Civil War News and Correspondence - 1862

From the Clinton Public

Submitted by Judy Simpson

July 3, 1862


Camp Marsh, Jackson Tenn., June 14th, 1862

Messrs. Editors:—Since I last wrote for our County Paper, I learn that great changes have taken place in the quiet and pleasant little town of Clinton; not among the least of which is the changing name and owners of the good old Transcript. This we could bear without much sorrow; for we all know it is a very common occurrence for property to pass from the hands of one owner to another. But that the former Editor should exchange the quill and scissors for the sword, leave his quiet home for the "tented field"— and, perhaps, for scenes of "blood and carnage"— is more than we, his many friends in the 20th, can well endure! And all that we can do now is to bid him (with swelling hearts) a soldier's Adieu.

"So Farewell, COLTRIN. If we do meet again,— 'is well. If not,— why then this parting was well made!"

My sincere wish is that he may escape all the incidents "by flood and field," and hope that when grim vissag'd war has smoothed his wrinkled front, he may be permitted to return to the bosom of his family; "his brow bound with victorious wreaths, his bruised arms hung up for monuments."

In the last two weeks, the boys of the 20th have shared in some very nice military maneuvering; and quite lately in a few very quick but long marches. After we had gradually invested Corinth, where we expected to give Beauregard a final lesson in Yankee fighting, but found that he had gained another glo-ri-ous victory, by running off and losing one tenth of his men by desertion, the 3d Brigade, commanded by Col. MARSH, was ordered to this place, to open and guard the railroads. This being the place where the Mississippi Central crosses the Mobile and Ohio railroad, makes it a point, the holding of which is of great importance. How long we will remain here is, as a matter of course, very uncertain. Our remaining here for any length of time depends upon two contingencies:— first, we may be ordered away by our own superior officers; second, may be forced to leave by the secesh. The latter is very improbable, in my opinion.

This is a beautiful city of about five thousand inhabitants. There are many splendid residences, and the whole city is shaded with an excellent variety of trees; and if the n----r did not stick out, in the shape of dilapidated sidewalks and miserable looking old fences, the place would compare (at least in many respects) favorably with New Haven, Conn. But the citizens are awfully secesh. They will scarcely deign to speak to us. They look upon us as invaders of their soil; and when they condescend to converse with us, it is to threaten us with a good whipping. The ladies are especially severe and bitter in their denunciation of the Yankee. But their looks belie their words; for they appear as though they thought secessionism about played out. I think that under the judicious administration of our gallant Col. Marsh, they will gradually grow more sociable and mend their evil ways.

The health of our Regiment is very good, at this time. Only a very few on the sick list.

The 41st, I think, is on the march to Memphis. I have not seen any of our boys in that Regiment for some time.

Very truly yours,

July 31, 1862
Soldier's Letter.

The following letter has been handed us for publication. We believe the people would like to know the views of the soldiers in the field, especially their friends and acquaintances; hence we open our columns to such letters, or such portions of them as may be of general interest. We cannot, however, undertake to re-write them, as we are sometimes called upon to do. If they are not readable, they had better be withheld. It must not be expected that these letters will always reflect our opinions.

Jackson, Tenn., July 22, 1862

Dear Father.—I was glad to hear you had such a good time on the Fourth, and would like to have enjoyed it with you; but it was not my privilege; so I am content to remain here.

Nothing particular transpired here on the Fourth. In the army, there is no difference in days—we use them all alike. We cannot lay work aside and go on a frolic. Nothing can interfere with a soldier's duty. It must be done, whether on the Fourth of July or the Sabbath; in sunshine or storm; in heat or cold.

I am of your opinion about the war. Too much protection has been given to rebel property. We will never be free from trouble until slavery is annihilated. So arm the negroes and let them help put down this wicked rebellion. Nothing will do it so quickly. The milk and water policy is about played out; and if McCLELLAN and HALLECK had paid more attention to the negroes who came into our camps, and not so much to rebel deserters (most of whom were spies), matters would now be very different. Some folks say the negroes lack courage and will not stand fire. They know better; so do the rebels, who dread the day when they will be armed and put to work.

I don't like the way our General's are doing in the east. I wish Gen. POPE had been there, and think he would have led the grand army of the Potomac on a little faster scale than McClellan does. If Pope had been in command at Corinth, Beauregard would not have escaped.

McClellan has a good army. They fought bravely; but with their present leaders, they are more of a draw-back than anything else. They start to seize a place—go five miles the first day—then comes a big speech to the men—go three miles the next day—rest a week—go one mile further, and so on, till the rebels have time to fortify and reinforce. Gen. Grant was only one day marching twelve miles and taking his position around Fort Donelson—and he took the place; and I will venture to say, that when Halleck was at Shiloh, and McClellan was at Yorktown, neither Corinth nor Richmond was more strongly fortified, nor more difficult to take, than Donelson; Corinth, I know, was not.

We will have to stay here twelve months longer, if not more. I am willing to stay just as long as any of them; but I want to be led by good generals; men who understand their business.

Tell all the boys you see to come and help us. We have fought long and hard and are willing to fight until the h-l hounds, that are trying to overthrow the best government man was ever blest with, are completely cleared out. Tell them that the blessings and privileges they are now enjoying are in danger, ask them how they can stand back and see us do all. Tell them to come and join us, and we will give them a hearty welcome and lead them on to victory.

George Hull.

July 31, 1862
War Meetings.

Mount Pleasant.—A large meeting, at which Isaac MONNETT, Esq., presided, was held at Marion, on Saturday last. Appropriate addresses were delivered by H. S. GREEN, Esq., S. H. MARTIN, Esq., Rev. Mr. McCOOK and Rev. Mr. ADAMS. The enthusiasm and unanimity which prevailed, exhibited a disposition on the part of the citizens of that section, to do their part in quelling the rebellion. Sixteen volunteers were obtained.

Several beautiful sentiments were offered by the ladies. We regret exceedingly that they were not handed us for publication.

The Clinton delegation is under deep obligation to Isaac MONNETT, for the handsome and unexpected manner in which he entertained them. They will ever bear in grateful remembrances, the bountiful repast, and their generous host.

Texas.—The meeting at Texas, on Monday, was enthusiastic and resulted in adding several volunteers to the muster roll. Mr. WISMER and Rev. Mr. CLIFTON, were the patriotic speakers on this occasion.

Clinton.—A meeting will be held at this town, Saturday next, the object of which is to increase the number of the company forming here and complete, if possible, its organization. Able speakers will address the people in furtherance of this object.

Marion.—Wednesday next, a meeting will be held in Marion in behalf of the company which is rapidly filling up in the east end of the county. It is desired to complete their arrangements there and then. Speakers may be expected.

July 31, 1862
War Meeting at Bloomington.

A large and enthusiastic meeting was held at Bloomington, on Saturday last. Hon. L. WELDON of Clinton, says the Pantagraph, delivered a most eloquent and patriotic speech. Col. SNELL was among the speakers.

July 31, 1862
Bounty Money.

Efforts are being made to induce the Board of Supervisors to levy a tax for the purpose of raising a bounty of 60 dollars for each man who joins the companies now forming in this county. This, added to the amount guaranteed by the government, will give to each volunteer 100 dollars, cash in hand.

July 31, 1862
War Meeting at Marion.

Messrs. Editors:—Pursuant to previous arrangement, a party of gentlemen started from Clinton, on the morning of the 23d, for Marion, for the purpose of holding a meeting with the citizens of that place and getting volunteers to compose a company in Col. SNELL's regiment, now in process of formation.

The party was composed of speakers, music and citizens. The day was propitious, being one of those cool, bright, breezy days which sometimes occur in midsummer. We arrived in Marion at 12 o'clock—just as the goodly people were at dinner, and repaired to the hotel to get something to revive the inner man. Here we were not disappointed; although the landlord was absent, and his lady was taken by surprise at our unexpected appearance. Yet we had as good a dinner as the subscriber ever had the pleasure of sitting down to, which, by the way, is saying a good deal. I have not space to describe the dinner; and will only say, it was not composed of fancy cakes and sauces, but was what we called a good, solid, something-to-eat dinner. Dinner over, we went down town, where we found the band had preceded us, and Stoker & Co. were giving the martial airs of this military age in fine order.

At 2 o'clock a procession was formed and, preceded by the music and colors, marched to the church in the eastern part of the town. The church is a very neat edifice and will accommodate about 400 people. The church was speedily filled, and numbers stood outside.

The meeting was called to order by Dr. LEWIS, and Mr. SPAFFORD was called to the chair, when the exercises were opened by a fervid and affecting prayer by the Rev. Mr. JORDAN, after which the Rev. Mr. McCOOK was called to the stand, who requested Mr. Jordan to state the object of the meeting, which he did in a most eloquent and effective speech, being, as I think, one of the best efforts of the day.

The meeting was then addressed by Rev. Mr. McCook, of Clinton. I should like to review this speech, if the accuracy of my notes would permit me to do so. Taken as a whole, it would be impossible for me to describe it. It was free from those defects which spoil efforts of this kind, made upon the impulse of the moment. In style, it was lofty without being bombastic, argumentative without being prosy, and the cause of our beloved and depressed country was pressed home to the hearts of her listening sons with an earnestness which can only be appreciated by those who heard him. I have heard Mr. McCook make many speeches, but will say that his appeal to the citizens of Marion in behalf of the cause he loves so well, has never been excelled by any of his former efforts in that department of oratory. He was loudly cheered by a large and appreciative audience.

