting the flag ready and to its place; but no sooner had its folds spread to the breeze than the artillery, with a salute of thirty-two guns, waked the echoes among the sleepy vales and woods of the surrounding country. The soldiers then marched quietly and in good order to their respective camps, much pleased with the ceremonies of the afternoon.

We are much gratified to know that there are some truly loyal and patriotic people in Glasgow, and, as naturally would be expected, the persons composing that class are the cultivated, intelligent and refined. Our treatment by the citizens has been most respectful and kind, no unpleasant occurrence, so far as I am advised, having transpired between citizen and soldier.

We shall not soon forget the Union ladies of Glasgow, and in conclusion would say, with the Bard of Avon: "Ladies, you deserve to have a temple built you."


May 28, 1863


A meeting was held in the Court House, on Saturday evening last, for the purpose of purchasing vegetables for the 107th regiment, many of whom are suffering from scurvy. Chaplain MARTIN presented the boys' case and succeeded in raising eighty-six dollars on the spot. On Sabbath, collections were taken up in the several churches. The sum raised amounts to nearly two hundred dollars.

June 11, 1863

HD. QRS. 107th ILL. VOL.

Camp Hobson, Glasgow, Ky., June 1st, 1863

To the Citizens of DeWitt County:

Chaplain MARTIN has just returned to the regiment and brings with him your very liberal contribution for the use of our sick in hospital; and in behalf of the officers and men of this regiment, I tender you our grateful acknowledgments for the same. To be thus kindly remembered by friends at home, encourages us to continue in the faithful discharge of our duties, amid the toils and privations incident to a soldier's life.

Our sick are kindly and well cared for. Our hospital, under the management of Surgeon WRIGHT, Assistant Surgeon COFFIN and Chaplain Martin, as well as their ever faithful and attentive attendants—cooks and nurses—is a pleasant place, everything pertaining to the hospital is kept in the best of order; cleanliness reigns supreme in every department. Indeed, it is one of Dr. Wright's standing orders that every thing must be done in order and kept in order. Dr. RADMORE, who has been absent for some time, reported for duty yesterday; and now with a full board of Surgeons, Chaplain, attendants, &c., no regiment has a more desirable hospital than ours. As already remarked, our sick are very kindly cared for and faithfully attended. Indeed, except the absence of loved ones at home, our sick are as well attended as they could be at their homes. We are fortunate in having the services of such faithful and efficient Surgeons in our regiment; our Chaplain, also, is found at his post and faithfully discharges his duty. The officers and men of the regiment generally enjoy good health and are faithful in the discharge of their duties, and although we have not been so "fortunate" as to have been sent forward to "battle's front," yet we have striven to faithfully discharge the duty assigned us.

I must not omit to mention the fact that the Union citizens of this place have been very kind and attentive to our sick. They have daily visited our hospitals, opened their doors for the accommodation of our sick, and at all times shown a disposition to alleviate the sufferings of those who were defending their homes from rebel raids.

Again thanking you for your kindness and liberal donation, I subscribe myself your

Obedient Servant

Joseph J. Kelly
Col. Comd. 107th Ill. Vol.

July 16, 1863

OUTRAGES.—We learn that some days ago several men called at the house of Uncle Gabe BENNETT, in Creek Township, and ordered him to take down the Stars and Stripes, which were floating proudly over his dwelling. Undaunted by the threat to pull it down for them, Uncle Gabe and his wife refused, stating that they were old people, and might as well die defending the old flag as in any other cause. Finding that these staunch Union people could not be frightened, the fellows concluded to leave without further demonstration. Good for Gabe and his estimable lady.

On the 4th, we are informed, eight rebel sympathizers from Macon county visited a house in Texas township—the proprietor being absent—and enquired of the children if their father was an abolitionist, to which they replied in the negative. Is he a Copperhead? was the further inquiry. No they said. Is he a Republican, they asked. Yes, they answered. Upon this, the ruffians whipped the children severely, abused and insulted the mother, and left. The parties are known and will be looked after. Both these outrages were committed within six miles of Clinton.

July 16, 1863


The guerrilla, MORGAN, with some 10,000 men, has invaded Indiana, capturing towns and doing what damage he can. He threatens to cross the river into this State, in consequence of which, there is great excitement in the lower counties.

July 23, 1863

From the 107th Regiment.

Messrs. Editors: Your subscribers being a committee appointed by the Soldiers' Benevolent Associations of company B, 107th regiment Ill., vol. Infantry, for that purpose—would respectfully request that the following resolution which was unanimously adopted by said association, be published in the "PUBLIC."

Resolved, That we earnestly request the citizens of DeWitt county, that if practicable to do so, they bury all the bodies of the members of our company, who may, with the consent of their friends, be buried in the soldiers' burying ground at Clinton, in a group by themselves so as to render it convenient to build a monument to their memories at some future time.

We herewith transmit you a copy of our Constitution and bylaws, which, in behalf of the Association—for the satisfaction of our friends at home, we would also request you to publish.

By complying with the above requests you will greatly oblige all the members of our Association. Respectfully and very truly yours,

Thos. R. IRWIN  >
E. PORTER    >Committee
E. W. ALLYN    >

We are not in possession of the Constitution and bylaws above referred to. We will gladly give place to them if a copy is furnished to us.—ED.

July 23, 1863


At the battle of Stone River, while the men were lying behind a crest waiting, a brace of frantic wild turkeys, so paralyzed with fright that they were incapable of flying, ran between the lines and endeavored to hide among the men. But the frenzy among the turkeys was not so touching as the exquisite fright of the birds and rabbits. When the roar of battle rushed through the cedar thickets, flocks of little birds fluttered and circled about the field in a state of utter bewilderment, and scores of rabbits fled for protection to our men lying down in a line on the left, nestling under their coats and creeping under their legs in a state of utter distraction. They hopped over the field like toads and as perfectly tamed by fright as household pets. Many officers witnessed it, remarking it as one of the most curious spectacles ever seen upon a battlefield.