J. J. KELLY, Esq., was next called for. I have never before had the pleasure of hearing Mr. Kelly speak in public; but have long known him as a man faithful to every trust; a true lover of his country; an honor to any community in which he may live. His remarks were well appointed, earnest and eloquent, and were greeted with rapturous applause.

The muster rolls were then opened, the band commenced playing, and the call for volunteers was made. The first man who responded was Dr. Lewis, who was loudly cheered. Others came forward to place their names on the Roll of Honor, and the cheering became a perfect storm of applause.

After the meeting was dismissed, the people marched in procession down the principal street to the center of the town, where a number more volunteers came forward, after which, the crowd repaired to the school-house, where those who had volunteered were sworn in.

Such was the meeting at Marion, a meeting at which party was a stranger—one in which every heart was united in love for our Union and sympathy for its distressed condition.

One feature of the day I came near forgetting—a thing I was never known to do before: and that is the angelic presence of ladies. They were out in full force; which shows what an interest they have in their country. I have seen a great many ladies in my time; and I am free to say that, for personal beauty and lady-like appearance, the ladies of Marion have no superiors. I have ever considered the presence of ladies as an omen of success; and I may say, I would not give much for a cause that is not urged by the smile and hallowed tear of woman.

I have the honor to return the thanks of our party to the citizens of Marion, for the cordial manner in which we were received by them, and for the courtesy with which they treated us.


August 7, 1862

Camp Stuart Near Alexandria, Va., July 24th, 1862.

Editors Public.—

The gallant 68th, after innumerable hard rides, marches and countermarches, at length rest their wearied frames on a steep and stony hill overhanging the historic Potomac. The adventures of our company alone since it left Clinton would fill a good sized volume, and I am, therefore, compelled to let your intelligent readers guess at our trials and tribulations. The DeWitt boys, with a few exceptions, are on their "taps," and waste no rations. As to where we shall go or what we shall do, the shrewdest are unable to form an opinion—Richmond is hinted at one day— "Stonewall" Jackson is the topic the next, and soon ad infinitum. Our boys are not "spilin' for a fight" by any means, but let your citizens rest assured that should we meet the traitors on the field of battle that we shall preserve unsullied and untarnished the fairfame of old DeWitt, whose brave volunteers have emerged victorious and triumphant from many a sanguinary and hard-fought contest. We have come here to do our whole duty as American citizen-soldiers, and we shall do it, no matter what it may be.

Captain Henry DAVEY is the model commander in our regiment—he is respected and beloved by every man in the company, and wherever he may lead we will be proud to follow.

Lieutenant Sack COLTRIN is also deservedly a very popular officer—he is prompt, faithful and energetic in the discharge of his duty and looks carefully to the welfare of the boys.

A large majority of the regiment, I am confident, will re-enlist for the war, especially, as our Colonel, Elias STUART, is fairly idolized by the whole regiment. A better commander can nowhere be found—he is kind-hearted and affable and the humblest private can approach him at all times. The boys all swear by him and will stand by him, too, until the last vestige of this wicked an unholy rebellion is utterly wiped out.

But I must close this hasty scrawl, for there goes the four rolls and taps, which summon to headquarters.

Sergeant Joe

August 7, 1862

The press throughout the country is engaged at this moment in debate on the question of drafting, a portion urging the necessity of such a movement as a set-off to the conscription of the South, another portion deprecating it for the same reason.

While we do not for an instant doubt the ability of the States to raise, within 40 days, 300,000 men, under proper encouragement, still we favor a draft. Let us have conscription, but let it be founded on justice. We contend that so far, with but few exceptions and localities, the middle and higher classes of the people have done little directly in aiding to crush out the rebellion. It has been the poor man's work; the rich, save in a few cases of individual subscription, will stand untouched until the tax bill takes from them a few of their carefully guarded dollars.

We favor, therefore, a conscription of the rich and middling classes. Let us tax property, real and personal, for something more than the taxes which it receives again from the pockets of the laborer and producer. Let us call upon every man who is possessed of $3,000 over and above his debts for aid in the struggle. Should he be drafted, and have a wife and children, he can well afford to leave them, knowing that they will want for nothing during his absence, and can be assured, should he so desire, that they will receive, on his death, the amount for which he can insure his life before setting out on his patriotic mission.

If, on the other hand, he should choose not to serve, a moiety of that which he has acquired during peace and plenty will purchase a substitute; $200 bounty will act as a powerful stimulant to some more patriotic poor man, who cannot volunteer through the fear of leaving a family unprovided for. By this course our property-holder can feel that he has served his country, through the patriotic medium of the pocket, and that the man fitted out by his gold may at that moment be bleaching his bones on a distant battlefield, or, what is more agreeable, be hewing his way to a Generalship.

We can see no reason why this portion of our fellow citizens should not be called upon to do their share of the work. While the South is turning out its forces, irrespective of wealth or position, up to this time there are millions of our able-bodied men who have done nothing whatever. They have not felt the war in either a physical, mental or pecuniary sense. It is of the highest importance to property that the rebellion be finished at once. Its value is at stake if the war continues; it is therefore a financial necessity that the holders should put forth their strongest effort for a rapid end. We can see no way in which they can so assist as this. Could such a conscription be carried out, instantly, we could have 300,000 men in the field in less than one month.

We respectfully submit this to our lawmakers and Governors.

Frank Leslie's Newspaper.

August 7, 1862

The meeting of Saturday last was one of great excitement and deep feeling. The dense assemblage seemed fully awake to the necessities of the country and to feel the heavy responsibility resting upon them. Earnest addresses were delivered by E. H. Palmer, Esq., and Col. Lemon. The speech of the former gentleman was a noble one, filled with exalted patriotism, stern facts and pointed appeals, it reached the hearts of his hearers and sent a thrill of patriotic zeal through the crowd, which acted like an electric shock, firing everyone with indignation towards traitors and inspiring them with devotion to the country. Mr. Palmer never made a more successful effort. He took all by storm and left a lasting impression upon their minds.

After the addresses, the Star Spangled Banner was sung by a number of ladies, after which, volunteers were called for. The company was readily filled up, when they proceeded to the election of officers, with the following result: for Capt., Samuel Gowan; 1st Lieut., L. S. McGraw; 2d Lieut., W. M. Clagg.

The non-commissioned officers have not yet been appointed.

With commendable consideration, the saloon keepers closed their doors for the day, so that everything was conducted "decently and in order."

August 7, 1862
LARGE (some words blacked out) MEETING IN CLINTON.

At a mass meeting of the citizens of DeWitt county, held in the court house, at Clinton, on Monday, Aug. 4th, 1862, composed of all classes of the community and called for the purpose hereinafter stated, Dr. Madden was by motion called to the chair. The object of the meeting was then stated by Messrs. Snell, Kelly, McCook, Wismer, and others in short and appropriate address.

On motion of Mr. Harrell, the chairman was empowered to appoint a committee of five to draft resolutions expressive of the sense of the meeting. The chairman proceeded to appoint E. H. Palmer, H. C. McCook, J. J. Kelly, H. G. Wismer and M. M. DeLevis as that committee. After the committee retired, a discussion took place as to the best method of promoting voluntary enlistments. Speeches were made by Messrs. Weldon, McGraw, McCook, Col. Snell and B. T. Jones. The opinion of these gentlemen was that DeWitt county, which was never known to lag in the service of the federal government, would raise her quota of the 300,000 men called for without drafting. In case she did this, it was thought to be nothing more than justice to her for the State authorities to exempt her from the coming draft. In pursuance of these opinions it was resolved that a committee of ten should be appointed to wait upon his Excellency, Gov. Yates, and inform him of the facts, in order to get this county exempted from a draft. The committee appointed for this purpose was as follows:

Messrs. Weldon, Palmer, DeLevis, McGraw, Madden, Ford, Jones, Lintner, McCook and Haynie.

The committee appointed to draft resolutions, appeared and reported resolutions as follows:

Resolved, That this meeting fully authorizes the committee to confer with his Excellency, Gov. Yates, to ascertain whether in case DeWitt county shall raise its full quota of men by volunteering, the citizens of the county will be exempt from a draft.

Resolved, That in opinion of this meeting better and more effective men can be raised by volunteering than by drafting.

Resolved, That in the opinion of this meeting DeWitt county can in the space of ten days raise its quota of men by volunteering.

Resolved, That the citizens of DeWitt county will raise their quota of men, volunteers, in the space of ten days if the Governor will inform them of the number required, and give assurance that in such case the county will be exempted from drafting.

Signed by the committee.

On motion, these resolutions were unanimously adopted, and the committee discharged. On motion adjourned.

Z. H. Madden, Pres.
D. W. Edmiston, Sec'y.

[We may add with propriety that little DeWitt has sent over 700 volunteers, one-half its adult male population, while other counties, larger in territory and number of inhabitants, have not sent near that number. In some such counties but one company has gone. We have now three companies ready to take the field in obedience to the Governor's call, and after doing so much, it would do manifest injustice to the county to subject it to a draft. The county cannot bear it. If the Governor sees fit, after we have furnished so many soldiers, still to draft from this county, none will be left but women and children; and many, very many, of these will be made to endure pinching want and untold suffering.