July 30, 1863

From the 107th.

Glasgow, Ky., July 21, 1863.

Died in hospital in this place on July 19th 1863, Mr. Wm. Ellerton [should be Elderton], of Co. D, 107th Reg. Ill. Vol. Inf., of chronic diarrhea, and was buried in the soldiers' burying ground one mile from this place.

S. H. MARTIN, Chaplain.

[The Civil War roster had the correct spelling of his name but the wrong date of death. I found him in the 1860 census under the name Elderton. He had a wife, Hannah, and five children: Elizabeth, Hugh, James, Wm. Henry and Hester Ann.]

July 30, 1863


Scroggsville Church, 3 miles

From New Lisbon, July 27
To Col. Lewis Richmond, A. A. Gen. Burnside's staff:

By the blessing of Almighty God, I have succeeded in capturing Gen. John A. [H.] MORGAN, Col. CLUKE [DUKE?], and the balance of his command, amounting to about 400 prisoners.

Brigadier General

August 6, 1863


Col. KELLY, of the 107th Ill., has been sick at Cincinnati. The regiment had the pleasure of escorting Morgan's men, as prisoners, from that city to Columbus.

The Richmond Dispatch says that the capture of MORGAN is a distressing blow to the Confederacy.

The London papers cannot discover that our recent victories amount to anything; at least they are not to our advantage. Nothing would please them better than for us to consent to be whipped by the rebels.

The rebels say that the prisoners paroled by GRANT, at Vicksburg, will soon be organized and again put in the field against us.

August 6, 1863

SOLDIER'S FUNERAL.—A young man named NUTT, a volunteer whose term of service had nearly expired, died at the Union House, in this town, Saturday, and was buried Sunday morning.

August 13, 1863

Louisville, Aug. 3d, 1863

Thinking that the many friends of the 107th would like to know the present locality of that Reg., I take great pleasure in informing them through your paper that the Reg. arrived in this city at 4 o'clock yesterday, from Lexington, Ky., enroute for Lebanon, Ky. I met the boys at the depot and found them all in the best of spirits, although many were worn out by excessive marching. After partaking of some of the good food of that well conducted place, the Soldier's Home, the Reg. left for Lebanon at 8 o'clock p.m. The boys were very anxious to hear from home, many of them not having heard for six weeks.

There were a great many of the Reg. left at different places sick; one remarked to me that the sick of the 107th extended from Columbus, Ohio, to the Cumberland river, Penn. I hope the Reg. will remain for a time where they are, until they become rested, which I think is the intention at present. Col. KELLY, is at present confined to his room at the National Hotel, from sickness caused by the recent hard marches and exposure. He is some better, today, and I hope will soon be able to resume command of his Reg.

All persons writing to the Reg., for the present, should direct to the 107th Reg. 1st Brigade, Judah's pision, 23d Army corps, Lebanon, Ky.

Very Respectfully Yours,

August 20, 1863



The editor of the Memphis Bulletin has been on a visit to Nashville, attending a State Convention. He communicates the following to his paper and vouches for his informant. It is sickening in detail— horrible in conception, and the wretches who perpetrated the outrages named, are not fit for hanging. Some new and exquisite torture should be invented for their especial benefit. Here is the article:

From Col. Robert A. Crawford, of Green county, Tenn., who is a refugee, and was one of the vice presidents of the late Convention at Nashville, we learn the following facts in reference to rebel rule in that beautiful "Switzerland of America," East Tennessee. Col. Crawford has a personal knowledge of some of the facts, having left the scene of their enactment quite recently, and vouches for the truth of all of them, as his information was obtained from trustworthy persons, and written down on the spot.

Last summer three young men, brothers named Anderson, left their homes in Hawkins county and attempted to make their way into Kentucky. They were arrested by a squad of Confederate cavalry on Clinch river, about seventy-five miles from Knoxville, shot and thrown into the river. Their bodies were found floating in the stream, fifteen miles from their own forsaken home.


In the month of January, 1863, at Laurel, N.C., near the Tennessee border, all the salt was seized for distribution by Confederate Commissioners. Salt was selling at seventy-five to one hundred dollars a sack. The Commissioners declared that the "Tories should have none" and positively refused to give Union men their portion of the quantity to be distributed in that vicinity. This palpable injustice roused the Union men; they assembled together and determined to seize their proportion of the salt by force. They did so, taking at Marshall, N.C., what they deemed to be their just share.

Immediately afterwards, the 65th North Carolina regiment under command of Lieut. Col. James Keith, was ordered to Laurel to arrest the offenders.


L. M. Allen was Colonel of the regiment, but had been suspended for six months for crime and drunkenness.

Many of the men engaged in the salt seizure left their homes. Those who did not participate in it became the sufferers. Among those arrested were Joseph Wood, about sixty years of age; Dav. Shelton, sixty; Jas. Shelton, fifty; Roddy Shelton, forty-five; Elison King, forty; Halen Moore, forty; Wade Moore, thirty-five; Isaiah Shelton, fifteen; Wm. Shelton, twelve, James Metcalf, ten; Jasper Channel, fourteen; Saml. Shelton, nineteen, and his brother, aged seventeen, sons of Lirus Shelton— in all, thirteen men and boys. Nearly all of them declared they were innocent and had taken no part in appropriating the salt. They begged for a trial, asserting that they could prove their innocence.


Col. Allen, who was with his troops but not in command, told them they should have a trial, but they would be taken to Tennessee for that purpose. They bid farewell to their wives, daughters, and sisters, directing them to procure the witnesses and bring them to the court in Tennessee, where they supposed their trial would take place. Alas! how little they dreamed what a fate awaited them!