It is hoped that the Governor will see the wisdom of excusing DeWitt county from drafting, if she raises her quota by volunteering.]

Just before going to press, the following dispatch was handed us by Mr. Kelly:

Springfield, Ill., Aug. 6

To J. J. Kelly:—DeWitt will be credited with her volunteers.
Chairman Committee

From this, we may safely judge that there will be no drafting from this county; for certainly we can raise our full quota by volunteering.

August 7, 1862
Still Another Company.

We are pleased to announce that Jos. J. KELLY, Esq., our worthy Circuit Clerk, is making efforts to raise a volunteer company. Though he commenced on Monday last, he has now—Wednesday morning—some fifty men, including some of the best citizens of the county. No man in the county can obtain more recruits, or is better fitted to a company, or a regiment, than Mr. K.

August 7, 1862
Pass Him Around.

Letters have been received in this city implicating Lieutenant SCHILLING of the 57th Illinois infantry (Colonel BALDWIN) in a most rascally and outrageous swindle. A little over two months ago he obtained a furlough to visit this city, and when he left the regiment at Corninth, he was entrusted with $6,000 by his comrades for distribution among their families in this city and vicinity. He has not been heard from since, and complaints are showering into Superintendant BRADLEY's office, by the soldier's wives, who have received letters in relation to the matter.—Chicago Tribune.

August 7, 1862
More Surgeons Wanted.

An important order has just been received from the war department authorizing the appointment of an additional assistant surgeon to each volunteer regiment. This policy has been pressed by this State upon the attention of the general government for months, and in the absence of authority until now the State has employed many of them at its own expense. As the medical board of the State meets next Monday, it is hoped that the very best surgeons of the State will come forward and be examined and take their place. Why should they not, for it is no greater sacrifice for them to abandon a good practice and take care of our suffering soldiers than it is for others who are now coming forward to render service.

August 7, 1862

Fellow Citizens: Illinois is called upon to furnish its thousands additional troops for the war. Our brave men are responding to this call with alacrity, and soon our neighbors and friends will be in the camp—some of them on the battlefield and others in the hospital. Some of them will never return alive and will have no Christian friends to minister consolation in the dying hour. All will be surrounded by demoralizing influences and will need help to resist them. While we provide for their bodily comfort we must remember that they have intellectual and moral wants to be supplied, and that they need spiritual as well as temporal food. The object of this article is to call attention to the importance of supplying them with the scriptures. Great good has already resulted from furnishing the 600,000 men who volunteered under previous calls; and many cheering incidents connected therewith have already come to our knowledge.

1st. We therefore respectfully request that the relatives of the present volunteers will procure bibles or testaments and place them in their pockets or knapsacks before they leave their homes. This is altogether the best method of supply, as they will be more highly prized and diligently read then if received from any other source.

2d. We request that our school district agents procure testaments from the branch depositories and place them in the hands of any who may not be supplied by their friends.

3d. Will officers of township societies give attention to this matter and supply any who have not been supplied by their relatives or by the local agents.

4th. As those from each county will usually rendezvous at the county seat before leaving for the camp of instruction, will the officers of county societies please call committee meetings and appoint one or more of their number to visit the companies and furnish such as have not been supplied by the persons above appealed to. The names of those receiving the books with the names of societies or persons presenting them should be written in them.

5th. Will Christian ministers please call the attention of their congregations both to the importance of these distributions, and to the needed contributions to pay for the books thus used, and take collections or subscriptions to defray expenses.

6th. Will the friends of the bible and of our soldiers all over the State send in their individual and extra contributions to this object without waiting to be called on. The money may be paid to the treasurers of the township and county societies, or their agents, or remitted to the general agent at Elgin, Ill., or to Henry Fisher the treasurer of the Parent Society at New York, as may be preferred.

Anyone can see the need of these contributions. Some $70,000 has already been expended in supplying our army and navy, and prisoners from the South, with scriptures and the effort will not be completed until the war ends. While we have this extra work to perform, in addition to supplying destitute families with bibles, and children with testaments in our own and foreign lands, the number of those who sustain the bible cause is greatly diminished by the same cause which has increased the work. Thousands of the former members and many of the officers of our bible societies are now in the army, and their relation is of course changed from that of patrons to beneficiaries. Hence those that remain at home have more to do than before and should be willing to make extra exertions and great sacrifices in such a time as this.

A. Lord
Gen. Ag't A. B. S. for Ill.

August 7, 1862

300,000 Men to be drafted for Nine Months—Promotion of Officers, &c.

Washington, August 4.—The following order has just been issued:

WAR DEPT, Washington, D. C., August 4, 1862.

Ordered 1. That a draft of 300,000 militia be immediately called into the service of the United States, to serve for nine months, unless sooner discharged. The secretary of war will assign the quota in the states and establish regulations for the draft.

2d. That if any state shall not, by the 15th of August, furnish its quota of the additional 300,000 volunteers authorized by law, the deficiency of volunteers in that state will also be made up by a special draft from the militia. The secretary of war will establish regulations for this purpose.

3d. Regulations will be prepared by the war department and presented to the President, with the object of securing the promotion of officers of the army, and volunteers, for meritorious and distinguished services, and of preventing the nomination and appointment in the military service of incompetent and unworthy officers. The regulations will also provide ridding the service of such incompetent persons as now hold commissions. By the President.

E. M. Stanton.
Secretary of War.

August 7, 1862


Allen C. Fuller, Adjutant General.

Quincy [Ill.], Aug. 3.—The rebels left Canton, Mo., yesterday, taking all the arms, ammunition and medicines in the place. CORNEGY, the warehouse man, who had the guns in charge, is mortally wounded. Senator GREEN was taken prisoner. The citizens of Quincy are fully organized and prepared for any emergency. It is known what direction the rebels took after leaving Canton.

John Wood, Q. M. Gen.

August 7, 1862

Washington, Aug. 3.—The order of the Governor of Missouri, for the enrollment of all militia of that state, is still causing trouble in St. Louis. Hundreds of mechanics who were working on the gunboats and in the iron plate mills threaten to leave the state to avoid the conscription, and mill owners are here to procure a modification of the Governor's proclamation.

August 7, 1862
General Butler Does a Good Deed.

The New York Herald correspondent relates a little incident of Gen. BUTLER's generosity which deserves mention. A Sister of Mercy from the orphan's home called to tell the General that the money she had for the Institution was in Confederate notes which are utterly worthless here. He gave $500 from his private purse, and an order on the commissary for a large quantity of assorted stores, directing the bill to be sent to him, and then sent the lady to President Doneger, of the Citizens' Bank, with a request that he would dispose of the Confederate notes to the best possible advantage. This is said to be one of the great many instances of his benevolence. Indeed, he is almost Quixotic in his championship of the poor and distressed.

August 14, 1862

Captain G. W. ESTEBROOK has received the appointment of Lieut. Colonel in Colonel SNELL's regiment. He has seen service in the present war, as Captain of a company from Atlanta, in the 7th Regt. Ill. Vols., and is represented as being well fitted for the position.

August 14, 1862
Departure of Volunteers.

Monday last was the day fixed for Captain McGOWAN's and LEWIS's companies to leave for Camp Butler. At an early hour, the streets of Clinton teemed with vehicles of every description, coming from the country, all loaded to their utmost capacity with volunteers and their friends. It appeared as if the flood gates of patriotism had been suddenly opened, and the population of the county—men, women and children—were rushing, at the call of the country, to defend the old flag, Constitution and the Laws of the land, willing to lose their lives rather than permit the ruthless traitors of the South to tear the beautiful fabric of our Republic to pieces.

At 3 o'clock, the soldiers—four companies—after having paraded through the town, repaired to the railroad freight house, where eight immense tables were spread and loaded with every imaginable substantial, and a great variety of delicacies, of which the brave fellows were invited to partake. This they did with a zest which told more plainly than words how truly they appreciated the compliment so handsomely paid them. After the soldiers, the ladies from a distance were invited to the table, and after them, the men generally.

At the close of this interesting part of the program, 200 neat pocket bibles were presented by the Rev. Mr. SHAW, on behalf of the DeWitt County Bible Society. His remarks were pertinent and impressive, and if the boys treasure up in their hearts, his words of wisdom, they will be indeed brave soldiers and become humble followers of the meek and lowly Jesus.

Messrs. WELDON and PALMER followed the reverend gentleman in appropriate addresses, which we cannot dwell upon, for reasons given elsewhere in our columns. The ceremonies were interspersed with vocal music. A song written for, and sung on the occasion, we give below.

By "The Parson."

There's not a boy in Illinois,
That wouldn't fight and die with joy,
   For the Union, the Union, the Stripes and the Stars.
There's not in the Garden State a girl
That wouldn't the starry flag unfurl
  O'er the gallant boys who fight for the Stripes and the Stars.

Join the Nation's Chorus, away, away,
To take our stand
For Fatherland,
And the starry banner o'er us!
Away, away, away to the fight for the Union!
Away, away, away to the fight for the Union!

O forward boys, thru' sun and showers!
Sure the victory shall be ours!
   We fight for the honor of the stripes and the stars!
With Colonel Snell to lead the van,
(The Lord be praised for such a man!)
   We'll conquer all the foes of the stripes and the stars.

The rebel crew had better "git"
On double quick; for "Little DeWitt"
   Is coming down to strike, boys, for Liberty and Law!
Hip hip hurrah! Here's three times three
For Little DeWitt and Victory!
   Hip, hip, hurrah, boys! Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah!

Long live the gallant hearted boys,

The Volunteers from Illinois!
   Long live our Governor, Dick Yates the good and true!
Up, up with the glorious stripes and stars!
And down with the treacherous stars and bars!
   Long live the Union, and the Red, White and Blue!

Long live the friends we leave behind,
The Parents, Wives, and Sisters kind!
   Long live the Girls who love the Volunteer!
And when the din of war is done,
The battle fought, the victory won,
   We'll away to the Hearth and the Homes we love so dear!

The remainder of the day was spent "as will," until 8 o'clock, when a special train conveyed the troops to camp. There will be another exodus from DeWitt, tomorrow—Friday—when a supper will be given, as before, and bibles presented to the volunteers.

August 14, 1862
Gold Pen Stolen.

The individual who took the gold pen from Capt. KELLY's office will save exposure by leaving it where he found it or at this office.

August 14, 1862
Impromptu Company—Citizens Impressed.

At midnight, Sunday night, or about an inch on the Monday side, a company from Waynesville was unexpectedly reported to Col. SNELL's regiment. Immediately the drum and fife were called into requisition and a squad of men started to impress the male citizens of the town into service for the balance of the night.

"The still small hours" were converted into noisy, gleesome ones, house after house was visited, and the drowsy head of the families commanded to "fall in," properly equipped and prepared for duty.

During the night fort Snell was attacked, and though Morpheus, who seemed to have command there, did not yield readily, he was finally obliged to yield to superior forces. The victory was complete; but it was not accomplished the flow of--something that was not blood. At first the Colonel was at first disposed to close his eyes to all around him; the Independent Anti-Morpheus soon aroused him to a sense of his position, when his generous soul ran out towards them, and his deportment thereafter was kindly, courteous and peculiarly attentive.

By daylight, the procession of the Independent Anti-Morpheans, by actual measurement, reached—part of two miles, embracing mechanics, laborers, merchants, doctors, lawyers, clergymen, &c., and presented as fine a military appearance as we have ever, under similar circumstances, seen.

Before disbanding, Capt. CONKLIN conducted the company to the square, where they were addressed by the Rev. Mr. SHAW, Messrs. WELDON and PALMER and Captain WISMER, in speeches ranging "from gay to grave, from lively to severe," after which, having had a good, jolly time, each departed for his home, to breakfast or to sleep.

August 14, 1862
Organization of Capt. Kelly's Company.

Pursuant to notice, the citizens of this county turned out en masse, Saturday last, the object of which was, of course, to respond to the call of the President of volunteers. At the hour designated, the square was thronged with anxiously beating hearts, and eager ears, to help in the good cause, and hear what others had to say.

Appropriate speeches were made by the Reverends CLIFTON, HOWARD and ADAMS, which were listened to with deep interest, by both Capt. KELLY's and McGOWAN's companies.

Capt. Kelly's company then paraded to the court house where the following officers were duly elected, by acclamation.

Capt.  Joseph J. KELLY.
1st Lieut.  James R. TURNER.
2d Lieut.  Dr. Daniel EDMISTON.
1st Sergt.  Edmund GIDDINGS.

The other officers will be appointed. Twenty-six new recruits were sworn in. The muster roll now numbers 105 men.

At the close of the election, each officer accepted their position in an appropriate speech; Col. Snell also spoke. Feeling the responsibilities resting upon him as commander of a military company going forth in defense of their country, and at the same time proud of the trust so generously and unanimously reposed in him, Capt. Kelly could scarcely give utterance to his thoughts. Tears gathered in his eyes and the solemn words fell from his lips with subduing effect. All felt their weight and acknowledged their effect.

We congratulate the officers in the evident confidence the company has in them, and their good fortune in being called to lead these brave farmer boys to battle, and the company in being so ably officered.

August 14, 1862
What DeWitt is Doing.

In addition to the 1066 troops, already in the field, patriotic DeWitt has now 700 men ready for the camp; and others are rapidly enrolling their names.

We have Capt. KELLY's company, 105 men; Capt. McGOWAN's, 84 men; Capt. LEWIS', of Mt. Pleasant, 80 men; WALLER's, of Mt. Pleasant, full; Capt. WISMER's, principally from Creek Nation, nearly full; Capt. BROOKS', from Wapella, Capt. BRICKY, from Santa Ana, forming; a company from Waynesville, nearly full; a young men's company in Clinton, rapidly filling up; one in Harp, and one which Messrs. H. S. GREEN & T. RASBACH are raising—in all eleven.

God bless little DeWitt! She will do her full part in crushing the rebellion. And what a lesson she teaches to other counties in the State, the people of which seem to fold their arms and say "it's none of my war—I'll have no hand in it."

August 28, 1862

The treasury and war departments are framing regulations to put a stop to the smuggling of liquors within the lines of our armies, which has been going on to an enormous extent. The permits to vessels carrying stores, which are only granted by the treasury on the ----tion of the secretary of war specify a certain cargo, and forbid the taking on board of any other articles than those named.

The prohibition has been evaded very generally. Cans ostensibly containing preserved meats or other equally harmless articles are found to be filled with liquor, and bottles of wine are discovered in the most out of the way places. The owner of the vessel, when detected, protests that the shipper is the party in fault and that he himself as well as the government is the victim of misplaced confidence. The regulation now preparing will cut this Gordian knot by making the party to whom the permit is granted responsible, and in case of its infringement, confiscation [of] both vessel and cargo.

August 28, 1862


The Correspondent of the Philadelphia Press with Gen. Pope's army says:

"Gen. BANKS is recovering from the injuries he received on the battlefield, and it is hoped he will soon be able to take the field. If anyone doubted Gen. Banks' military ability, they are forever silenced. No man could have managed troops better or behaved braver than Major General Banks, and the compliment paid him by Gen. POPE is duly appreciated, no less by his men than himself. No man has had more bitter enemies than Gen. Banks, yet he has withstood nobly the storm that continually gathered around him, and he has now, by his brilliant achievement, stamped himself as one of the most accomplished military leaders in the Union army. No matter in what position he has been placed, he has conducted himself like a true gentleman and brave soldier."

August 28, 1862

Hospital, 20th Reg. Ill. Inf.
Estinaula, Tenn., Aug. 18, 1862.

Editors Public.—

On the morning of the 13th we left our beautiful camp at Jackson, under orders to march on this place, where we arrived about nine o'clock on the morning of the 14th. The change was anything but an agreeable one to our boys, in a good many particulars; for, whereas, at Jackson they had plenty of fine air and water, with an opportunity to procure—for money—fresh bread, potatoes, apples, peaches, etc., they were compelled to march under an August sun to this miserable swamp, where we cannot get a breath of pure air, a drink of good water, nor anything vegetable, except green corn.

Although the distance from Jackson to this place is only twenty miles, our men suffered very much, owing to the extreme heat and scarcity of water; and one—the Drum Major—was prostrated with coup de soleil, and among those who had to be taken up by the ambulances, owing to exhaustion, were privates SLATTEN and McKERIGAN, of DeWitt county.

This is one of the meanest places for a camp on God's foot-stool. We are encamped on a low flat bottom at an old ferry across the Hachie [Hatchie?] river, where the water is all covered over with green scum, and where a man with ordinary good eyes can see Malaria playing through the atmosphere, seeking whom to smite with Intermittent or Remittent fever. And indeed from appearances its victims are many, for the butternut-colored individuals whom one meets throughout this section would very easily pass for the ghosts of those poor secesh devils we had buried at Shiloh. There can no living thing exist in the Hachie; the last of the tribes of fishes and other aquatic inhabitants of its waters must long since have expired from the effects of fever and ague. Even old wrecks of ferry boats one sees scattered along the stream appear as though they had succumbed zu dem kalten fieber.

Our force here consists of the 20th and 40th Ill. infantry, four companies of the 6th Ill. cavalry, and one section of Schwartz's Battery. All are commanded by Col. DENNIS of the 30th Illinois. We have none of the field officers of the 20th with us. Col. MARSH has gone east; Lieut. Col. RICHARDS was left at Jackson sick; Major BARTLESON has gone to the United States on a reconnoitering expedition; Adjutant CONKLIN is with the regiment, but not on duty, owing to indisposition. Capt. O. FRISBIE is in command, under whose careful administration of affairs the regiment gets along very smoothly.

We were ordered here to guard against the guerillas crossing the Hatchie at this point. This being the only practicable crossing for a considerable distance either up or down the river. How well we will succeed in fulfilling the duties assigned us remains to be tried.

We are all very anxious for Col. RICHARDS to re-join us, especially would we like to have him with us if we should get into a fight; a not very improbable event, as I consider our small force a rather enticing bait for the secesh, isolated as we are from any force that amounts to anything numerically.