The poor fellows had proceeded but a few miles when they were turned from the road into a gorge in the mountain and halted. Without any warning of what was to be done with them, five of them were ordered to kneel down. Ten paces in front of these five, a file of soldiers were placed with loaded muskets. The terrible reality flashed upon the minds of the doomed patriots. Old man Wood (sixty years of age) cried out: "For God's sake, men, you are not going to shoot us? If you are going to murder us, give us at least time to pray." Col. Allen was reminded of his promise to give them a trial. They were informed that Allen had no authority; that Keith was in command; and that there was no time for praying. The order was given to fire; the old man and boys put their hands to their faces and rent the air with agonizing cries of despair; the soldiers wavered and hesitated to obey the command. Keith said, if they did not fire instantly, he would make them change places with the prisoners. The soldiers raised their guns, the victims shuddered convulsively, the word was given to fire, and the five men fell pierced with rebel bullets. Old man Wood and Shelton were shot in the head, their brains scattered upon the ground, and they died without a struggle. The other three lived only a few minutes.


Five others were ordered to kneel, among them little Billy Shelton, a mere child, only twelve years old. He implored the men not to shoot him in the face. "You have killed my father and brothers," said he, "you have shot my father in the face; do not shoot me in the face." He covered his face with his hands. The soldiers received the order to fire, and five more fell. Poor little Billy was wounded in both arms. He ran to an officer, clasped him around the legs and besought him to spare his life. "You have killed my old father and three brothers; you have shot me in both arms— I forgive you all this— I can get well. Let me go to my mother and sisters." What a heart of adamant the man must have who could disregard such an appeal. The little boy was dragged back to the place of execution; again the terrible word "fire!" was given, and he fell dead, eight balls having entered his body. The remaining three were murdered in the same manner. Those in whom life was not entirely extinct, the heartless officers dispatched with their pistols.


A hole was then dug, and the thirteen bodies were pitched into it. The grave was scarcely large enough; some of the bodies lay above the ground. A wretch named Sergeant N. B. D. Jay, a Virginian, but attached to a Tennessee company of the 65th North Carolina Regiment, jumped upon the bleeding bodies, and said to one of the men: "Pat Juba for me, while I dance the damned scoundrels down to and through hell." The grave was covered lightly with earth, and the next day when the wives and families of the murdered men heard of their fate, searched for and found their grave, the hogs had runted up one man's body and eaten his head off.


Capt. Moorly, in charge of a cavalry force, and Col. Thomas, in command of a number of Indians, accompanied Keith's men. These proceeded to Tennessee; Keith's men returned to Laurel and were instructed to say that the cavalry had taken the prisoners with them to be tried, in accordance with the pledge of Col. Allen. In their progress through the county, many Union men were known to have been killed and scalped by the Indians. Upon the return of Keith and his men to Laurel, they began systematically to torture the women of loyal men, to force them to tell where their fathers and husbands were and what part each had taken in the salt raid. The women refused to pulge anything. They were then whipped with hickory switches— many of them until the blood coursed in streams down their persons to the ground; and the men who did this were called soldiers! Mrs. Sarah Shelton, wife of Esau Shelton, who escaped from the town, and Mrs. Mary Shelton, wife or Lifus Shelton, were whipped and hung by the neck till they were almost dead, but would give no information. Martha White, an idiotic girl, was beaten and tied by the neck all day to a tree.


Old Mrs. Unan[?] Riddle, aged eighty-five years, was whipped, hung, and robbed of a considerable amount of money. Many others were treated with the same barbarity. And the men who did this were called soldiers! The daughters of Wm. Shelton, a man of wealth and highly respectable, were requested by some of the officers to sing and play for them. They played and sang a few national airs. Keith learned of it and ordered that the ladies be placed under arrest and sent to the guardhouse, where they remained all night.

Old Mrs. Sallie Moore, seventy years of age, was whipped with hickory rods till the blood ran in streams down her back to the ground; and the perpetrators of this were clothed in the habiliments of rebellion and bore the name of soldiers!

One woman, who had an infant five or six weeks old, was tied in the snow to a tree, her child placed in the door way in her sight, and she was informed that if she did not tell all she knew about the seizure of the salt, both herself and child would be allowed to perish. Sergeant N. B. D. Jay, of Capt. Reynolds' company, and Lieut. R. M. Deever, assisted their men in the execution of these hellish outrages. Houses were burned and torn down. All kinds of property was destroyed or carried off.


All the women and children of the Union men who were shot, and of those who escaped, were ordered by General Alfred E. Jackson, headquarters at Jonesboro, to be sent through the lines by way of Knoxville. When the first of them arrived at this place, the officer in charge applied to Gen. Donelson (former speaker of the House of Representatives at Nashville) to know by which route they should be sent from there, whether by Cumberland Gap or Nashville. Gen. Donelson immediately directed them to be released and sent home, saying that such a thing was unknown in civilized countries. They were then sent home, and all the refugees met on the road were also turned back.


On the 13th of February, 1863, a squad of soldiers was sent to conscript James McCullum, of Green county, Tennessee, a very respectable, industrious man, thirty or thirty-five years of age. They found him feeding his cattle. When he saw some of them he ran to the back of his barn; others were posted behind the barn, and without hailing or attempting to arrest him, one of them shot him through the neck, killing him instantly. His three little children, who saw it, ran to the house and told their mother; she came out wringing her hands in anguish, and screaming with horror and dismay.

The soldiers were sitting upon the fence. They laughed at her agony and said they had only killed a "damned Tory." The murdered man was highly esteemed by his neighbors and was a firm Union man.

Note: For more information on this story go to:

August 20, 1863

Wise's Grief for his Son.

In Col. Estvan's recently published book—"War Pictures in the South"—we have the following sketch of the grief displayed by Governor Wise, of Virginia, on recovering the body of his son, O. Jennings Wise, who was killed at Roanoke Island.:

"Burnside immediately complied with Gen. WISE's request, and issued the necessary order to give up the body of the captain to the brave old general. In a small inlet of the bay, on board a Federal war steamer, the coffin containing the body was brought to us. The officers and men spoke to us in the most friendly terms and informed us that every attention had been paid to Captain Wise until he breathed his last. I shook hands with the officer who landed, thanking him in the general's name. He took a courteous leave of me, and his boat was soon gliding along towards his steamer with measured strokes. I stood for a few moments on the shore, watching his progress, and then returned in a mournful mood in charge of the body of poor Captain Wise. On reaching Portsmouth, all the church bells tolled, and a procession was formed by the numerous friends of the deceased. At the porch of the church we made a halt, awaiting the arrival of Gen. Wise. With bowed head and faltering step the old general approached, leaning on the arm of another of his sons, the Rev. ____ Wise, and accompanied also by his son-in-law, Dr. Lyons. Evincing great emotion, he went up to the coffin and ordered the lid to be raised that he might once more behold the features of his lamented son. The brother and brother-in-law of the departed could no longer suppress their grief and burst into tears. The old general took the dead man's hand into his own and exclaimed, in a tone of anguish which startled all present: `You have died for me; you have died for your father!' And large tears rolled down his cheeks.—`He died for me! he died for me!' he repeated, in broken accents, and then fell insensible to the ground."

August 20, 1863

From the 107th.

Lebanon, Ky., August 7th, 1863

Mr. Editor:—Supposing that you and the friends of the 107th are desirous of hearing from us, I have concluded to write you a few lines.

Ever since the 21st day of June last, we have been constantly on the move after Morgan. From that time until the present we have traveled near sixteen hundred miles by land and water. We have experienced some good and some hard service during the long march; but notwithstanding the muddy roads, rains and heat, and not being accustomed to much fatigue, the boys stood the trip remarkably well. The number present for duty (enrolled men) is something like five hundred and sixty. There are not a great many sick in hospital—but few in camp—none dangerously. Col. KELLY has been quite unwell for the last three or four weeks. Captains LEWIS and FORD and Lieutenants CLAGG, ADAMS and CRESAP have been unable for duty for some time; they are so as to be with us in camp. John CHAMBER's health is improving slowly. Lieut. Col. F. H. LOWRY is in command; he is an able, efficient and dutiful officer—ever willing and ready to perform his duty towards his men and country. Under his command the boys can all safely seek redress for every wrong that may be inflicted upon them. He is cool, considerate and frank in all his orders and commands. Frankness is a trait in an officer that soldiers highly appreciate.

The past and present we know, what will happen in "a twelvemonth" hence, I shall not assume the province of pining, but judging the future by the victorious events that transpired during last month, at the same time taking into consideration present prospects, it looks as though this war, with all its concomitant train of evils, would soon be brought to a close. May the God of battles preside over our army and navy until perfect quietude is brought about—rebellion crushed—and the States become united by the bonds of brotherly love—happy and free from the stealthy steps of internal foes. Then will the progress of our national greatness become as brilliant and perfect as it was in sunny days of yore. More anon.

Respectfully Yours,

September 3, 1863

Head Quarters, District of Kentucky, Louisville, Aug. 23, 1863

Ed Public: Since last writing, the 107th have left their camp at Lebanon, Ky. The 23d Army Corps left Lebanon Aug. 18th, at 2 o'clock p.m. Since then quite a number of sick from the 107th have arrived in this city and been distributed through the different hospitals. Through the kindness of Dr. Shumard, Medical Director, I have been able to furnish you with a complete list of the 107th that are in this city. In order that the sick boys here get their mail promptly, I send you the accompanying list, that their friends, by looking at it, will find out the number of the Hospital to address. Always address to the number of Hospital in which the person you wish to write to is in.

Name Rank Company Hospital
Samuel Dilavon Private G 7
Joseph Bateson Private B 1
William Brooks Private F 3
Phillip Brown Private F 3
W. S. Barnes Corporal G 10
John Brand Private F 7
A. E. Buck Private A 7
Elias Brady Private E 7
James Baker Private G 7
H. Elsworth Private B 10
J. S. Carlock Private F 7
W. Cantrell Private D 7
J. Clevenger Private B 7
J. B. Foster Private F 7
J. W. Fannel Private B 7
Phillip J. Gossard Sergt. A Died Aug. 12
A. Harper Musician A 3
D. Harrington Private G 7
Lemuel Jones Private B 7
Wm. Howel Private K 7
Madison Lane Private F 10
D. L. Lefever Private C 7
Edward Porter Sergt. B 7
James Pierson Private G 7
John Patterson Private A 7
Alvin Monroe Private G 10
J. W. Montgomery Private G 7
R. Shelley Private I 7
Augustus Scott Private D 1
William Nutt Private D 1
John Rivett Private G 7
John Rhoads Private E 7
L. B. Spencer Private F 3
W. H. Towliger Private E 18
A. J. Wallace Private B 7

I have but to say to those who have sick friends here that they are well-cared for. I have visited quite a number of the hospitals during my stay in this city and, as far as I am able to judge, find that Surgeons, Stewards and Nurses, alike, do their whole duty to the sick and wounded under their control.

Very Respectfully,

[Note: Towliger should probably be Terwilliger. I'm not sure Hospital number 18 is correct, since it's only listed once. The number is hard to read, but that's what it looks like.]

September 24, 1863

HOME AGAIN.—Edward PORTER, of the 107th regiment, has returned, discharged from the service. As we stated last week his health is such that he is unable to perform the duties of field and camp. We trust his health will be restored by the kindly attentions of friends and the quiet repose of home.

September 24, 1863

ON A VISIT.—Thornton SNELL, Quartermaster's clerk in the 107th regiment, is at home looking usually well. He will return to his regiment in about a week.