I am heartily glad to hear such cheering news from DeWitt. I learn with pride that our glorious little county has already raised her full quota of volunteers called for. I am proud of the men who labored so hard to bring about this state of things and of the glorious boys who volunteered.

There is one thing I wish to bring to the notice of the citizens of DeWitt and that is that the 20th wants recruits. I would be pleased to see some of the young men of our county come down and join us. They need not be ashamed to link their destiny during the war with us. Our record at Fredericktown, Donelson and Shiloh stands fair. And although we have lost fewer men by death, by disease, than any other regiment as long in the service as we have been, yet it must be recollected that we have been in the service over fifteen months, have been in three battles, and that consequently a large number of our brave boys have gone home disabled by wounds or otherwise, and that we must have recruits to fill up our thinned ranks. It should also be recollected that five recruits who join an old regiment will do as much good for the service in the next six months, as fifteen men can possibly do who join a newly organized regiment. DeWitt should send at least enough men to fill up company E, which calls for at least thirty or forty recruits.

I hope you will excuse the length of this communication, and the desultory manner in which it is written and believe me to be in the bonds of our glorious Union.

Very truly yours,

Christopher C. Goodbrake

August 28, 1862
A Brave and Good Soldier Gone.

Camp Stuart, Virginia, August 15, 1862

Editors Public:—It deeply grieves me to be compelled to inform you of the death of Zachary Taylor KELLY, a member of my company. He died yesterday, at the Wolf Street Hospital, in Alexandria, Virginia, of the measles. He received the utmost care and attention at the hands of his comrades and the Surgeons, but notwithstanding every exertion, he breathed his last in a stranger's land with no mother's gentle hand to smooth his pathway to the grave. Zachary Kelly was one of the best soldiers in my company, ever prompt, faithful and active in the discharge of his duties—he won for himself by his conduct the affection of his comrades and the esteem of his officers.

Let his stricken parents remember in their afflictions that their brave son died discharging his duty towards his country. Let this thought cheer and console them.

"Rest, soldier, rest; thy warfare o'er,
   Sleep the sleep that knows no waking;
Dream of battlefields no more,
   Days of danger, nights of waking."

It will be a source of gratification, no doubt, to the citizens of DeWitt county to learn that the other men of my company who have been sick are now convalescent.

Henry Davey [68th Reg.]

August 28, 1862
A Day of Joy and Sorrow.

Friday last was a day which will be long remembered by the citizens of this county. On that day the remaining companies of Col. SNELL's regiment—the 107th—left for Camp Butler.

Immediately after dinner, E. H. PALMER, Esq., Hon. L. WELDON, Mr. PORTER, a vol___ and Rev. Samuel MARTIN addressed the soldiers and citizens.

Their speeches were earnest and well-timed and exactly adapted to the occasion.

It was a source of gratification to see fathers, mothers, sisters, wives and friends accompany the soldiers to town, breaking the dearest and tenderest ties, and offering their all upon the altar of their country, and it was an occasion of joy to witness so vast a multitude crowding the ranks to defend the Old Flag, and crush, with iron heel and determined will, rebellion and treason and drive it from the face of our fair land.

"But joy and sorrow are a mingled train," as was exemplified by the closing scene of the day. At the depot, before the troops took their departure, we were called upon to witness sorrow too deep for utterance. Hearts that had all day long concealed their pent up grief, now burst forth in gushing streams of agony, and countenances across which forced smiles had flitted, were bathed in floods of scalding tears, and persons who had borne up bravely against the sorrow of the occasion put on the habiliments of sadness and mourning.

To buoy up and cheer the volunteers, young ladies sang beautiful and patriotic songs, and a speech was made by the Rev. Mr. Adams—thus beguiling the grief-ladened moments and relieving the sorrow-stricken ones.

Rev. Mr. McCOOK, and a number of ladies and gentlemen, sung "The War-Song of the Hickories" to Capt. WISMER's Hickory Guards, copies of which were furnished to the soldiers, and bibles distributed among them by the DeWitt County Bible Society.

They have gone, and how many will return is hidden in the womb of the future. We cannot expect to see them all again. Disease and battle will do its work. How many fondly loving hearts will stretch out their tendrils for a fond embrace, in vain! How many eyes will exhaust their vision, in endeavors to gaze once more upon the forms and faces of loved ones! How many ears will listen in vain for returning foot-steps! But whether our friends return to us, or not, let us find consolation and comfort in the reflection that they have but done their duty; that they died in a noble cause; that their deeds and memories will be cherished and affectionately remembered by a grateful people.

August 28, 1862
Camp at Old Town Landing, Ark., Aug. 10th, 1862

J. H. Hendrick, Esq.

Dear Sir: It is my painful duty to inform you of the death of your brother Samuel A. HENDRICK. He died yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock, after a brief illness with typhoid fever. He was not thought dangerously sick until about twenty-four hours before his death, during which time he received from his messmates, sad fellow soldiers, every kindness in their power to bestow upon one so beloved. Owing to the heat of the climate, it was necessary to bury him speedily, and accordingly, his mortal remains were interred last night at 2 o'clock. By the pale moonlight, his company followed his body to the place of burial, listened with deep feeling to the brief but touching remarks of the Chaplain, and then lowered into the grave and discharged the farewell salutes over the remains of one who was as universally beloved and respected as any man in the regiment. He was buried with all military honors, and these honors were rendered with a solemnity that showed how deep was the feeling.

I was well acquainted with your brother before I came into command of the company, and I always loved and respected him for his purity of character and his faithfulness as a soldier. I know not whether he was a professing Christian or not, but this I know, that among all the temptations and distractions of camp life, he lived a pure Christian life. His last words were, "I suppose I am dying, but I am peaceful and calm, I feel that I am ready and willing to die." He then closed his eyes and an hour afterwards breathed his last, passing away without a struggle. He was a brave and (unreadable)ful man, a soldier without fear and without reproach.

Our camp is at what is called Old Town Landing, twenty-five miles below Helena. He is buried half a mile back from the river at the edge of a clearing. I will have the grave marked with a suitable head-board. There are several other graves nearby.

Our loss is severe, yours is terrible; but we have every possible consolation that a pure and upright life and a peaceful death can afford.

Anything further that I can do, I will do gladly.

Very truly yours,

Frank Adams, 1st Lieut.
Co. K, 33d Reg. Ill. Vol.

August 28, 1862

Rev. Mr. H. B. JOHNSON, will preach the funeral sermon of Mr. Samuel A. HENDRICK, at the Baptist church in this place, on Sunday the 7th of September next.

August 28, 1862
DeWitt County and the Draft.

It is estimated that the quota of this county to fill the old regiments is 200 men to be raised by draft. If this be done, it will inflict severe injustice to the county and literally drain it of its male inhabitants.

When our boys enlisted, the understanding was that the county should be credited with the men furnished, and if the quota was made up, drafting would not be resorted to. Under this belief, 200 more than our quota was raised, which would not otherwise have been done; not that the citizens hesitated to fill the ranks, but they wished to protect the county and keep some men at home to provide for and take care of the women and children left at home.

But, we learn, the assessors of the county have enrolled all persons between the ages of 16 and 50; and it may be that the ages have been extended, and persons between those ages are liable to military duty, instead of between 18 and 45, as has heretofore been the case.

We do not speak positively, but we give it as our opinion, that if 200 men are taken out of this county, not enough will be left to attend the crops and businesses—everything else must be laid aside, wives and children left to take care of themselves as best they can, and everything in the county go to rack.

We sincerely hope that the Governor will do justice to little DeWitt, and if drafting must be done, have it done in other counties which have responded less nobly and cheerfully than ours to the various calls for troops. All we ask is [to] be credited with the men furnished; and if there is still a deficiency, then we will not complain of a draft, even if it takes every man in the county.

August 28, 1862
107th Regiment Illinois Volunteers.

We give below, the officers of the 107th Regiment, so far as they have been appointed, together with the Captains of the companies.

Colonel - Thomas SNELL
Lieut. Col. - Henry C. McCOMAS
Major - Joseph J. KELLY
Quartermaster - Barzilla CAMPBELL
Assist. Surgeon - Dr. WRIGHT
Chaplain - Rev. S. H. MARTIN
Captain - Samuel McGOWAN
Captain - Joseph J. KELLY
Captain - H. G. WISMER
Captain - James T. BROOKS
Captain - E. L. WALLER
Captian - B. S. LEWIS
Captain - Alonzo NEWTON
Captain - F. H. LOWRY
Captain - J. D. FORD

The last four are from Piatt county. It is not determined who will take command of Capt. Kelly's company. He having been appointed on the staff, there will probably be another election. The Regiment, we understand, is full—1010 men.

August 28, 1862
At Home.

William ANDREWS, Charles WILLIAMS and Jack HILDRETH, of the 41st regiment, and Isaac SYLVESTER, of the 107th regiment, are home on furlough. Sylvester is quite sick.

September 11, 1862

Field Hospital Battle Ground near Swaney's School House
[Correspondence from 20th Illinois Regiment]

Four miles from Denmark, Tenn., Sept. 2nd, 1862

Messrs. Editors:—
Although it has only been a few days since I wrote you, events have transpired which will make news from the 20th interesting to the readers of your journal.