October 1, 1863

Joined the Invalid Corps.—A number of the 107th regiment have gone into the Invalid Corps, among whom are Wyatt CANTRELL and ____ REEVES.

October 22, 1863

What Army Chaplains Do.

Correspondents of secular papers, writing from the army, have said much about chaplains which has left the impression on many minds that the office of chaplain is useless, and that as a general rule chaplains "are more ornamental then useful." The writer of these lines is a chaplain, and he may be supposed to know something about the matter. The views which presents can be attested by the evidence of every soldier in his regiment, according to their own expression furnished in writing.

Aside from the important work of preaching, whenever he has opportunity, the chaplain finds the hospital a most interesting field. He often meets there a work which neither correspondents know nor cruel officers appreciate. How often the poor afflicted soldier, dying away from wife, children and friends, has sent for me to come to his bedside and pray! How often have I heard from him something like this: "Chaplain I feel that I am going to die. Will you write to my wife and tell her I leave her in the hands of God? Tell her I would love to die at home, but that, as it is, my lot is to die here. Tell her I love my dear country more than ever, and that I am willing to die for its welfare. Tell her to educate Eddie and Mary as well as she can, and so to spend what little I have left, that it shall secure to them the ability to render to her that assistance which she will need by and by. Tell her to get what is in the Savings Bank, and start some little business with it. Finally, tell her my last wish is that God will protect and bless both her and my darling little ones."

Here is a tender errand, and one to be handled with the hands of a Christian. The soldier will not commit it to is captain—Oh, no, it is the chaplain who performs this invaluable service. Just before the battle of Roanoke, I had fifty papers placed in my hands by husbands and brothers in my regiment with requests that I open and read them and forward them as directed.

A captain, whose religious belief was that of a Roman Catholic, and who was engaged to be married, made out his will, had it properly attested, and placed it in my hands with instructions to give it to his intended wife, should he be slain. I wrote in one day, from the hospital at Berwick City, near Brashear City, La., twenty-five love letters for young soldiers who were either sick or wounded. On the same day I wrote six letters to fathers and mothers, and four to sisters, making thirty-six in all. The next day I tended six funerals and sent letters of sympathy to the friends of each one of the deceased. The next day, three hundred men, women and children, who had been slaves, came to our camp hungry, sick and wearied. I went to the commanding officer; drew rations and fed them all, giving me work till two in the morning.

I could go on and copy from "memorandum," to show that chaplains have very much of indispensable work to do. However despised by bad men, it is the chaplain's place to go on, patiently, faithfully, regardless of the sneers of bad men, looking for his reward from Him who is sure to give it. Chaplains have their "grievances," but the greatest grievance of all is the largeness of the field furnished in this awful struggle for our dear land, and the few there be to till it.—Exam.

October 22, 1863

From the 107th Reg.

Camp near Loudon, Tenn., Sep. 30, 1863

Ed. Public:—Again I assume the province of informing you and the friends of the 107th, where we are and what we have been doing since I last wrote. From the 18th day of Aug. last, until now, we have been almost constantly on the march. When we left Lebanon, Ky., our pision (2d p.) was under the command of Col. MOORE of the 25th Mich.—the hero of the battle at Tebb's Bend and as much of a gentleman as a soldier. Our Brigade was under command of Col. Chapin, of the 23d Mich. During the first two weeks, our marching was easy, not going over fifteen miles per day. Nothing occurred worthy of note, save now and then a loyal demonstration made by some harmless man or by a "colored inpidual." As soon as we entered this State we found that our march was becoming more difficult. Large hills and mountains appeared before us—roads rocky and steep. Our move across the mountains was quite rapid, yet attended with numerous deprivations, such as short rations, &c. From the time we entered the State until we arrived at Kingston, we could see a marked difference between its general appearance and that of Kentucky. The towns through which we passed looked like the wrecks of long ago. The windows and doors were torn from most of the houses; the yards are defaced and fields that once smiled under their prolific loads now present a desolate and dreary appearance. "The war steed" has been there and left his footsteps of desolation. But few citizens reside there; those that do have been compelled to undergo sorrows of almost every conceivable nature for the last two years. But notwithstanding all this, yea more, they have strictly adhered to our noble form of government, for which they merit our warmest thanks and admiration. Often while marching along the road, sad and weary, we were suddenly cheered by men, women and children, coming forth from their rude huts and, by acclamations of joy, prove that love of country filled their souls. We arrived here on the 3d inst. Loudon is a small town, situated on the west bank of the Tennessee river, encircled by prominent hills; it is naturally a well fortified place. Shortly before our forces moved upon the town, the rebs, under command of Gen. BUCKNER, evacuated it; but not however without first burning the railroad bridge. There is a large mill in town and our boys run it day and night, teams go out daily and bring in wheat. Since we came here, we have been about seventy miles East and to Sweet Water West—both times ordered back. Rumor has said for the last two or three days that the enemy was coming upon us. Yesterday morning about 8½ o'clock, cannonading was heard in the direction of Philadelphia—a small village seven miles west of here; since then we have heard no firing and have learned that the rebs have retreated towards Bragg's forces.

Capt. H. G. WISMER is pision Topographer; Lieut. EDMISTON is A. D. C. on Gen. WHITE's staff. The boys never looked in better health. The weather is clear and pleasant and the roads very dusty; we have had two heavy frosts. We are entirely shut out from mail matter and are all anxious to hear from the loved ones at home. What General ROSENCRANS or Gen. MEADE may be doing, we cannot tell. There is one thing we do know; over two years has elapsed since the first cannon boomed forth its peals of thunder at Ft. Sumter and still war is waged. Surely the rebellion is unjust—its foundation nought—and those who sympathize with it deserve to be spurned with as much contempt and indignation as those who first brought it about. The illiterate as well as the learned have formed opinions in reference to the best mode of subduing our national troubles. Some have said rather than trample upon, or vary from constitutional law, let a disintegration of the States be; while others have advocated the principle of wiping out the rebellion, let come what may, with or without that national chart that has gently guarded us in the path of wealth and prosperity ever since we have had a being. I have heard some say that the head of our Government had usurped legal power and disregarded the sacred rights of freemen. Such ideas have been held, and speeches containing similar sentiments have been published. Let it all go for what it will bring; a man to be loyal to God must perfectly and entirely submit to His pine law; so it is in regard to loyalty to our Government. He who is loyal to it gives it his whole support, and under all circumstances is perfectly submissive to its rules. This is not exclusively my war nor your war, but it effects us both. I care not what order or proclamation is issued, if it be issued by the proper authority, it is law for the time being, be it just or unjust. Because he who has the power and the right to issue an order, which we consider to be wrong, it does not afford sufficient grounds for us to withdraw our support from him. Even suppose that the executive of our Government should issue a proclamation which we conceived to be in perfect contravention of the constitution of our country, would it afford us ample excuse or just grounds to weaken his power to crush rebellion, and at the same time know that thereby our Government would be cut loose to whirl in the vortex of oblivion? No, I cannot think so, nor do I believe that men with rational minds and good hearts would suffer our national happiness thus to be obliterated. When war shall have subsided, when the clangor of arms is heard no more, then we may peaceably assemble and plead the cause of our country. I think, as does one of our best Generals—the ballot box is the place to settle national difficulties. Let every thing be done in harmony, for such will tend to unite our people and secure peace to our homes; all have work to do in this our time of suffering. If we remain a united people, one year hence, will probably bring about and insure us a perfect Government and Union; then will our nation's visage smile because of the intoxicating influence of liberty and freedom. Its radiance will once more reflect peace and plenty to our now frenzied people, and they, in return, will take up the song of national greatness and move forward with joyous hearts to that goal in Government which none but the free and industrious can possess.

Respectfully Yours, Joe.

October 22, 1863

From the 41st.

Sergt. Geo. WAKEFIELD, Frank MERRILL, Jerome EARLY, James WILLIS and John ARMSTRONG are at home. Frank Merrill and James Willis are sick—the latter suffering from dropsy. Mr. Armstrong was taken prisoner at Jackson and has been in the hands of the rebels ever since. He enjoyed a nine weeks' visit to Libby Prison, at Rockets, Richmond, Va. His opinion of that celebrated institution is anything but favorable.

October 22, 1863

AT HOME SICK.—James WILLIS, of the 41st Ill. regiment, is at home, in very feeble health, suffering from dropsy.

Capt. DANNISON, of company C, 41st Ill. regiment, returned to Vicksburg, Wednesday last.

October 29, 1863

Drum Maj. Home TAYLOR has nearly recovered his health and will soon return to duty.


Continued ill health has induced Lieut. Wm. CLAGG to resign his commission. His company and regiment will lose a good officer and his country a brave soldier.


Dr. WRIGHT, Surgeon of the 107th regiment, is in town. Since his return he has been attacked with phthisic. This is his second visit home since his enlistment.


We are sorry to learn that S. F. LEWIS, Esq., is confined to his room with bilious diarrhea.


Hugh CREA, Esq., formerly of Clinton, now practicing law in Decatur, was in town a day or two ago. He brought the body of Thomas NICHOLSON.

October 29, 1863

SOLDIER'S FUNERAL.—The remains of Thomas NICHOLSON, a member of Comp. B, 107th Ill., regiment, were buried with Masonic and military honors, on Wednesday. He died in Hospital at Glasgow, Ky., and was about 34 years of age.

November 5, 1863

Personal.—Capt. Lee McGRAW, of the 107th Ill. regiment, is at home on the sick list.


Lieut. KELLY returns to his regiment today.


It gives us great pleasure to announce that Adjutant Richey CONKLIN has been promoted to Assistant Adjutant General of the First Brigade, Third pision. His many friends will rejoice to hear of this recognition of his merit


Dr. WRIGHT left for his regiment this morning.


Geo. WAKEFIELD, of the 41st, returned to duty last evening.

November 5, 1863


Hd. Qts. 107 Reg. Ill. vol. Inf.
2d Brig. 2 p. 23d A. C.

In Camp near Loudon, Tenn., Oct. 17, 1863

EDITOR, CLINTON PUBLIC.—A. C. RUSK of Co. G, 107 Regt. Ill. Vols., died in Hospital in Loudon, Tenn., on Wednesday October 16, 1863. His disease was dysentery, which for twelve days he patiently bore with calm resignation without a murmur or complaint. During his illness I visited him frequently and he received all the care and attention possible for us to give him, yet he was taken from us and our number is one less. He was a good and faithful soldier—always on duty when health permitted—kind and genial with his fellow soldiers and companions. His loss will be deeply mourned, not only by the members of his own company but by all in the regiment.

Appropriate religious services were held on the occasion and the funeral was largely attended by the regiment, all of whom were deeply impressed with the solemnities of the occasion.

Though he is gone from us to meet no more, yet it may be a consolation to his bereaved friends to know that he was not buried on the "cold bleak hill," the common burying ground or "potters field," but by a positive order from Col. KELLY he was decently interred in the village burying ground, a neatly enclosed and beautiful spot, which reminds us of similar sacred receptacles in our own country. To his bereaved friends we tender our sympathies. Peace to his ashes; may we all again meet in that better clime where wars are unknown and where death never comes.

Faithfully Yours,
S. H. Martin,
Chaplain 107 Ills. Inf.

November 5, 1863

Appalling Evidence of Rebel Barbarity.