You will recollect that my last communication was from Estinaula on the Hachee river. On Sunday, the 31st, ult., we received notice that we were about to be surrounded by a cavalry force of 6000 men, with orders from the commandant at Jackson to return to that post. We were immediately ordered to pack and load, and to destroy all that our wagons would not hold. We, the medical department, had to burn our hospital tent and a large quantity of hospital stores for want of transportation. We marched to within six miles of Jackson, when we received orders to return to Estinaula, and when we arrived near Denmark, on our return, we received a dispatch ordering us to Meden Station on the Miss. Cent. R. R. but before we had gone far we received orders to march to the mouth of Clover creek. We arrived within two miles of the last named place about 10 o'clock a.m., on the 1st, inst., our men very much fatigued as they had marched 24 hours with scarcely any rest and part of [the] time under a scorching sun. Here we were met by a cavalry force of 4000 men, according to their own statement, while our whole force did not exceed 600 men all told, and there commenced immediately one of the most glorious little battles of the war. Oh! it was a splendid sight to see the LITTLE TWENTIETH go into and maintain the fight, until the 38th, which formed our reserve guard, had time to come up. Capt. FOSTER with his cavalry company did good service, but they were only a few men. We had with us a section of SCHWARTZ's battery, but they only fired a few shots before the secesh took possession of their guns. The battle lasted about two hours and a half, when the secesh scoundrels were compelled to skedaddle. They took 30 or 40 of our men prisoners, among which number, I am sorry to say, are my assistant surgeon, hospital steward, dispenser and our chaplain.

Capt. FRISHIE commanded the 20th and it is conceded by every one that he managed the regiment admirably. He is a good officer and deserves promotion.

Col. DENNIS commanded our force and conducted the battle on our part to the satisfaction of all, both officers and men.

We gained a splendid victory. The secesh citizens buried 34 of their men today and they have about 40 wounded, according to the register of Doctor LEATHERMAN, one of their surgeons who is here with me. We have buried six up to this time, and I have fifty wounded in the hospital. The 20th had two killed on the field and one died since.

Our troops all left this morning for Meden Station, and I am left with our wounded in an out and out secesh neighborhood. How I will get along with the Confederates, or whether they will finally gobble us up, can be better told hereafter.

The following is a list of the wounded of company E:— James A. SLATTEN, since died; David SCHMIDT, in cheek; J. C. HULL, in breast severely; John SHORT, through elbow; John N. DERBY, elbow, thigh and ankle; Reuben B. GIBBS, breast and shoulder.

I will only add that company E again did credit to DeWitt county.

Yours truly,

September 25, 1862
Flag Presentation to the 107th Regiment.

Last week the flag purchased by the citizens of DeWitt county was presented to Col. Snell's regiment. The ceremonies took place at Camp Butler, where the regiment is now rendezvousing. The presentation address was made by Colonel Cone, on behalf of the citizens, which was responded to by Lieut. Col. McComas, on behalf of the regiment.

The flag is a large, beautiful standard, made of fine heavy silk, and bordered with heavy silk fringe. Across the flag, in large gold letters, are the words "107th Regiment Ill. Vol.," and upon the staff is a silver plate, with these words engraved on it, "Presented to the 107th Regiment Ill. Vol., by the citizens of DeWitt county." The cost of these colors was not less than eighty dollars.

Through the courtesy of Wm. Proud and Jas. R. Wolfe, members of Capt. Wismer's company, we are favored with the address:


Officers and soldiers of the 107th Regt. Ill. Vol.—The people of DeWitt County have sent you, by one of its citizens, a present, and asked me to make, with it, a presentation speech. No words add emphasis to the thought expressed in the simple fact that people who know you, place in your hands the Nation's Standard, with gladness, entrusting to you the highest duty and honor.—

About this banner a thousand associations are gathered. A thousand hearts will beat with quickened pulse; as its future is traced, its history will be your history. From this day you are its guardians, and it is your talisman. Wherever its folds wave, there you will gather, not for its defense alone, but to carry it in triumph onward to the Nation's utmost boundary. As you look upon it, it will preach you a sermon of duty, of pa___, of hope, and gathering about it, as one man you will find it a c__mer in many a sharp encounter. In every thread there is a prayer, a prayer for your individual, personal safety and your safe return. And when war shall cease and you return under this flag, DeWitt County will greet you, and in its people every soldier shall find father, mother, sister, brother, friends.—

Into the hands of your commanding officer this standard is now placed.—

It is yours. Let no man nor men take it from you. That you may return to us in honor is the prayer of the people of DeWitt County.


Col. Cone, on behalf of the soldiers of this regiment through you, their agent, I return to the loyal and patriotic citizens of DeWitt County our sincere thanks for the beautiful flag they have presented us. In the tragical and bloody drama that is being enacted around us, our duty is to act and not make speeches. We have counted the cost of responding to the call of our country in this hour of her peril. We may die (as many of us will) of camp disease, may fall upon the bloody field, may shuffle off this mortal coil in any of the thousand ways by which man is deprived of his existence. But whatever may befall us, we will never forget the generous people of DeWitt county or surrender the flag they have given us while there is one arm left in the 107th regiment to strike a blow in its defense.

September 25, 1862

Major GOODBRAKE, Surgeon of the 20th Regiment, Illinois Volunteers, together with Samuel DENTON, the lad who was taken prisoner by a burly seceshes and succeeded in turning the table upon his captor and leading the rebel into the federal camp, are in town. They expect to leave for the regiment tomorrow. Our readers will soon have the pleasure of reading other of the Doctor's interesting letters.

September 25, 1862
A Card from Maj. Aughinbaugh.

Editors Public:

Having been favored by the patriotic ladies of Clinton and Mt. Pleasant, with several nice cakes and bouquets, and one fine needle case—something that is very acceptable to every soldier, I tender, through your paper my heartfelt thanks for their uniform kindness, while I have been in their midst. I shall ever cherish feelings of gratitude for their kindness, and will always look back to the period of my stay in Clinton with pleasure. I feel assured that they are the soldier's friend, and I leave them a soldier's benediction. I wish all the ladies of DeWitt County the greatest prosperity and happiness.

Charlie Aughinbaugh.

October 2, 1862

107th Regiment.—Col. Snell's regiment received marching orders, and passed through Decatur Monday evening, en route for Louisville, Ky.

October 16, 1862

Jeffersonville, Ind., October 6, 1862

We left Camp Butler, the 30th of September, with the intention of stopping at Louisville, Kentucky, but in consequence of the great number of troops there, we stopped at this place (Jeffersonville) which is situated on the opposite side of the river from Louisville. Our regiment met with universal applause as we onward moved to Dixie. Great numbers of citizens met at the various stations we passed through to welcome us, and to show that they took interest for the welfare of those who have volunteered to sacrifice, if necessary, their lives for the preservation of the Union and government. We passed through Indianapolis, and thence to this place, arriving the second evening after our departure from Camp Butler. As no preparations were made for our reception, we were compelled to take it rather roughly until the next day. Two companies quartered in the depot, some in the cars, while other remained out-doors. I, with two or three friends, made some beds upon confiscated cotton, which proved very agreeable. The clear blue sky, with its magnificent decoration of stars, was my roof as I passed away the night pleasantly slumbering. Those who are not acquainted with the circumstances of a soldier's life may think the human eye could not close in slumber so situated, but we accustom ourselves to these circumstances until we can rest, and pleasantly rest, apprehending no danger. During my brief experience in soldiering, I have been blessed with reasonable health and prosperity, except two or three days' illness at Camp Butler. My enjoyment exceeds that which I anticipated, although there is a contrast favorable to a private citizen's enjoyment, were it not that the circumstances of our living involve the national prosperity of this nation. True, while your church bells are calling you to your peaceful meetings to enjoy the Sabbath in the appointed way—while the attractive voices of the congregation are mingling in one harmonious tone, and the minister acting in the noble capacity assigned him—often naught but the rude language of some vile man or the sound echoing from battle reaches our ears. Sabbaths continually interrupted by the indulgence of thoughtless men. But notwithstanding such distressing scenes and actions, there is often an attraction that contents the mind and induces it to anticipations, perhaps never to be attained. We are enjoying ourselves very much. We will leave here in a few hours for Louisville, to protect the city. It is reported that there are over two hundred thousand troops in this vicinity, while new regiments are hourly augmenting the number. Several skirmishes have taken place beyond Louisville in which our troops have been successful and I believe they continue to fight. Our soldiers are determined to accomplish noble victories and send destruction to the Confederate ranks, or receive death by their hands. Men will not rest contented while the old boat is tottering, nor while the storm beats upon her, but will dash forth to rescue. We entertain but little sympathy for the traitors. How can we respect or sympathize for them while they are committing every inhuman outrage to deprive us of fortunes and lives. As I was going up to the city, last Friday, I noticed a few men gathered about the door of a car, acting in a manner that caused me to make them a call. As I got near the place, I witnessed a scene that fired my blood. I saw a noble-looking man, stout and brave, struggling in the agonies of death, caused by the ruthless hand of some villain, who had placed poison in a pie for that intention. As I gazed at the bloodshot eye, the gritting teeth and the sadful motions of the poisoned victim, I thought, and I think yet, that if the fires of the darkest regions of hell will burn brighter and hotter, it will be at the reception of such devils of earth, and those who have rebelled against this government, when life is no more on earth. I feel that I am in the enemies' country. Doubtless, we will soon be engaged in the arduous but noble struggle for our country. soon the foe will darken around us in battle array, but He who rules the world will think of our noble cause and shield us from the destruction that seems to await us. I must cease writing for the present, as the tents are being taken up for Louisville. Give my best wishes to the citizens of DeWitt and, in conclusion, may that emblem of the purchase of our father's blood, which waved protectingly o'er our cradles, float triumphantly o'er us, when the bosom of nature has received, our will be then, lifeless bodies.