Annapolis, Md., Oct. 29

The flag-of-truce boat arrived this morning from City Point, with 121 paroled men. A number died on the boat on its way hither. They were actually starved to death. Never in the whole course of my life have I seen such a scene as these men presented. They were living skeletons, every man of them, and had to be sent to the hospitals. In the surgeon's opinion, more than one third of them must die, being beyond the reach of nourishment and medical aid. I questioned several of them, and all state that their condition has been brought on by the treatment they have received at the hands of the rebels. They have been kept without food and exposed a large portion of time without shelter of any kind. To look at these poor men, and hear their tales of woe as to how they have been treated, one would not suppose they had fallen into the hands of Southern chivalry, but rather into the hands of savage barbarians, destitute of all humanity or feeling.

November 12, 1863

Personal.—J. W. SPRADLING, who was wounded at Black River bridge, returned to the Marine Hospital, Chicago, this week, after a visit of a few days to his parents, in this place.


Mr. John SPRADLING has been afflicted with the bilious cholic, but is now better.


Jerome EARLY and Frank PHARES have gone back to their regiment—the 41st.


Joseph MORRISON, of the 20th regiment, and Mr. PENDLETON, of the 4th cavalry, came home Saturday.

November 19, 1863

Personal.—Capt. B. S. LEWIS, of Comp. G, 107th Ill., Reg. returned to duty Thursday last. His health is still poor, but military requirements are arbitrary, and he was obliged to leave.


The many friends of Lieut. V. WARNER will be glad to know that he has been appointed Ordinance Officer, 3d pision, 17th Army Corps. He remains at Vicksburg. Letters should be thus directed.


Lieut. Allen LITSINBERGER has been obliged, on account of ill health, to resign, and is now on a visit to his parents.


Capt. Lee McGRAW is recovering his health and will soon be able to rejoin his company. The boys of the regiment will be glad to see his face again.


Lieut. B. T. JONES is lying dangerously ill at Springfield. We learn that he is not expected to live.

November 26, 1863

Capt. Lee McGRAW returned to his regiment Monday last.


Home TAYLOR left for his regiment last Wednesday.


Israel H. ELDRIDGE has been commissioned Lieutenant in the 17th Cavalry.


Capt. DANISON and Lieut. Wm. TAYLOR, of the 41st, are at home recruiting.


Capt. Jim NORTH and Lieut. Richey CONKLIN paid a flying visit to Clinton, Tuesday last. They are now at Springfield on official business.

December 3, 1863


Cincinnati, Nov. 28, 1863

A dispatch was received in this city this morning by Chief of Police James Ruffin, stating that Gen. John H. MORGAN and six others escaped from the Columbus Penitentiary last night.

The names of the prisoners who escaped with Morgan are as follows: Capt. J. C. Bennett, Capt. S. B. Taylor, Capt. Ralph Sheldon, Capt. L. H. Hines, Capt. L. D. Hokersmith, [and] Capt. G. S. Magee. Col. Dick Morgan, and the six captains who were confined in the lower range of cells, had, by means of two small knives, dug through the floors of their cells, which is composed of cement and nine inches of brick work. Underneath the cells is an air chamber, extending the whole length of the building. Of this fact the prisoners seem to have been aware. Once in the air chamber, one of them could crawl to its terminus and dig down in the soft earth with his knife until the bottom of the foundation of the wall was reached; then digging out under, the thing was completed. Meanwhile, ropes had been manufactured of the bed ticking, and all arrangements were complete for their final escape. Everything being in readiness by last evening, only a little strategy was necessary for the escape of General Morgan. He occupied a cell on the second range, just over the one occupied by his brother Dick.

Last evening, as the prisoners were being locked up for the night, the Morgans were allowed to exchange cells with each other. After Dick had seen everything prepared, he permitted his brother John to take his place. Some time during the night the prisoners crawled through the hole they had dug under the wall, but had skillfully concealed, taking their rope with them.

They escaped from the prison immediately between the main building and the female department. Once in the yard, and escape was comparatively easy. They went to the southwest corner of the outer wall, near the big gate and threw their rope over the top, where it secured itself on one of the spikes. On this rope, and by the aid of some timbers near at hand, they clambered to the top and easily descended on the outside. There are no guards on the outer walls after a certain hour. The prisoners were dressed in citizens' clothes and not in prison habiliments.

Capt. Hines, who is a mason and bricklayer, seems to have had charge of the work which resulted in the escape of the prisoners.

A note was left for the Warden of the prison, of which the following is a copy.

"Castle Meroin, cell No. 20, Nov. 27th, 1863.—Commencement, Nov. 3, 1863. Conclusion, Nov. 20, 1863. Number of hours for labor per day, 3. Tools, 2 small knives. La Patience est amer, mais sou fruit est doux. By order of my six honorable confederates.

Henry Hines,
Capt. C. S. A.

I understand that measures have been taken to recapture the prisoners, which it is said they will find it difficult to elude. I have not been able to learn where they are. One thousand dollars reward is offered for Morgan, dead or alive. Which way he has gone no one knows. Some persons think he has gone southward, while others have an idea that he has made for the lakes and will strive to cross to Canada. All the dwellings and cellars of this of this city are being thoroughly searched for the prisoners.

Toronto, C. W., Nov. 30.—John Morgan arrived here today via the Great Western railroad.

December 3, 1863

For the 20th Regiment.—This regiment, widely known for its fighting qualities, the manly appearance and fine soldierly bearing of its officers and men, is in want of men to fill up its ranks. Capt. J. M. NORTH and Adjt. J. R. CONKLIN are in town, recruiting for this regiment. The bounty for men who have heretofore enlisted and served nine months, who may re-enlist, will be $402. New recruits will receive $302. Their recruiting office is in Post office building, South side of Public Square.

December 17, 1863

Personal.—Charlie AUGHINBAUGH, drum major of the 107th regiment, is at home, having been discharged on account of ill health.


Col. KELLY, Lieut. EDMISTON, and Chaplain MARTIN, of the 107th regiment, are home, the former having resigned on account of ill health. The latter two are on furlough. In the late battle, in which the regiment saw some hard service and acquitted itself nobly, Col. Kelly was knocked from his horse, and a ball passed through his coat.