Respectfully, your friend and fellow soldier, John B. Wolfe, Jr.

October 16, 1862
Off Duty.

We had the pleasure of meeting one day last week, Maj. J. J. Kelly, of the 107th Reg. Ill. Vol. He returned home partly for relaxation from his arduous camp duties, but principally on business connected with the army.

His blooming saffron-colored complexion does not indicate the best of health, and we sincerely wish that several weeks' leave of absence had been granted him, both on his own account and ours.

After spending a day or two with his family and friends, he returned to Camp McComas, where he will be hailed with joy by all the boys of the regiment.

November 6, 1862
Aid Needed for the Soldiers.

Elisabethtown, Ky., October 29th, 1862

Brother Smith, Dear Sir:—My object in addressing you at this time is not to give you a description of our journey or the particulars of our present position but simply to say that we are suffering very severely in our regiment from yellow jaundice, flux, typhoid fever and pneumonia. The number now in our regiment, under treatment, is, I believe, eighty-one, and the comforts, in the way of luxuries and necessaries for the sick, cannot be obtained here. I thought, therefore that I would, through you, inform our friends at home, that they could confer a great favor upon the afflicted of the 107th Reg. Ill. Vol., by sending us canned fruit, such as peaches, cherries, blackberries, tomatoes and every other kind of fruit and comforts that might be necessary for the sick in the hospital. If you could send some fresh butter also it would be very acceptable.

We have established our hospital at Elisabethtown, in a very large and commodious brick building, where we can give all the necessary comforts to the sick, provided we have the means to do so, and the friends may rest assured that no pains on my part shall be spared to see their wants are attended to.

Direct to Elisabethtown, Hardin Co., Kentucky, in care of

S. H. Martin
Chaplain of the 107th Reg. Ill. Vol.

November 13, 1862

Our readers will recollect the dispatch published a week or two ago in our paper, to the effect that Col. SNELL, of the 107th regiment, was under arrest. We then knew nothing of the circumstances. Having since learned the particulars, we take pleasure in relating them as they come to us.

It will be remembered that before his regiment was mustered into service, he frequently declared he would never guard rebel property, and the sequel shows how determinedly he adhered to his vow.

Going into Kentucky, his regiment was placed under command of Gen. BUELL, who ordered him to guard certain property which he had reason to think belonged to rebels. Calling his men into line, he reminded them of his promise never to call upon them to protect the property of rebels. Three rousing cheers resounded through the air, and they resolved to stand by their commander, whereupon he was ordered to report at Louisville, there to stand trial for disobedience of orders.

When asked if he intended to persist in disobeying the command of his superior officer, he straightened himself to an unusual height, and in a clear, loud voice, expressed himself willing to do anything required of him, that would aid the country; but as to guarding rebel property, he would not do it for any living being. They might strip him of his sword and straps—degrade him to the lowest position of the army—imprison him—place him in irons—but nothing could swerve him from his purpose of disobeying that order.

This is all we know; but as the Colonel has since been at liberty, we conclude that no further notice was taken of the matter.

We learn that he is again under arrest, but upon what charge, we have not heard.

November 20, 1862

Col. SNELL, who was a second time place under arrest, as mentioned in our last issue, is again at liberty; the charges not being preferred against him. The military "powers that be" will find Col. Snell a rough plaything; they cannot toy with him; but if they treat him properly he will be a valuable acquisition to the Union Army. He will do his whole duty to his country, but he has no sympathy with the rebels, and will not deal tenderly with them.

November 20, 1862
Highly Interesting Letter from Major Kelly of the 107th Illinois—
Col. Snell Exonerated and Ably Defended.

Hd. Qrs. Detachment 107th Reg. Ill. Vol.
Nolin, Hardin County, Ky., November, 4th, 1862.

Messrs. Editors:—I have just received and read your issue of Oct. 30th, in which I find a notice of the arrest of Col. Snell at Louisville, Ky., without one word of comment from you. I infer that the notice was copied from the dispatches in some of your exchanges. Be that as it may, in order that your readers—Col. Snell's friends—and the public generally, may be correctly advised, and in order that the Col. may be relieved from any imputation of malfeasance or misfeasance in office, I submit the following statement of facts connected with our movements from Louisville to Elisabethtown, and connected with which the complaints were made which led to the Colonel's arrest.

On Monday evening, Oct. 20th, Col. Snell received orders from Gen. Boyle, commanding at Louisville, to be ready to move with his command within fifteen minutes (with forty rounds of cartridges) to Elisabethtown—forty-two miles south of Louisville—to defend the town against an expected attack by the noted rebel guerilla cavalry chief and leader, Gen. John H. Morgan, or if he should have taken the town, to drive him out. At the appointed time, the train being in readiness, we got aboard, except Captains McGowan's and Lewis's companies, which were doing picket duty. At Shepherdsville, 29 miles south of Louisville, by order of Gen. Boyle, we left Capt. Brooks' and Capt. Newton's companies, to defend that place. From thence we proceeded with the remaining six companies to Lebanon Junction, where we learned that Morgan with 1500 cavalry had taken possession of Elisabethtown. Here also we met Col. Day, of the 91st Ills., his regiment being 12 miles east of the Junction, and he telegraphed Gen. Boyle the condition of affairs; the General replied that he would send forward an extra train with 100 men of the Independent Battalion, under command of Major Raymond of the 51st Ills., and that we should proceed to "Muldraugh's Hill" and the "Tunnel," and take aboard four companies of Kentucky State troops and with these forces we were to attack Morgan. He also ordered Col. Day—he being the ranking Col.—to take command of the forces. We then proceeded to within 1½ or 2 miles of Elisabethtown, stopped the trains, unshipped our men, and formed the column preparatory to march into town. It was now about 3 o'clock Tuesday morning. Col. Day then ordered the command, against the remonstrances of several officers, to "lie on their arms" until day-dawn; his order being supreme, we were compelled to submit. So with the "turfy grass" for their bed, and the "starry canopy" for a covering, our men rested until day light. During this time we discovered a light on the line of the R. R., near the town, and a reconnoitering party was sent forward to ascertain the cause of it; but as they did not return, we inferred, and afterwards learned the party was "gobbled up" by Morgan's pickets, and taken prisoners. We next sent forward Captain Turner's company as skirmishers, who soon returned and reported that the light was caused by Morgan's men burning out a cattle guard on the R. R., near town, and that Morgan was in force in the place. During this time, Morgan and his staff, together with Col. Bruce, Col. Marshall, Major Breckenridge, six of his captains and ten lieutenants, were supping their wine and robbing the mails at "Mrs. Hill's Hotel," while his men were pillaging, stealing and destroying everything they could find, never dreaming that there were any "Yankees" nearer him than Louisville or Munfordsville. In the mean time a rebel and traitorous citizen, near whose house our forces were lying, took his horse and rode into the town and informed Morgan that a heavy Federal force was near and marching upon him; when he received this information, "true to the instincts of his nature," and as he always does when about to meet an equal force in honorable conflict, he gave orders to his men to "skedaddle," which order was strictly and promptly obeyed by his command, except by a few dare devils, who had partaken a little too freely of Kentucky bourbon whisky to be in a good condition for fast running, remained behind. At day light our forces started, Capt. Laurence's company being in the advance, and as they entered the town, fired upon those drunken butternuts, and it is believed killed one, wounded two or three and took several prisoners, two of whom dashed up to our lines, supposing, in the language of Holy writ that "one could chase a thousand and two could put ten thousand to flight," presented their pistols and demanded our surrender, this laughable farce was quickly ended by having the two rebels put under a file of soldiers as prisoners.