December 24, 1863

The 107th Illinois Regiment.

We have heard but little of the important service rendered by this regiment; and as facts in relation to it have come to our knowledge, we herewith give them, knowing that they will be of deep interest to our readers.

This regiment, with others, displayed great valor in three separate engagements, and in covering the retreat of the army from Huff's Ferry to Lenoir's Station, a distance of ten miles, and from Campbell's Station to Knoxville, a distance of fifteen miles.

On the night of the 30th of November the 23d Michigan and a section of Henshaw's Battery made a reconnaissance to Huff's Ferry and returned to camp at daylight with the information that Longstreet was there, in force, and throwing a pontoon across the river.

Soon after daylight the Brigade was ordered to Lenoir's, where it rested a short time, and with the 9th Army Corps, marched back toward Loudon and on towards Huff's Ferry, the Brigade in the advance. When about 2½ miles from Huff's Ferry, an order was given to advance two regiments and attack the enemy. The 13th Ky. and 107th Ill. were ordered forward and threw out skirmishers. The two regiments were soon separated, and the skirmishers engaged, and driving the enemy. This continued for about two miles, when the enemy came to a stand on the top of a hill. Up to this time both regiments had been about equally engaged, but now the enemy concentrated in force in front of the 13th Ky. The summit of the hill being wooded, made good cover for the rebels, and the side of the hill towards the 13th Ky. being bare, afforded no cover for our men, who were still in the woods at the foot. The General in command discovered the position of affairs, and the firing being quite moderate, ordered the regiment forward into an open field, where they could get a better sight of the enemy, which was immediately done; but it was found that we were losing men without driving the enemy. The 107th Ill. having come up, it and the 13th Ky. were ordered to charge up the hill and drive them, which was done in gallant style by both regiments, the 107th through the woods on the right and the 13th up the naked hill, in the face of a most galling fire, driving the enemy from the field and taking possession of it, which position—it being about dark—they held till morning.

On the morning of the 15th the column was notified that it would retire, and three regiments and a section of artillery were ordered to cover the retreat. The 13th Ky., 107th Ill., and 111th Ohio brought up the rear, throwing out skirmishers. They moved on slowly till they came to a steep hill, about two miles from Loudon, where they were obliged to double teams to get the artillery up, and the 111th Ohio was drawn up in line to cover the movements. The pieces and caissons were brought up, when the enemy attacked in front, in strong force. They were checked, but soon got a force on the left and partially in the rear of our men. Reinforcements had been sent for, but they did not come. The conclusion was arrived at, that as the enemy was in front, on the left, and pressing on the right flank, either the regiment or the caisson must be lost; the 111th Ohio was therefore ordered to fall back to the top of the hill, through the woods, which was done in good order, leaving the caissons behind. The order was given to unlimber one of the guns; and as the enemy was following through the woods, two rounds of grape and canister were fired, thoroughly checking them for the moment, and giving our boys time to get the artillery off. A forward movement was then made, the skirmishers holding the enemy in check till Lenoir's Station was reached, where the boys encamped for the night. At Lenoir's three regiments were ordered in line of battle, on the north side of the town, and the men were ordered to lay on their arms, throwing out strong pickets. In the morning they were ordered to march towards Campbell's Station, leaving the pickets to be relieved afterwards, which was done, with the exception of one company of the 111th Ohio, which is supposed to have been captured.

Campbell's Station was reached about 11 a.m., a portion of the 9th Army Corps bringing up the rear. The Brigade was drawn up on one side of the town, in line of battle, the right being advanced about 150 yards, the left somewhat retired on account of the lay of the ground, Henshaw's Ills. and the 4th Indiana batteries occupying the center, on a small hill. At 12 o'clock fire was opened from the batteries and the enemy, then advancing in three lines, driven back. The whole Brigade was now engaged. A flank movement was attempted by the rebels, but a detachment of the 9th Army Corps was thrown on the right and the left. When the engagement had lasted some time, and the batteries had nearly exhausted their ammunition, the enemy brought three heavy batteries to bear upon ours, and it was found to be necessary to order them to the rear, the infantry still remaining and holding the line, though the fire from the enemy's artillery and infantry was very heavy.

About 3 o'clock order was given to cover the retreat of the 9th Army Corps, which was done by stretching a line of skirmishers across the entire hill and moving the brigade in line of battle slowly to the rear, occasionally halting and checking the enemy. During this movement the fire from the enemy's artillery and infantry was heavy, but it was performed deliberately and steadily, as if the regiments were on drill, falling back slowly till they reached the ridge, which they were ordered to hold. Here they halted, took up position, a portion of the 9th Army Corps assisting. This position was held until dark, when the 9th Army Corps was withdrawn, and for a short time the brigade was left alone in the field. As the 9th Army Corps left the field, the enemy charged on the left of our boys, but they were handsomely repulsed by the 107th Ill. Shortly after this they were ordered off the field to bring up the rear on the road to Knoxville, where they arrived at daybreak next morning.

The conduct of Col. KELLY, Lt. Col. LOWRY and Maj. BROOKS, of the 107th, together with officers of other regiments is highly spoken of. Col. Kelly had resigned some days before, and his resignation had been accepted, but he declined to leave so long as there was danger to be met, and remained with his fellow warriors during the engagements, encouraging and leading his men on.

The 107th regiment lost, on the 14th, 1 killed and 1 wounded; on the 16th, 3 wounded.

We will give further particulars of the 107th should we receive them. We know enough to have the fullest confidence in and be proud of their undaunted bravery.

December 31, 1863

Death of a Soldier.

Wm. C. SUTTON, of the 107th regiment, son of Peter SUTTON, of this county, died recently at Knoxville, Tenn., of diarrhea.