After taking possession of the town and properly stationing our pickets, and finding it useless to pursue Morgan's forces, they being cavalry and having two or three hours start, we commenced reconnoitering the town, and found that Morgan had robbed the post office. The mutilated letters were found scattered all over his room; the champagne bottles sitting on his table and everything indicating that he made a hasty retreat. His men had committed every kind of depredation, such as stealing, pillaging, destroying, driving Union families out of their houses, &c. &c. Col. Day then ordered us to take position on the hill near the town and be in readiness to receive him, should Morgan return to attack us. There we lay all day and night Tuesday, on the cold damp ground, without tents, blankets or provisions, except the little the boys carried in their haversacks. Col. Day established his headquarters at the hotel, never looking after the forces, and at 5 o'clock Tuesday evening left us without turning over the command to any one. On Wednesday morning, our men being nearly famished, and surrounded on all sides with rebels—the friends of Gen. Morgan—Col. Snell marched his men into town, called upon the Sheriff and ordered him to notify the citizens to immediately prepare breakfast for our hungry men. Various and many were the excuses offered by them why they could not comply with the Colonel's orders, but he, with his usual firmness, gave the people to know his commands must be obeyed, so in a short time our men were breakfasted, without expense to themselves. For this act of Col. Snell's, this act of requiring the citizens to feed our men, until our provisions could arrive from Louisville; and which act was and still is endorsed by every commissioned officer and private in the regiment. Some of the leading and prominent secessionists reported Col. Snell to Gen. Boyle, and highly magnified "the outrages committed" by us. The General ordered Col. Snell to report himself, in person, to his headquarters; the Colonel did so and was placed under arrest; but as soon as Gen. Boyle learned all the facts from Col. Snell and Capt. Wismer, who accompanied him, he discharged him honorably, and without censure, and he returned to his command the next day and was heartily welcomed back by every man in the regiment.

In adopting the course he did, to furnish his men with something to eat, he did nothing more or less than his duty—nothing more nor less than he promised them when they enlisted under him; nothing more nor less than our friends at home expected and required of him. As an example of the attachment entertained by our men, towards Col. Snell, I will state that they have presented him a magnificent saddle and accoutrements, pistols, sword, sash, belt, &c., costing near $500. No Colonel in the service can be more interested in the welfare and comfort of his men than is Col. Snell; and for his care for them, and the interest he has manifested in their welfare, they are closely attached to him. This is a history of the causes which led to his arrest; and I know the people of DeWitt county too well to believe for a moment that they will condemn the Colonel for his action in the premises.

Our men are pretty well drilled and we have a fine regiment. As regards courage and bravery, I am well assured that none can excel ours. Our expedition from Louisville demonstrated to me that this regiment will fight and never will allow the Stars and Stripes, presented us by the citizens of your county, to be dishonored. No man faltered; but every one was eager to engage in a fight with Morgan.

The health of our command is now tolerably good. On Monday morning, Nathan Parker, of Marion, private in Capt. Lewis's company, died in hospital very suddenly and unexpectedly; he was a brave and good soldier, honored and respected by all who knew him, and his afflicted and bereaved wife and friends have the sympathy of the regiment in this afflicting dispensation of Providence.

But indeed, I am trespassing, and must hastily bring my communication to a close.

A battalion of three companies, Captains Brooks, McGowan (in charge of Lieuts. McGraw and Clagg) and Lewis under my command, are at present stationed here; how long we may remain here, we do not know. We have a very pleasant locality, and all seem to be enjoying themselves as comfortably as soldiers can.

Believing that we are kindly remembered by our friends at home, and assuring you that they are not forgotten by us, I remain.

Gentlemen, yours very respectfully,


November 27, 1862


LaGrange, Tenn., Nov. 12th, 1862

Eds. Clinton Public:—We noticed an appeal in a copy of your paper of the 5th, headed Elizabethtown, Ky., Oct. 29th, to the citizens of DeWitt, over the signature of S. H. MARTIN, chaplain of the 107th Ill. Vol., asking aid for the soldiers of that regiment. Now we want to say a few words to the good citizens of DeWitt. We suppose you remember that in April 1861, a call was made for volunteers for the army. On the 19th day of April, 1861 in the town of Clinton about 103 men volunteered in a company for their country's service and went into camp at Joliet, Ill., without blankets, advance pay, or anything else. That company was company E, 20th Ill. infantry, and it has been weighed in the balance and never found wanting. They have been in more fights than any other company in the U. S. service, and in every instance, proved themselves heroes and fighting men. They went without bounty or advance pay and have been in the service 19 months, in which time they have encountered unnumbered hardships and privations and have never called upon their friends at home, for relief. The 107th, Ill., a regiment lately raised in DeWitt, and scarcely two months in the field, have taken the liberty of asking you for a few dainties (their 80 dollars bounty having run out, and their credit not being good) you being liberal, will open your lap of benevolence and supply their numerous wants. Now we would fain ask you to extend your liberality a little farther and send company E a few necessaries.

We want LINTNER's block, Jake ZORGER's saloon and 12 or 15 good milk cows, a good big, substantial churn and other things necessary to go to housekeeping. We greatly feel the need of the above things, as our tents are old and bullet scarred and it having rained for the last 24 hours. Our sutler having played out, we stand in need of the saloon, and want it well furnished. Our butter being out, we would not ask the good citizens of DeWitt to furnish us that luxury ready made; so send us the cows and we can set our convalescents to churning and then we can save the milk for our recruits. Do not think hard of our request; for seeing that a whole regiment has asked so much we thought what was left of company E (24 men) might ask for a few things and they would not be missed when so much is going to the 107th. Among other things, send us a dozen feather beds, two dozen blankets and four dozen good heavy comforts. A milk bucket and strainer would be necessary with the cows. You need not send any canned fruit, as they are too great a luxury for soldiers in company E. As to chickens, turkeys and young hogs and calves, the surrounding country yields a tolerable good supply. Perhaps we have asked too much of you, but knowing your liberality, and believing you willing to do anything for us, we ask it of you.

Direct to company "E," 20th Ill. Infantry, camped near LaGrange, Tenn., or as we are going on to Holly Springs in a few days, you might send the articles required there, and if they reach there before we do, our friend Gen. PRICE will take care of them until our arrival.

Yours &c.
Co. E, 20th

December 4, 1862


Col. WARNER, of the 41st Illinois, has resigned his position and is now at home. The 41st loses an efficient commander; and while we offer the boys our condolence, we console ourselves with the fact that, "what is their loss is our gain."

December 4, 1862

Col. T. SNELL and Capt. McGOWAN are in town. Maj. KELLY returned a day or two since with the body of Mr. WALTON, a member of Captain TURNER's Company, 107th Regiment, who died at Elizabethtown, Ky.

December 25, 1862

T___ln No. 5, Louisville and ___ville, R.R., Ky., Dec. 2nd, 1862

Editors Clinton Public:—The notice in your paper of the 27th of November, a communication headed "Army Correspondence" and dated LaGrange, Tenn., Nov. 12th, 1862, and referring to an appeal from Elizabethtown, Kentucky, over the signature of S. H. MARTIN, Chaplain of the 107th Reg. Ill. Inf., asking for aid for the soldiers of that Regiment.

The writer says, "on the 19th day of April, 1861, in the town of Clinton, about 103 men volunteered in a company for their country's service and went into camp at Joliet, Ill., without blankets, advance pay or anything else; that company was company E, 20th, Ills., Infantry, and it has been weighed in the balance and never been found wanting. They have been in more fights than any other company in the U. S. service, and in every instance found themselves fighting men, and have been in the service 19 months; in which time, they have encountered unnumbered hardships and privations; and have never called upon their friends at home for relief."

Now I remember having (while company E of the 20th was camped at Joliet) spent three days getting up dainties such as cooked chickens, cakes, pies, &c., which I took to Bloomington and sent by express to the Captain of company E. Other men who are now in the 107th spent both time and money in sending luxuries to said company E. As for blankets, I understand the good citizens of Clinton sent them at one time a large number, and I remember one David BROWN, of Mt. Pleasant, taking from that little town a two-horse load of blankets, quilts, &c., which were donated by men who are now in the 107th Reg.

He says the 107th Ills. is a Regiment lately raised in DeWitt county, and scarcely two months in the field have taken the liberty of asking you for a few dainties. Now if he will look again at the appeal, he will find that it is not the Regiment that made it but the Chaplain, who claiming to be in charge of the hospital, made the appeal for the sick, and if they did not get the dainties sent to them by the good people of DeWitt, they must hold the overseers of that institution for them, for they certainly did not come to camp, and we are told they were all used in the hospital. A friend of mine, finding a vacant space in one of the boxes, slipped in a can of fruit, directed to me in care of my Captain, the receipt of which I acknowledge; but I (paper torn) will not object to this, as I had not asked for it. ...(paper torn) eighty dollars having run out, I will simply say, that having families at home who we love and cherish, we sent it home to them.

He says, they want LINTNER's block; we hope you will let them have it, it will make them a nice place to winter in, but I am sorry they have asked for ZORGER's saloon; I fear it will demoralize them, unless you send them the best cows you have and charge them to mix well with milk.

As to the fighting qualities of the 20th we certainly are willing to accede to them all the honors they are entitled to; we know them to be a good fighting Regiment. The fighting qualities of the 107th have not been tried; we can only refer you to the opinion of John CONE, who has been drilling our regimental officers and who we believe to be an enemy to the Regiment.

We hope company E will not be jealous when they hear of the 900 pounds of cakes, turkeys, chickens, butter and other articles which are on the way to company I, of the 107th, from the hands of the ladies of Mt. Pleasant, but we did not ask for them.

In conclusion, let me say that we, of the 107th, volunteered for the purpose of fighting our country's battles, and not for the honor to be gained from newspaper puffs; we therefore have not employed any newspaper correspondents, neither do we expect to; we have, as a Regiment, not asked for the people of DeWitt anything but that which they promised us before we volunteered, nor do we expect to.

Yours &c.

H. FUNK, Company I, 107th